
* Geographically Weighted Regression *

* Release 3.0.1 *

* Dated: 06-vii-2003 *

* *

* Martin Charlton, Chris Brunsdon *

* Stewart Fotheringham *

* (c) University of Newcastle upon Tyne *


Program starts at: Wed Mar 26 17:40:14 2008

** Program limits:

** Maximum number of variables..... 52

** Maximum number of observations.. 80000

** Maximum number of fit locations. 80000


** Observed data file: C:\GWR3\SampleData\fondidatiA.csv

** Prediction location file: Estimation at sample point locations

** Result output file:

** Variables in the data file...


** Dependent (y) variable...... LOGDIP

** Easting (x-coord) variable.....LATITU

** Northing (y-coord) variable.....LONGIT

** No weight variable specified

** Independent variables in your model...


** Kernel type: Adaptive

** Kernel shape: Bi-Square

** Bandwidth selection by AICc minimisation

** Use all regression points

** Calibration history requested

** Prediction report requested

** No output estimates to be written to file

** Monte Carlo significance tests for spatial variation

** Casewise diagnostics to be printed

*** Analysis method ***

*** Geographically weighted multiple regression

** Cartesian coordinates: Euclidean Distance


* *


* *


Number of data cases read: 64

Observation points read...

Dependent mean= 0.0504999906

Number of observations, nobs= 64

Number of predictors, nvar= 3

Observation Easting extent: 1860669.

Observation Northing extent: 2069320.

*Finding bandwidth...

... using all regression points

This can take some time...

*Calibration will be based on 64 cases

*Adaptive kernel sample size limits: 10 64

*AICc minimisation begins...

Bandwidth AICc

26.686917730000 -321.283734667649

37.000000000000 -325.219991291447

47.313082270000 -330.627388020544

53.686917654526 -332.869108143495

57.626164568828 -333.243525902038

60.060753056870 -333.531446280979

61.565411494142 -333.334344583844

59.130823006101 -333.601278974608

** Convergence after 8 function calls

** Convergence: Local Sample Size= 59




Diagnostic information...

Residual sum of squares...... 0.020586

Effective number of parameters.. 4.000000

Sigma...... 0.018523

Akaike Information Criterion.... -322.031047

Coefficient of Determination.... 0.404340

Adjusted r-square...... 0.363956

Parameter Estimate Std Err T


Intercept -0.048564839079 0.017122973870 -2.836238622665

TOTPUB 0.001003830738 0.002625749613 0.382302522659

TOTPRI -0.001777679553 0.001685838700 -1.054477810860

INIZRE -0.022774278048 0.003872312331 -5.881312370300




Fitting Geographically Weighted Regression Model...

Number of observations...... 64

Number of independent variables... 4

(Intercept is variable 1)

Number of nearest neighbours...... 59

Number of locations to fit model.. 64

Diagnostic information...

Residual sum of squares...... 0.013825

Effective number of parameters.. 8.866661

Sigma...... 0.015835

Akaike Information Criterion.... -334.778750

Coefficient of Determination.... 0.599982

Adjusted r-square...... 0.534462




Obs Observed Predicted Residual Std Resid R-Square Influence Cook's D


1 0.10200 0.05204 0.04996 1.560477 0.800120 0.155303 0.050493

2 0.01100 0.03418 -0.02318 -0.701806 0.800208 0.101010 0.006241

3 0.03800 0.04079 -0.00279 -0.082299 0.798843 0.052438 0.000042

4 0.05800 0.06075 -0.00275 -0.082831 0.808743 0.088665 0.000075

5 0.06200 0.05887 0.00313 0.112093 0.792426 0.355350 0.000781

6 0.06500 0.06597 -0.00097 -0.030991 0.738955 0.194836 0.000026

7 0.07000 0.05309 0.01691 0.590991 0.739651 0.325160 0.018980

8 0.02400 0.04029 -0.01629 -0.479638 0.743323 0.048998 0.001337

9 0.04300 0.04078 0.00222 0.069509 0.740320 0.157486 0.000102

10 0.04600 0.04543 0.00057 0.016986 0.730793 0.074430 0.000003

11 -0.00200 0.04596 -0.04796 -1.429260 0.722453 0.072086 0.017898

12 0.03100 0.04093 -0.00993 -0.311286 0.766393 0.160450 0.002089

13 0.06000 0.06028 -0.00028 -0.009289 0.770761 0.225257 0.000003

14 -0.00600 0.00053 -0.00653 -0.217566 0.795933 0.257324 0.001850

15 0.02000 0.03290 -0.01290 -0.389103 0.794185 0.094097 0.001774

16 0.02600 0.02516 0.00084 0.025311 0.786081 0.083758 0.000007

17 0.01400 0.02228 -0.00828 -0.252621 0.783708 0.114460 0.000930

18 0.05200 0.05437 -0.00237 -0.069713 0.782914 0.047432 0.000027

19 0.03500 0.02909 0.00591 0.176040 0.796728 0.071746 0.000270

20 0.02300 0.03088 -0.00788 -0.236778 0.798554 0.086122 0.000596

21 0.02000 0.02678 -0.00678 -0.214692 0.800016 0.178517 0.001130

22 0.04300 0.05023 -0.00723 -0.213838 0.800613 0.057666 0.000316

23 0.04000 0.04078 -0.00078 -0.023884 0.766259 0.111088 0.000008

24 0.04700 0.04359 0.00341 0.100009 0.768849 0.039809 0.000047

25 0.03400 0.03595 -0.00195 -0.057224 0.767952 0.044755 0.000017

26 0.03700 0.03160 0.00540 0.161493 0.753249 0.077787 0.000248

27 0.04500 0.03601 0.00899 0.268597 0.758021 0.075942 0.000669

28 0.02800 0.04013 -0.01213 -0.354965 0.767584 0.037103 0.000548

29 0.03000 0.04498 -0.01498 -0.440719 0.797609 0.048069 0.001106

30 0.04100 0.05413 -0.01313 -0.387367 0.781414 0.052807 0.000943

31 0.01600 0.02956 -0.01356 -0.418556 0.783461 0.134334 0.003066

32 0.04500 0.03821 0.00679 0.200108 0.799641 0.050904 0.000242

33 0.05000 0.03358 0.01642 0.505562 0.816732 0.130985 0.004345

34 0.07000 0.05958 0.01042 0.318493 0.816483 0.117693 0.001526

35 0.05800 0.08241 -0.02441 -0.964069 0.814192 0.471459 0.093502

36 0.06000 0.05763 0.00237 0.070693 0.820755 0.074807 0.000046

37 0.05300 0.04084 0.01216 0.382641 0.818490 0.168169 0.003338

38 0.06300 0.05620 0.00680 0.203088 0.818940 0.075487 0.000380

39 0.05000 0.05059 -0.00059 -0.017489 0.820551 0.051445 0.000002

40 0.04400 0.05495 -0.01095 -0.331293 0.821350 0.100095 0.001377

41 0.06600 0.05663 0.00937 0.276746 0.818809 0.054542 0.000498

42 0.09800 0.06951 0.02849 0.866635 0.816244 0.108952 0.010357

43 0.04300 0.05098 -0.00798 -0.235731 0.815065 0.054925 0.000364

44 0.08300 0.07048 0.01252 0.373885 0.813861 0.076189 0.001300

45 0.09500 0.08965 0.00535 0.215590 0.812758 0.492217 0.005081

46 0.07200 0.07150 0.00050 0.015766 0.810473 0.165903 0.000006

47 0.05200 0.06338 -0.01138 -0.343952 0.810589 0.097236 0.001437

48 0.07200 0.07382 -0.00182 -0.055641 0.809960 0.118115 0.000047

49 0.02300 0.04334 -0.02034 -0.626509 0.812408 0.131112 0.006680

50 0.05300 0.06124 -0.00824 -0.256774 0.814528 0.151325 0.001326

51 0.06000 0.06059 -0.00059 -0.018165 0.807992 0.134066 0.000006

52 0.07200 0.06104 0.01096 0.328587 0.798775 0.082612 0.001097

53 0.03100 0.03697 -0.00597 -0.176938 0.802587 0.063194 0.000238

54 0.04100 0.04436 -0.00336 -0.098563 0.800026 0.043633 0.000050

55 0.06200 0.07320 -0.01120 -0.484459 0.728848 0.559243 0.033586

56 0.06200 0.05327 0.00873 0.265112 0.716979 0.106482 0.000945

57 0.09000 0.09631 -0.00631 -0.213394 0.806290 0.279854 0.001996

58 0.07600 0.05095 0.02505 0.771976 0.805879 0.132081 0.010228

59 0.06800 0.04715 0.02085 0.640407 0.806543 0.126576 0.006703

60 0.07900 0.03925 0.03975 1.193883 0.799649 0.086417 0.015206

61 0.07700 0.07483 0.00217 0.075246 0.798394 0.315038 0.000294

62 0.06800 0.06726 0.00074 0.024141 0.805638 0.215638 0.000018

63 0.07300 0.06173 0.01127 0.385840 0.805307 0.297422 0.007108

64 0.07000 0.05620 0.01380 0.419513 0.804137 0.108563 0.002417

Predictions from this model...

Obs Y(i) Yhat(i) Res(i) X(i) Y(i)

1 0.102 0.052 0.050 -70876.000 -372611.000 F

2 0.011 0.034 -0.023 -104129.000 -312755.000 F

3 0.038 0.041 -0.003 -157107.000 -376868.000 F

4 0.058 0.061 -0.003 395392.000 155516.000 F

5 0.062 0.059 0.003 252414.000-1029690.000 F

6 0.065 0.066 -0.001 -812502.000-1059538.000 F

7 0.070 0.053 0.017 -844388.000 -993796.000 F

8 0.024 0.040 -0.016 -903105.000 -904672.000 F

9 0.043 0.041 0.002 -931351.000 -971376.000 F

10 0.046 0.045 0.001-1037129.000 -858187.000 F

11 -0.002 0.046 -0.048-1130990.000-1101937.000 F

12 0.031 0.041 -0.010-1094418.000 -625432.000 F

13 0.060 0.060 0.000-1286298.000 -604193.000 F

14 -0.006 0.001 -0.007 -275560.000 -413878.000 F

15 0.020 0.033 -0.013 -198257.000 -525670.000 F

16 0.026 0.025 0.001 -224021.000 -678333.000 F

17 0.014 0.022 -0.008 -404630.000 -574113.000 F

18 0.052 0.054 -0.002 -252332.000 -715538.000 F

19 0.035 0.029 0.006 -485144.000 -356835.000 F

20 0.023 0.031 -0.008 -300064.000 -264330.000 F

21 0.020 0.027 -0.007 -360277.000 -158983.000 F

22 0.043 0.050 -0.007 -497685.000 -287475.000 F

23 0.040 0.041 -0.001 -446400.000 -829463.000 F

24 0.047 0.044 0.003 -290971.000-1015165.000 F

25 0.034 0.036 -0.002 -530591.000 -701870.000 F

26 0.037 0.032 0.005 -701481.000 -794121.000 F

27 0.045 0.036 0.009 -853950.000 -657072.000 F

28 0.028 0.040 -0.012 -617673.000 -644009.000 F

29 0.030 0.045 -0.015 -648000.000 -377986.000 F

30 0.041 0.054 -0.013 -637331.000 -509860.000 F

31 0.016 0.030 -0.014 -867220.000 -473202.000 F

32 0.045 0.038 0.007 -909669.000 -355764.000 F

33 0.050 0.034 0.016-1066770.000 -101731.000 F

34 0.070 0.060 0.010 -732322.000 -174918.000 F

35 0.058 0.082 -0.024 -661481.000 -194754.000 F

36 0.060 0.058 0.002 -802082.000 -84154.000 F

37 0.053 0.041 0.012 -689505.000 -63135.000 F

38 0.063 0.056 0.007 -691950.000 175802.000 F

39 0.050 0.051 -0.001 -792177.000 97647.000 F

40 0.044 0.055 -0.011 -869671.000 93446.000 F

41 0.066 0.057 0.009 -937987.000 185304.000 F

42 0.098 0.070 0.028 -880844.000 269037.000 F

43 0.043 0.051 -0.008-1064705.000 198476.000 F

44 0.083 0.070 0.013-1000109.000 328593.000 F

45 0.095 0.090 0.005-1092585.000 371088.000 F

46 0.072 0.071 0.001-1168323.000 345525.000 F

47 0.052 0.063 -0.011-1129224.000 548386.000 F

48 0.072 0.074 -0.002-1184675.000 470092.000 F

49 0.023 0.043 -0.020-1460838.000 478870.000 F

50 0.053 0.061 -0.008-1465277.000 281848.000 F

51 0.060 0.061 -0.001-1350538.000 -73165.000 F

52 0.072 0.061 0.011 -245942.000 -267226.000 F

53 0.031 0.037 -0.006 134349.000 -219384.000 F

54 0.041 0.044 -0.003 -113920.000 -288060.000 F

55 0.062 0.073 -0.011 -972937.000-1476560.000 F

56 0.062 0.053 0.009-1413245.000-1520934.000 F

57 0.090 0.096 -0.006 60108.000 219514.000 F

58 0.076 0.051 0.025 46372.000 198567.000 F

59 0.068 0.047 0.021 223848.000 134092.000 F

60 0.079 0.039 0.040 -211058.000 -118426.000 F

61 0.077 0.075 0.002 -288909.000 -208522.000 F

62 0.068 0.067 0.001 -67854.000 158133.000 F

63 0.073 0.062 0.011 246909.000 8019.000 F

64 0.070 0.056 0.014 -108190.000 69157.000 F




Source SS DF MS F

OLS Residuals 0.0 4.00

GWR Improvement 0.0 4.87 0.0014

GWR Residuals 0.0 55.13 0.0003 5.5407




Label Minimum Lwr Quartile Median Upr Quartile Maximum


Intrcept -0.099652 -0.087911 -0.064856 -0.058012 -0.030515

TOTPUB -0.002558 -0.000607 0.001687 0.006186 0.009907

TOTPRI -0.006045 -0.005039 -0.003615 -0.002318 -0.000321

INIZRE -0.029355 -0.028211 -0.026838 -0.024508 -0.020390

<------LOWER ------<------UPPER ------>

Label Far Out Outer Fence Outside Inner Fence Inner Fence Outside Outer Fence Far Out


Intrcept 0 -0.177606 0 -0.132758 -0.013164 0 0.031683 0

TOTPUB 0 -0.020985 0 -0.010796 0.016375 0 0.026564 0

TOTPRI 0 -0.013201 0 -0.009120 0.001763 0 0.005844 0

INIZRE 0 -0.039319 0 -0.033765 -0.018954 0 -0.013400 0


* *

* Test for spatial variability of parameters *

* *


Tests based on the Monte Carlo significance test

procedure due to Hope [1968,JRSB,30(3),582-598]

Parameter P-value


Intercept 0.06000 n/s

TOTPUB 0.00000 ***

TOTPRI 0.17000 n/s

INIZRE 0.53000 n/s

*** = significant at .1% level

** = significant at 1% level

* = significant at 5% level

Program terminates normally at: Wed Mar 26 17:40:14 2008