60 years have passed since the Korean War was provoked by the U.S. imperialists

Dear friends,

We send our warm greetings of Korean Committee for Solidarity with World People.

60 years have passed since the Korean War was provoked by the U.S. imperialists. But the U.S. imperialists have worked hard to cover up their true colors as war provocateurs and aggressors and shift the blame on to the DPRK while falsifying the truth of history.

The Korean Central News Agency released a memorandum laying bare the truth about how the U.S. imperialists launched the Korean War of aggression.

The memorandum says as follows:

The U.S. imperialists who occupied south Korea unhindered with the defeat of Japanese imperialism, worked out and completed World War scenario including the Korean War in full-scale.

The U.S. imperialists organized G-2 and G-3 at the MacArthur Command which worked out and completed “Plan A, B and C” envisaging the occupation of Korea, Manchuria and Siberia for years.

“This was agreed upon at the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff in January 1950 at the instruction of Truman and ratified at the U.S. National Security Council on April 2 to provoke the Korean War.” (New York Times, April 13th, 1964)

The U.S. imperialists started organizing the south Korean puppet army as part of the preparations for the war of aggression.

To this end, the U.S. imperialists increased the strength of the south Korean puppet army in a phased way to make it ten times as much as that of troops in the north. The puppet army was educated and trained the American way and in this course the U.S. established its prerogative of the supreme command over it.

According to the “war theory at the second phase” the U.S. imperialists ordered the south Korean puppet army to start a war, and organized the aggression troops in the offensive formation in order to allow the future involvement of the U.S. forces.

The U.S. imperialists carried out unheard-of deception and camouflage offensives to commit ceaseless armed provocations against the northern half of Korea, ensure surprise attacks in the Korean War and shift the responsibility for the provocation of the war on to the DPRK.

The number of armed provocations perpetuated by the south Korean puppet army totaled more than 5150 in three and half years from 1947 to right before the out break of the war.

The U.S. directly organized and commanded armed provocations in areas along the 38th parallel.

The Korean War was by no means the result of a sudden conflict at dawn on June 25, 1950. For several years before the outbreak of the war, conflicts persisted between the two sides on the peninsula and they grew fiercer under the pressure of Seoul in 1949. It was the view of some experts on the Korean issue that the Korean War actually started that year.

According to the scenario of the U.S. imperialists, Syngman Rhee lifted an emergency martial law, allowed outing and outdoor lodging of the puppet troops and organized dinner parties as part of deception and camouflage offensives in a bid to cover up the true colors as provocateurs of a war just before the outbreak of the war.

In order to inspect and confirm on the spot the preparations for the war and issue a Zero hour, Truman dispatched the then U.S. Secretary of Defense Johnson and the then Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of staff Bradley to the MacArthur Command in Tokyo and Adviser to the U.S. Department of State Dulles to south Korea as his special envoy. Dulles’s visit to Seoul was to give the green light to the attack and assure Syngman Rhee at the highest level of the U.S. navy and air force support.

The secret war order confirmed by Dulles on the spot and finally approved by Truman was given to the Syngman Rhee puppet army.

Chae Pyong Dok, chief of the General Staff of the south Korean puppet army, issued on June 21, 1950 an order to the 1st and 2nd combat commands to commence attack on the northern half of Korean at dawn on June 25.

According to this operational plan, the south Korean puppet army launched a surprise armed invasion against the northern half of Korea in all areas along the 38th parallel at 4 a.m. on June 25 under the command of the U.S. military advisors.

The U.S. imperialists abused UN in order to cover up their true colors as war provocateurs and aggressors and shift the responsibility for the outbreak of the war on to the DPRK and launch all-out armed invasion against the DPRK.

A meeting of the UNSC was held on June 25, 1950 due to the gimmick of the U.S. imperialists and their brigandish demand and it adopted a “resolution” terming the invasion against the north “the invasion against the south.”

The U.S. imperialists tried to “legalize” their aggression through UNSC ”resolutions”.

The UN, 2-3 hours after Truman declared that the U.S. forces are going into actions, adopted a “resolution” calling upon all the member states to give assistance to south Korea.

The history has already rightly proved the injustice of the UNSC “resolutions.”

Whenever an opportunity presented itself they underscored the “necessity for the Syngman Rhee puppet clique to make the world recognize that south Korea was the first to be attacked,” thus kicking off a false propaganda offensive about the “conquest of the south” and “southward expedition”.

The U.S. imperialists craftily fabricated stories that the launch of the Korean War was “a surprise attack from the north” and an “entirely sudden event.”

MacArthur who was the main player in starting the Korean War admitted that this war was his plan.

The U.S. imperialists could not utter even a single word for the time being when the truth behind the provocation of the Korean War was disclosed by the secret documents confiscated by the Korean People’s Army when liberating Seoul during the war. But they came out with false documents in May 1951 to “prove” the “June 25 invasion of the south” and worked hard to falsify the truth behind the start of the war.

Even in the post-war period, too, they employed old methods to evade the responsibility for the provocation of the Korean War. In the meantime they came out with “the proposal for joint assessment between the belligerent parties” in which lighting through the declassification according to the “free information act” and the open-door policy of the Eastern Europe were craftily used in a bid to persistently distort the history of the provocation of the war. When the Cold War was over, they tried to play down and write off the truth behind the provocation of the war from the stand of strength guided by the American “philosophy”.

The above-said moves of the U.S. imperialists and their stooges to falsify the truth about the provocation of the Korean War and fake up stories about it are aimed at perpetuating their presence in south Korea and starting another Korean war for world domination.

No matter what gimmick the U.S. imperialists may employ, they can never hide their true colors as provokers of the Korean War and aggressors, concluded the memorandum.

We, the Korean Committee for Solidarity with the World People, firmly believes that you and your organizations, who love peace and justice, will strongly denounce the new war provocative maneuvers of the U.S. imperialists who is going to provoke the second Korean War and will fully support the Korean peoples’ just cause for the independent and peaceful reunification of the country.

With best regards.

Source: by email from Pyongyang 1 July 2010