Meeting commenced: 11.40 a.m.

" ended: 12.30 p.m.

PRESENT: Councillor Antrobus - in the Chair

Malcolm Sykes, Peter Openshaw, Bob Osborne, Chris Findley, Steven Lee, Bill Taylor, John Howson, Andy Cartwright and Nikki Park

Item No./Subject / Action Required / Responsible Officer
1. Action Sheet arising from the Planning Lead Member Briefing held on 14th February, 2005 / Action sheet approved.
2. Key Decisions (Part 1)
(a) Update on Pendleton Masterplanning
(b) Passageway Resurfacing Schemes, Blandford Road, Seaford Road and Gerald Road, Charlestown
(c) Manchester/Salford Inner Relief Route - Granada Plc and Others -v- Salford City Council / (i) That the update on the process for the Pendleton Masterplan as outlined in the report be noted and endorsed.
(ii) That the decision on the shortlist of bidders and invitation of tenders for Stage 1 of the masterplanning be delegated to the Pendleton Steering Group.
(iii) That the timescales for the masterplanning be aligned with Phase 3 of the Housing Options Review for Pendleton.
That P. Casey Land Reclamation Limited be appointed to carry out the passageway resurfacing schemes on Blandford Road, Seaford Road and Gerald Road, Charlestown, having submitted the lowest tender.
(i) That the action authorised by the Lead Member for Planning and the Lead Member for Customer and Support Services in reaching an agreement to the level of compensation payable to Granada Plc be noted.
(ii) That the Strategic Director of Customer and Support Services be instructed to complete the legal formalities. / Bob Osborne
Steven Lee
Peter Openshaw
3. Lead Member Decisions
(Part 1)
(a) Proposed Pedestrian Improvements - Frederick Road/Camp Street Junction, Broughton
(b) Liverpool Road, Eccles - Footway Improvements / That the proposed pedestrian improvements at the Frederick Road/ Camp Street Junction, Broughton, be approved.
That Lowbury Construction Limited be appointed to carry out the footway improvements to Liverpool Road, Eccles, having submitted the lowest tender. / Steven Lee
Steven Lee
4. Decision of the Strategic Director of Housing and Planning
Footway Slurry Seal Contract 2004/05 / That the decision of the Strategic Director of Housing and Planning to accept the tender received from Coldmac Limited, in relation to the Footway Slurry Seal Contract 2004/05, be noted. / Steven Lee
5. Items for Information (Part 1)
(a) Green Streets Defensible Space Project
(b) The Introduction of Regulations to Control High Hedges
(c) Officer Delegation in Respect of Planning Applications / That the report and the decision to delete Ukraine Road, Kersal, at this stage from the proposed Defensible Space Project, be noted.
That the report be noted and that authority be delegated to the Strategic Director of Housing and Planning to deal with the determination of complaints regarding high hedges unless there were
wider neighbourhood issues or a local Councillor requested the matter be determined by the Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel.
That the proposals to extend the City Council’s Scheme of Delegation to include (a) the determination of complaints submitted under the regulations to control high hedges (Part 8 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act) and (b) changes to the extent of planning decisions delegated to the Strategic Director of Housing and Planning as detailed in the report, be supported. / Bob Osborne
Chris Findley
Chris Findley
6. Briefings/Debriefings from Other Council Meetings
Members’ Hour / That the minutes of the meeting of Planning Members’ Hour held on 16th February, 2005, be noted and the decisions contained therein be actioned. / Malcolm Sykes/Sue Mellor
7. Communications Strategy
Planning Press Releases / That a regular press release be issued containing details of appropriate planning applications to enable public awareness of planning matters to be increased. / Chris Findley
8. Any Other Business (Part 1)
(a) Manchester City Region Sub-Regional Strategy
(b) Applications for Listed Buildings Consent Leaflet
(c) Extension of the Lawns at the front of the Civic Centre, Swinton / That the information be noted.
That consideration of this item be deferred until the next Planning Lead Member Briefing.
That it be noted that work in relation to the extension of the lawns in front of the Civic Centre, Swinton, was currently being carried out and that a press release be issued publicising the action being taken. / Chris Findley
Chris Findley
Steven Lee
9. Key Decision (Part 2)
Former Site of Greenwood Primary School, Stafford Road, Ellesmere Park, Eccles / That approval be given to accept the tender submitted by Miller Homes with regard to the former site of Greenwood Primary School, Stafford Road, Ellesmere Park, Eccles, and that the Strategic Director of Customer and Support Services be authorised to complete the legal formalities. / Andy Cartwright
