Avondale Run Homeowners Association, Inc.
P. O. Box 2115
Westminster, MD 21158
Fall 2014 Newsletter
Board Meetings
The next three Board Meetings will be held on the following dates. The Board Meetings are held at Grace Fellowship Chapel, 20 Bell Road, Westminster, MD 21158 at 7:00 PM (go down the outside stairs to the basement). The Board invites all interested residents to attend. At the Board Meeting homeowners are given an opportunity to express any concerns they may have.
4 November 3, 2014 4 December 1, 2014
Back to School
It’s that time of year again. The community children are back to school, and waiting at the designated bus stops. Kids, especially young ones, are easily distracted and may not pay attention to cars when crossing the streets to go to their stops. Drivers need to be extra cautious around children playing at the bus stops. Any parents waiting in cars at the bus stop need to keep in mind that they should park in such a way that they are not obstructing traffic. Please be safe and watch your speed around these locations.
Leaf Vac schedule
Westminster Leaf Vacuum schedule starts on October 5th. This service runs through the second week in December, but is subject to change. Please place your leaves in the street, but try to keep away from the gutters, as this creates blockage in the City’s storm drainage system. Please try to place leaves in the location that gives the Vacuum unit the best access. In December, once the last pick-up is scheduled, you will need to place your leaves in the brown paper bags for recycling pick-up. No more raking in the streets.
Halloween falls on a Friday evening this year which will cause more children to be out than usual. Residents who welcome young visitors are urged to turn on outdoor lights. Trick or treating is permitted from 6:00-8:00pm. Motorists should be very cautious when driving through the community for children running across the streets. Parents should try to keep costumes short to prevent trips and falls. Let’s have fun.
Downtown Westminster Farmer’s Market
Every Saturday through Thanksgiving is the Downtown Westminster Farmer’s Market open from 8:00am-12:00pm. You can buy products that were locally grown and produced. You can enjoy bringing together the members of our community in a family friendly atmosphere. Check it out, located in the large Municipal parking lot (the Conaway lot) on Rt. 27/Railroad Avenue in Downtown Westminster.
Trash Reminders
The Board continues to receive complaints about people leaving their trash cans in the front yard. No trash cans, trash bags, recyclable containers, etc. should be kept in the front yard. All trash and trash receptacles should be kept in the back yard. If you have a fence, all trash and trash receptacles should be kept behind the fence. Do not put any trash or trash receptacles on the HOA open space. Never put any trash, trash receptacles or bulk trash on the corners of the townhome parking lots. Report any trash violations to the Board at . Thank you for your cooperation in keeping Avondale Run a clean and beautiful community.
Tree Maintenance
There are a tremendous number of trees throughout the community that were planted by the developer and in open spaces adjacent to homeowner’s lots. The Board budgets annually to spend dollars to trim trees that are in the pathways of common sidewalks. This is to allow homeowners to walk without having to duck under tree limbs.
However, trees that have limbs extending on a homeowners property need to be trimmed by the adjacent homeowner. If you have any additional concerns regarding these issues, the Board invites you to attend the next HOA meeting.
Wakefield Valley Task Force
The Mayor and Common Council have appointed a Wakefield Valley Golf Course Task Force for the longer term planning for the use of the property. We are fortunate to have volunteers from our community on this task force looking out for our interests. In the meantime, the City will maintain the walking trails and ponds to allow the public to use these. The bridges will be repaired to provide a continuous path. We are confident the task force will continue to keep us informed throughout this process and work together to benefit all of Westminster residents.
Non-Operable Vehicles, tagged and un-tagged
No Abandoned vehicles with broken windows and flat tires, whether tagged or untagged are allowed in the townhomes on overflow spots. Please move these unsightly vehicles out of the community. Violation letters and fines are being sent. Keep our community beautiful, and be considerate of neighbors.
Visit our community website at www.avondalerunhoa.com