EDUCAUSE Live! Participant Chat Transcript

Leaping the Chasm: Moving from Buzzwords to Implementation of Learning Analytics

February 1, 2012: 1:00 p.m. ET (UTC-5; 12:00 p.m. CT; 11:00 a.m. MT; 10:00 a.m. PT)

NOTE: The below time stamps are in Mountain Time.

_EDUCAUSE Help, Victoria Fanning: (2/1/2012 11:00) Thanks again for your participation!

_EDUCAUSE Help, Victoria Fanning: (11:00) If you have any technical difficulties, please write to EDUCAUSE Help.

_EDUCAUSE Help, Victoria Fanning: (11:00) If you experience any audio issues, please click on the Audio Issues Link in the lower right hand corner. This page will open in your browser, within a new tab or window.

_EDUCAUSE Help, Victoria Fanning: (11:00) Chat with attendees or ask the speakers a question using this chat pod or tweet using this hashtag: #EDULIVE

_EDUCAUSE Help, Victoria Fanning: (11:00) The audio recording, slides, and transcript will be available from the EDUCAUSE Live! archive later today:

Kim Arnold: (11:04) everyone knows George!

_EDUCAUSE Help, Victoria Fanning: (11:06) We'll post the slides on the EDUCAUSE Live archive page later today. In the meantime, the slides can be found here:

Diana Oblinger, EDUCAUSE: (11:09) Any time you have questions, please enter them in the chat space. And if you have information to share, URLs, etc,. add those at any time.

Naif: (11:10) about the samrt connected things

Diana Oblinger, EDUCAUSE: (11:14) Some talk about this as a maturity index.

Kim Arnold: (11:15) Data crunchers? is that what your just mentioned?

Diana Oblinger, EDUCAUSE: (11:15) Where do you feel your organization is on that maturity index? standard reports up to optimization?

Kim Arnold: (11:15) oh, nevermind, it is in the slide ntoes, you just said that

Diana Oblinger, EDUCAUSE: (11:15) I think it was Super Crunchers.

Craig Mulder: (11:16)

George Siemens: (11:18)

George Siemens: (11:18)

Shannon Smith, EDUCAUSE: (11:18) George's recent EDUCAUSE Review article:

Kim Arnold: (11:21) great talk by Ryan Baker yesterday about the difference between LAK and EDM

Nancy: (11:21) yes I found his explanation of modeling fascinating

Kim Arnold: (11:21) Looking for link

George Siemens: (11:22) @kim

George Siemens: (11:23) SNAPP

Schawn Thropp (@sethropp): (11:23)

Shannon Smith, EDUCAUSE: (11:23) Thanks @sethropp!

Diana Oblinger, EDUCAUSE: (11:24) If you have questions for George, please type them in any time.

Phil 2: (11:24) I can't get enough rain.....;)

Kim Arnold: (11:25) This lecturer position is so nice to see!

zhuhadar: (11:25) Another tool similar to SNAPP is SNAP from Stanford:

Nancy: (11:25) nice job

Naif: (11:25) Very Good Report

Naif: (11:25) Buckingham Shum, S. and Ferguson, R. (2011). Social Learning Analytics.Available as: Technical Report KMI-11-01, Knowledge Media Institute, TheOpen University, UK.

larrylugo: (11:26) The best part is to export SNAPP data to Gephi for deeper analysis

larrylugo: (11:27) and specific visualization

Diana Oblinger, EDUCAUSE: (11:28) We are about to release an annotated bibliography on analytics.

Sandra Miller: (11:28) That's great!

Joe Sharpe: (11:28) Great!

Nancy: (11:28) @Diana look forward to that

Diana Oblinger, EDUCAUSE: (11:28) Tinto has a new book coming out soon--and he talks about learning analytics.

Kim Arnold: (11:28) also a great list at mendeley

George Siemens: (11:29)

Shannon Smith, EDUCAUSE: (11:29) EDUCAUSE Resources on Analytics:

zhuhadar: (11:29) KMIarticle is a great article! It really helped me to understand the historical movement of LA.

Diana Oblinger, EDUCAUSE: (11:32) any questions for George?

Gillian: (11:32) George: have you done any work yet specifically on mobile learning?

Kelvin Bentley: (11:32) Is there a course that directors of online learning could take which woudl help us learn how to begin the process of using LA to make improvements in our online programs?

Naif: (11:33) I am having this battle with my University in UK

Schawn Thropp (@sethropp): (11:33) Q for George:What is your view of the impact of LA on the Personal Learning Environment / Personal Learning Assistant concepts floating around?

Kim Arnold: (11:33) Is anyone here aware of any work on ethics inLA?

Kyle Johnson: (11:33) With the volume of data we have to sift through, what role is there for the process of evaluating the data for it's worth. It's 'easy' to validate data but more difficult to tell if the data will yield any useful information.

Kim Arnold: (11:34) a manifesto!yes!

Kelvin Bentley: (11:34) any recommendations on how we can better track student use of technologies not tracked in LMS's such as e-textbooks, social media sites (Facebook, Twitter), Second Life, etc.

Joe Sharpe: (11:34) (Michigan State) One of my greatest challenges as an analytics librarian is harvesting data from proprietary systems programmatically. Do you know of any institutions who have successfully implemented a single analytics system that interfaces with common educational systems, like course management systems, enterprise business systems, etc.

Sylvia Rose-Ann Walker: (11:34) Reading as doing analytics: willthis get the contemporary student to actually read?

Nancy: (11:35) @Joe Sharpe is that in the academic library? Or is analytics librarian a learning analytics job title

Mary M: (11:35) Joe - thank you for asking that question!

zhuhadar: (11:35) Kelvin, George Siemens currently is teaching an online course as an open course: Learning Analytics and Knowledge 2012

Caroline: (11:35) @Joe Sharpe - UBC Arts faculty drawing on Alma Logic aVancouver based company

Joe Sharpe: (11:35) Thank you Nancy, yes - in the academic library.

George Siemens: (11:36)

Kelvin Bentley: (11:36) @zhuhadar. Thanks. Can you send the link to the course?

larrylugo: (11:36) You suggested a data-specific analysis, so, there is no a LA specific methodology?

Joe Sharpe: (11:36) @Caroline, thank you!

Shannon Smith, EDUCAUSE: (11:36) @zhuhadar, can you share link to that course?

Randy Stiles: (11:36) Thomas Davenport's book (Analytics at Work: Better Decisions, Better Results), has a helpful chapter on developing an analytical culture

Shannon Smith, EDUCAUSE: (11:36) Thanks @Kelvin!

Schawn Thropp (@sethropp): (11:36) Thanks @Randy

Kelvin Bentley: (11:37) I am wondering if we can use LA to track and predict student success in the adoption of new technologies such as e-textbooks and the other technologies I mentioned earlier.

Joel J: (11:37) link to course on LA:

Schawn Thropp (@sethropp): (11:37) LAK MOOC:

Nancy @ UIC: (11:37) You mean Pearson isn't doing it forphilantropic reasons :)

Kelvin Bentley: (11:37) @Joel J and @Schawn Thropp: Thanks!

Shannon Smith, EDUCAUSE: (11:38) Ditto

Jeroen Donkers: (11:39) That is what Erik Duval sais too!

zhuhadar: (11:39)

Naif: (11:39) opt in

Nancy: (11:40) opting in forces consideration and intent

larrylugo: (11:40) Could you suggest a step-by-step general LA methology to differentiate from SNA, IA and/or Data Mining?

Naif: (11:40) @larrylugo Thanks

Mark Conrad: (11:41) And what capacities do we need to engage in this work...

Schawn Thropp (@sethropp): (11:41) @larrylugo not sure there is a differentiation.LA methodology may combine all of those

Nancy @ UIC: (11:41) I would think defining your purpose for LA would be a major challenge as well.

Randy Stiles: (11:41) Excellent point, George

Phil 2: (11:42) Quantified Self reference:

larrylugo: (11:42) You can track and predict student success using classical statistical analysis, SNA, Data Mining, etc., so, what is LA exactly?

Joe Sharpe: (11:42) lol,. well put

Caroline: (11:44) @larrylugo - each of those are discrete - LA is the merge of these interdisciplinary approaches including ed theory, socio technical, visusalisation etc.

larrylugo: (11:44) So, LA is just to apply SNA, AI, Data Mining, etc, to educational data?

Jeroen Donkers: (11:44) Integration is very important: we need shared ontologies

Diana Oblinger, EDUCAUSE: (11:45) If you have any final questions for George, we'll take a couple of questions in a few minutes.

larrylugo: (11:45) Caroline: thanks

Caroline: (11:45) @larrylugo LA is not just applying analysis techniques to data, but to understand the learning/pedagogical intentions and outcomes and the data analysis

_EDUCAUSE Help, Victoria Fanning: (11:45) Don’t sign off yet! We have time for more Q&A. Just FYI we’d like to hear from you; please fill out our evaluation at:

larrylugo: (11:46) Jeroen Donkers: exactly! How to do that? Is there any software for doing that?

Jeroen Donkers: (11:47) I now people in Utrecht doing research on ontology mapping

Kim Arnold: (11:47) George, if you had to guess, howl ong would you say it is until we are, as a field, at data-intensive levels?

larrylugo: (11:47) Caroline: totally agreed

Nancy: (11:47) @Kim...good question...Horizon report says 4-5 years till widespread adoption i think?

Sandra Miller: (11:47) Just developing the right questions to ask is really critical. some of us are still at that stage

Joe Sharpe: (11:48) @Sandra Miller,agree 100%

George Siemens: (11:48)

Nancy: (11:49) getting rid of "courses" much learning time would be saved!

Joe Sharpe: (11:49) lol, wow, transparency?

larrylugo: (11:49) Ok, now several answers

Randy Stiles: (11:49) Excellent course

Jeroen Donkers: (11:50) agee, I'm in too!

Vincent Miller: (11:50) Great job!

Jeff Grann: (11:50) Do institutions measure student learning well? I think NILOA found assessment hasn’t penetrated into programs very deeply.

Kim Arnold: (11:50) sometimes LA seems overwhelming

Lynne Hamre - St. Scholastica: (11:50) I missed the url for the conference.Could you post it again?

Kim Arnold: (11:50) especially since it is, like George said, very enviornment/institution specific

Diana Oblinger, EDUCAUSE: (11:51)

Caroline: (11:51) LAK12:

Kim Arnold: (11:51)

Naif: (11:52) I did not find the project you've mentioned here

Jeroen Donkers: (11:52) Bottom up approach is good - that is what we do here too.

Randy Stiles: (11:53) Good point - establish a team of analysts across the institution

Malcolm Brown: (11:53) The ELI will be conducting its April focus session on learning analytics (April 11-12, 2012; online)

larrylugo: (11:53) I've just use SNA + multiple correlations methods (linear and non linear) to predict around 66% of student record. Is not complicated/comprehensive enough?

Phil: (11:53) Open Learning Analytics paper ->

Ana Cristina Pratas: (11:54) Many thanks to all who have posted links to articles!

Naif: (11:55) @Phil Thanks

Julie Little, EDUCAUSE: (11:55) ELI Spring Focus Session on Learning Analytics Malcolm just mentioned. More info available via:

Jeroen Donkers: (11:56) should questions not originate from the theory?

George Siemens: (11:58) @Jeroen - yes and no

_EDUCAUSE Help, Victoria Fanning: (11:59) Thank you again for attending! Don’t forget to fill out our evaluation: We really appreciate your comments!

_EDUCAUSE Help, Victoria Fanning: (11:59) The next EDUCAUSE Live! date and topic will be posted soon. Feel free to share this webinar with your colleagues. Archives and upcoming events are available at:

DePauw University: (11:59) Fantastic session

Amy Cohen: (11:59) thanks!

Abram: (11:59) Thanks

Jeroen Donkers: (11:59) thank you, George!

Kelvin Bentley: (11:59) very interesting session. thank you!

smithey: (12:00) Thank you George and

George Siemens: (12:00) Thanks all for your questions and comments!

Sandra Miller: (12:00) Thank you!

Lisa Spiro: (12:00) Thanks!

Victoria PLL: (12:00) Thank you !

Cathie: (12:00) Thank you George!

S Porter: (12:00) Excellent session, thank you!

Simone Laughton: (12:00) Thank you George

Sylvia Rose-Ann Walker: (12:00) Very enlightenin. thanks.

Ana Cristina Pratas: (12:00) Thank you George and Educause!

Schawn Thropp (@sethropp): (12:00) Thanks George, see you in #LAK12 land

Steve Rholl - St. Olaf College: (12:00) Thank you Diana and George

Kelvin Bentley: (12:00) George: Is it too late to join your LA online course?

zhuhadar: (12:00) Thank you! It was an excellent session.

Randy Stiles: (12:00) Thanks George and Diana

Joe Sharpe: (12:00) Thank you!

Qin Li: (12:00) Thank you George and Educause!

Mary M: (12:00) Thank you!

George Siemens: (12:00) @Kelvin - no, feel free to join!

Vincent Miller: (12:00) Thank you!

Kelvin Bentley: (12:00) @George: Thanks!

James Ballard: (12:00) thanks