19 February 2018


For India, it should be neighbourhood first

India shall give its fullest attention to south Asia first. It is essential for its claims to regional leadership. India’s growing stature in International affairs do not compensate its loss in Neighbourhood. Developments in the region are becoming unstable and need a greener attention.


Collapse of policy on Pakistan has led to ceasefire violations and increased terror attacks across the border.


Collapse of state in Afghanistan appears imminent like never before. Terrorism and lack of control for Kabul on provinces, increasing chieftains reflect weakness of the state.


Myanmar is on the verge of a democratic crisis with imposition of Emergency. It has come close to china lie never before. Strategically, it serves interests of China in Indian Ocean region.


Conviction and arrest of opposition leader Khaleeda Zia has created a political space for opposition and radical elements are expected to fill that.


PM Oli govt appears not very friendly for India. Anti Indian sentiment are on rise.

Doctors for rural India

Man power shortage hurts rural Indian health Scenario. An alternative cadre of medical practitioners can be created for rural India to work at sub centre level. LMP (licentiate Medical practitioners) existed before Bhore committee recommendations. It can be revived with proper training.

But, it can be criticised as sub standard services are being delivered to rural India. so, creating a sync between existing MBBS and LMP courses is going to be a biggest challenge.

Alliance Divided

National unity govt has come to power on promises of reconciliation, good governance and development. Narrow political interests and transient political developments shall not derail them.

Directing reforms

Supreme Court of India held that -

  1. candidates contesting elections need to declare source of income.
  2. A permanent mechanism has to be set to investigate any phenomenal jump in assets after getting elected by a candidate.
  3. It has made it clear that non disclosure of its assets and their sources would amount to a corrupt practice under section 123 of representation of peoples act 1951.

so, informed citizenry and transparent candidature are expected to drive electoral reforms in the future.

The voice of Pakistan voiceless

Asma Jahangir will be remembered as a fearless advocate for rule of law and human rights in Pakistan.

The Huddle by Hindu

Breaking the Chinese whispers

  1. India shall take China’s rise as given and work its strategy against that backdrop - shiv Shankar Menon.
  2. Border dispute shall not derail cooperation and engagement in other areas.

Keep the economy humming

India need to give top priority to restore health of our banks and to improve private investment cycle.