RA ID: CR0024

Change Request

for the update of ISO 20022 financial repository items

  1. Origin of the request:

A.1 Submitter: Federation of Finnish Financial Services on the 2010-05-31.

A.2 Contact person:

Harri Rantanen / / +358 9 616 28127
Pirjo Ilola / / +358 20 793 4255


Federation of Finnish Financial Services (

Related messages:




  1. Description of the change request:

To add a similar MessagePagination (GrpHdr/MsgPgntn) structure context to

-Report (Rpt) level on camt.052.001.02 message

-Statement (Stmt) level on camt.053.001.02 message

-Notification (Ntfctn) level on camt.054.002.02 message

Referring to Payments_Maintenance_2009.pdf (Payments - Maintenance 2009 / Approved by the Payments SEG on 30 March 2009) and its definitions the MessagePagination tag is in the same place for all three reporting messages: GrpHdr/MsgPgntn (Index 1.4).

This Pagination structure should appear also on the each three reporting message as a part of the reported instance on its main level (Rpt, Stmt and Ntfctn). Types of the added tags are:


  • Rpt/Pgntn (inherited from ISO 20022 element Pagination 8.1) with elements PgNb (PageNumber) and LastPgInd (LastPageIndicator)
  • Non-mandatory element with one instance per one Rpt-instance.


  • Stmt/Pgntn (inherited from ISO 20022 element Pagination 8.1) with elements PgNb (PageNumber) and LastPgInd (LastPageIndicator)
  • Non-mandatory element with one instance per one Stmt-instance.


  • Ntfctn/Pgntn (inherited from ISO 20022 element Pagination 8.1) with elements PgNb (PageNumber) and LastPgInd (LastPageIndicator)
  • Non-mandatory element with one instance per one Ntfctn-instance.

-Added Pagination tag should appear in each three message after Id-tag (2.1) and before ElectronicSequenceNumber (2.2).

  1. Purpose of the change:

Having Pagination structure only on message level cannot solve explicitly the problem of splitting one report (Report, Statement or Notification) on two separate messages. Therefore each report must have a possibility to populate pagination on report level.

  1. Urgency of the request:

Next ISO 20022 version for camt.052.001.03, camt.053.001.03 and camt.054.001.03.

  1. Business examples:

Message pagination is meant for message split due to technical reasons at reporting bank. As within many banking communities (like Finland) the electronic statement is a legal document for customers’ General Ledger processing there has to be a possibility for customer / reading application to combine reported documents in audit trail tracking purposes that might be split into several pages within same or multiple messages. Therefore only option to manage this is that reporting institution uses reporting level pagination to indicate for the reader the order of each page of the report and position/sequenceof the transactions within it. Using report pagination also enables the reporting institution to use Opening and closing booked balances on first and last page of the report.

In Finland, the current local statement format, is having electronic sequence numbering of the entries that ensure (and are used in some cases as G/L voucher numbers) original transaction reporting at customer end with the same order that the reporting bank has done it originally. As in camt-messages the entries (transactions) are not numbered sequentially by dedicated entry-level tag, customer reading the report has to have a explicit way of combine the split/paginated parts of the statement to get the reported entries into their systems in the same order as they have been reported by their banks. The message pagination in this case is not enough since the report parts may be scattered within separate messages in order to optimise the split logic in the reporting bank. Report level pagination gives reading customer / application possibility to solve this situation.

  1. SEG recommendation:

This section is not to be taken care of by the submitter of the change request. It will be completed in due time by the SEG(s) in charge of the related ISO 20022 messages.

Consider / Timing
- Next yearly cycle: 2010/2011
(the change will be considered for implementation in the yearly maintenance cycle which starts in 2010 and completes with the publication of new message versions in the spring of 2011) / Priority:
- At the occasion of the next maintenance of the messages
(the change will be considered for implementation, but does not justify maintenance of the messages in its own right – will be pending until more critical change requests are received for the messages)
- Urgent unscheduled
(the change justifies an urgent implementation outside of the normal yearly cycle)
- Other timing:



Reason for rejection:

CR0024_Finland_StmtPgntn_v1 Produced by Federation of Finnish Financial ServicesPage 1