Office of the Children’s Commissioner

Application Form

Please carefully read the job description and then complete this form including the equalopportunities form as fully as possible. Please use BLACK ink because your application form will be photocopied.

Your answers will be treated as confidential. All information that we hold concerning you as an individual will be held and processed by Office of the Children’s Commissionerstrictly in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998. Full details of our Privacy Policy can be found at

The post applied for
Position / How did you hear about this vacancy?

Your personal details

Title / First Name / Surname
Post Code
Home/mobile telephone / Work telephone
Email address
National Insurance Number:
Are you eligible to work in EU?
Yes / No
If no, please give further details:
Details of your current or most recent job
Name and address of your employer
Date of joining / Date of leaving
Notice required / Current salary
Current job title
Please describe below your responsibilities and achievements while in this job.
Responsibilities / Achievements
Reason for leaving
Details of your previous jobs
Please give details of your previous jobs starting with the most recent first. Please account for any breaks in your employment history. Continue on another page if necessary; please make sure it has your name on it.
Name and address of employer / Job title & brief description of responsibilities & achievements / From / To / Final Salary / Reason for leaving
Details of your education & training
Please give details of the schools or colleges you went to, and the qualifications you gained. Please also give details of any other training you have had. If you do not have UK qualifications, an equivalent recognised qualification is acceptable. Details included on your CV will be acceptable for this section.
School/College / Type of qualification / Subject / Grade / Date

What professional qualifications have you gained?

Please give the level of membership you have achieved, and the date you completed.

What training courses have you attended?

Please give details of the course and the date you completed.

How do you meet our requirements for the job?

Using no more than 1,000 words, please describe how your experience, knowledge and skills meet the competencies/requirements for the job you are applying for. You may continue on additional pages if necessary, but please make sure that they are numbered, and that each one has your name on it.

Child Protection Declaration Form and Declaration of Criminal Convictions

Please give details of any criminal convictions that are not “spent” as defined by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act. If you are offered the position you will be required to complete a Disclosure and Baring (DBS) check. Write “none” if you have no information to declare.
Are you on a list of people that are barred from working with Children & Young people?
Yes / No
Has any social service department, police service or the NSPCC ever conducted an inquiry or investigation into any allegations or concerns that you may pose an actual or potential risk to children or young people?
Yes / No
Have you ever been convicted of any offence relating to children or young people?
Yes / No
Have you ever been the subject of disciplinary procedures, or been asked to leave employment or voluntary activity, due to inappropriate behaviour towards a child or young person?
Yes / No


Any offer of employment with OCCwill be subject to acceptable references being received; however we will not approach anyone before we have offered you the job. Please give the names and addresses of two people whom we may ask for references. They must be able to comment on your suitability for the job, and must include your current (or most recent) an employer.
Name / Job Title
How does this person know you?
Full Postal Address
Telephone number
Email address:
Name / Job Title
How does this person know you?
Full Postal Address
Telephone number
Email address:
Availability for interview
Please indicate any dates when you are NOT likely to be available to attend an interview within four weeks of the closing date:
I declare that the information I have provided is correct to the best of my knowledge. I consent to OCC taking steps to verify any information if I am called to interview. I understand that any false statement may be grounds for dismissal if I am appointed.
Signature / Date

Please email your completed application form to:

Equal opportunities & diversity
Monitoring form

Private and Confidential

You don’t have to fill out this form if you don’t want to, but it helps us if you do. We want to ensure that our recruitment and selection process are fair and equal. What you tell us here will not be linked to your name and application.
Are you
(please circle): / Male
Female / Transgender / Prefer not to say
Do you have: / Dependant children?
Yes / No / and/or / Other dependants
Yes/ No

Your ethnic origin and age

What is your age: ______
A White
 British
Traveller of Irish heritage
Any other white background
B Mixed
 White and Black Caribbean
 White and Black African
 White and Asian
 Any other Mixed background
 Other group (please write in) ______
C Asian or Asian British
 Indian
 Pakistani
 Bangladeshi
 Any other Asian background (please write in)______
D Black or Black British
 African
 any other Black background (please write in)______
E Chinese or other ethnic group
 Chinese
 Prefer not to say
What is your sexual orientation?
Heterosexual / straight
Gay or lesbian
 Bisexual
 Unsure
 Other
 Prefer not to say
Do you consider yourself to be disabled?
(please circle) / Yes No Prefer not to say
Your religion or faith?
 Buddhist
 Hindu
 Jewish
 Muslim
 Other religion
 No religion
 Prefer not to say