St Joseph’s Tea Time Club

September 2016

Welcome to St Joseph’s Tea Time Club.

Inside this brochure is an exciting journey around

ourchildren’s club.

Please open up and take a look.

Our Mission Statement

St Joseph’s Tea Time Club has an equal opportunities policy

relating to all the staff and children. It is a reflection of the

club’s mission statement:

“To provide reliable, safe and consistent after school care,

which will meet the needs of individual children and their parents/guardians at a reasonable cost while reflecting the

highest standards”

Important Information

  • Tea Time Club is open from Monday to Friday,

term time only.

  • Tea Time Club is located in St Mary’s building.
  • Our opening hours are 3.15pm to 5.45pm
  • We ask that your children are collected

between 5.30pm and 5.45pm.

  • We welcome children from early years to year 6

and can accommodate up to 76 children per session.

  • The cost per session is £7.25 per child per session.

Charter Mark

Charter Mark is the government’s national standard for

customer service excellence. Achievement of the standard is

recognised by awarding the right to display the prestigious

Charter Mark logo. The Cabinet Office owns Charter Mark

but recognition that an organisation meets it’s requirements is

only made following a successful assessment by one of

the four certification bodies.

Charter Mark holders have demonstrated that they offer

choice to their customers so that a wide range of needs are

catered for. The benefits of new technology are maximised.

Users and staff are consulted on where choices can be made. Communities have a say in the deign and delivery of local

services. St Joseph’s has held the standard since 2003.

Investors in People

The Investors in People Standard is a business improvement

tool designed to advance an organisation’s performance

through it’s people.

Developed in 1990 by a partnership of leading business and

national organisations, the Standard helps organisations to

improve performance and realise objectives through the

management and development of their people. Since it was

developed, the Standard has been reviewed every three

years to ensure that it remains relevant, accessible and

attractive to all. St. Joseph’s has held the standard since

1994 and has been reassessed on several occasions. It

illustrates our commitment to high quality training for our

workforce to deliver high quality care.


Prior to your child attending Tea Time Club, you will need to

complete a registration form. This form gives us information

about your child and the days that you wish them to attend.

It assists us in fulfilling your child’s needs and provides us

with essential information in order to process the application.


Payments can be made, in advance, to Mrs. Lesley Wawman and Mrs Fiona Woodall at Tea Time Club. We will accept

payments for both individual and multiple sessions.

Payment can be made in cash or by cheque made out to

“St Joseph’s Childcare Group - TTC”

Remember: if you are in full time education, on supplementary benefit or receive Tax Credits, you may be eligible for assistance with your childcare payments.

Tea Time Club also accepts childcare vouchers.

The Management Team

Our team consists of:

Mr W James – Headteacher

Mrs L Wawman – Manager

Mrs F Woodall – Deputy Manager/ Indoor co-ordinator

Mrs J Cairns – Outdoor co-ordinator

Mrs C Brown and Mrs L Christian– Oversee Arts and Crafts

We also have a number of assistants on a ration of

1 adult to 8 children, which allows for maximum supervision.

Our Aim

Tea Time Club aims to provide a safe, caring, sharing and

fun environment, which allows our children to grow and

learn in an extended family. We arrange various activities

to suit all ages and abilities and encourage all our children

to be responsible and considerate to each other.

Our Day

  • Registration takes place in St. Mary’s Hall between

3.15 pm and 3.30pm.

  • Here our children change into their play clothes,

ready for the activities ahead.

  • Please could you ensure that suitable

clothing is provided.

  • Children are escorted to the playground where,

weather permitting, we participate in outdoor


  • Halfway through the session, we provide a snack attack;

this consists of a healthy snack and a drink. Children

are welcome to bring in their own treats.

If your child has any dietary requirements we will do

our very best to accommodate them.

  • Further seasonal activities are planned for each day.

If you have any ideas or suggestions, we are always

happy to receive them and welcome visitors to our club

at any time. However, could you please make yourself

known to a member of staff and please sign in.

  • Any children attending clubs after school hours will be collected by a member of staff from Tea Time Club and taken safely to St. Mary’s Building.
  • Between 5.30pm and 5.45pm your children will be ready

for collection.

Tea Time Club’s Snack Attack

At Tea Time Club, we provide snacks for the children

halfway through the session. We have a range of various

snacks to choose from every night. We have a rotational

system that we use in order to provide equal opportunities

for all of the children who attend Tea Time Club on different days.

Some of the snacks that we provide include;

  • Toast with various toppings e.g. jam, honey, chocolate spread
  • Orange or Blackcurrant squash
  • Water
  • Crackers with cream cheese
  • Wraps/sandwiches with various fillings e.g. ham, cheese, tuna
  • Chocolate milkshakes/hot chocolate
  • Milk
  • Crumpets
  • Various flavoured yoghurts
  • Various fruits
  • Jellies
  • Fairy cakes
  • Mini pancakes
  • Fruit bread
  • Gingerbread men
  • Flapjacks
  • Rice Crispy treats

Plus many more different snacks to choose from!!

First Aid

At all times we have a qualified first aider on

the school premises who are kept up to date on all aspects

of children’s health. A fully equipped first aid box is kept at

Tea Time Club and in the unlikely event of an accident a record

is maintained in our accident book.

In order to adhere to St Joseph’s policy on nut allergies, any

snacks which are provided are all from an approved school list.

We would also ask parents to be aware of this policy

when providing their children with additional snacks.

Our permanent members of staff are Epipen trained and we

ask all parents to keep us updated on any medical needs their

child may have.

Requests from our Team

In order to assist us with the efficient running of our

Tea Time Club, we would ask Parents/Guardians to follow the

requests below:

  1. Please could all parents/guardians remember to keep their children’s records up to date. These include emergency contact numbers and any medical information and allergies.
  1. If your child brings in any additional treats, please ensure that they adhere to the school’s nut policy.
  1. Could you please ensure that all children are collected on time and are signed out, for their protection.
  1. If you are going to be late, please contact T.T.C. as soon as possible on our number; 07774545415.
  1. Should you require another adult to collect your child, please notify Mrs Wawman or Mrs Woodall in advance.
  1. If you have any concerns or issues, please do not hesitate to contact one of the team who will be happy to assist you.

Terms and Conditions.

  1. Payment is charged at £7.25 per session and is invoiced termly and is payable in ADVANCEat the start of each half term.
  1. All booked sessions (either advanced or not) will be charged for, even if they are not used, (this includes illness, holidays etc).
  1. If sessions are not taken up for a period of two weeks (without prior communication) the sessions will be cancelled and offered to other parents. The session will be charged for.
  1. If a child is sent home from school ill, then the session will be charged for.
  1. If we do not receive at least one week’s notice (5 school days) in advance about a cancellation, then parents will be expected to pay for a session.
  1. St. Joseph’s Tea Time Club reserves the right to withdraw places at any time.
  1. There will be a late payment fee charged of £10.00 for each week that the fees are late. (This will be strictly enforced).
  1. There will be a late pick up fee charged at £5.00 per child (for every half an hour) for each day that your child is late being picked up (pick up time is 5.45pm). This is payable on the day.

Felxibility: We offer flexibility to move booked days within a given week, when paid for in advance.

We can only guarantee a place if they are booked in advance. Additional sessions can only be booked if we have places available. If you need your child to attend a session you must phone the office or text/call the Tea Time phone and ask if there is a place available.

Contact Numbers.

Contact Mrs Wawman for information about Tea Time Club on:


St Joseph’s tea Time Club, Bridge Road, Aldershot GU11 3DD Tel 01252 350583 September 2016