AR ESGR MEDCOM/SRP Event Instructions
I. Introduction:
A Medcom/SRP Event is planned, controlled and conducted by the Arkansas National Guard. These events are conducted on a monthly basis in order to ensure our Service Members meet their medical requirements and to ensure they are considered deployable.
A. Your duties/responsibilities:
· Set-up and be ready to go at least 15 min prior to the event. (Please call a fulltime staff member if you have an emergency and cannot attend – we must make sure we are represented during these events)
· Man the ESGR Booth and answer questions as they arise from our troops - If you don't know the answer, refer to our materials and or take their name and number and refer them to the fulltime staff we will make sure that we get them the appropriate answer. (Please maintain a list of name & phone number of everyone that has a concern and indicate if they need further assistance) – PLEASE DO NOT SPECTULATE AND DO NOT ATTEMPT TO INTERPRET THE LAW. After listening to their concerns remind them if they want us to informally mediate with their employer that they must call 1-800-336-4590 or request assistance on our web site at in order to start the process.
· Hand-out ESGR Materials to Service Members (SMs) as they need them.
· HIGHLY encourage all SMs to put their employer in for the Patriot Award (Make sure you give them a copy of the Nomination Form and remind them to write legibly and ensure the correct spelling of the receipt's name – how they spell it on this form will be how the award is printed! Or better yet, just encourage them to go to our web site and fill it out on line at
NOTE – The Patriot Award is the lifeblood of our awards program and is one of the very best ways we have to build strong positive relationships with our employers and we always get a SOS too! PLEASE HIGHLIGHT THIS PROGRAM!!!
· After the event is over and you have been relived from duty by the event officer in charge, pack-up all materials and return it to the Camp Robinson office unless other arrangements have been made.
Overall Goals that we wish to achieve at these events:
1. ESGR MISSION AWARNESS (We want all SMs to know who we are and what we do)
3. IMPLORE SMs to COMMUNICATE & COOPERATE with their Employer
5. ADVERTISE The Arkansas Guard’s Employment Initiative Program
1. Refer them to the Program Support Specialist (PSS)
2. Arkansas Facebook Page:
(WE WANT EVERY SM on facebook to “LIKE” our page!)
3. Announce/advertise any other EIP event, such as an employer assistance workshop or Job Fair that we may be sponsoring (If they “Like” our facebook page this will automatically keep them informed of our events)
4. Develop list of unemployed that would like to attend a workshop
6. *RECORD CONTACT INFORMATION – Complete attached USERRA inquires spreadsheet
*note: submit USERRA spreadsheet, total number of attendees briefed, volunteer hours and your mileage on the Monthly Report.
If you have any questions or concerns with this process, please email or call the full-time staff or contact our Military Outreach Director, Mr. Don Morrow.
Greg White
Wk (501) 212-4018
Cell (501) 339-3014