Aztlán Cup Packet 15: Usc B (M. Larsen et al)


1. His rule saw the conquest of Ifriqiyah and Tripolitania and the building of Kairouan as a base from which expansion could be made into modern-day Algeria. The boundaries of the Islamic empire pushed past the Oxus in Central Asia, and he is credited with the creation of the diwans, or centralized bureaux of the government. He was the son of Abu Sufyan, and he may be most important for a trick he played on the caliph Ali, whose simple act of negotiation with this man caused the defection of the khowarij and this man’s victory at Siffin. Establishing the new Muslim capital at Damascus, this is, FTP, what first caliph of the Umayyad dynasty

ANSWER:Mu’awiyaibn Abu Sufyan

2. Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker Syndrome causes plaque to accumulate in the brain. Alpers syndrome is a rare degenerative disease in infants and children. Muscle twitching, rapid heart rate and dementia, as well as the characteristic lack of sleep, are symptoms of fatal familial insomnia. All of these diseases may be classified as inherited, infectious, or sporadic, but it is unclear to what categories scrapies belong. Coming to public consciousness with the investigation of kuru among the Fore of New Zealand, FTP, identify this class of diseases, so named for the infectious agent that causes them.

ANSWER: priondiseases (or: prions)

3. While taking a course on human anatomy, he experimented with cannibalism, deciding that the breasts, legs, brains were the choice eats of a woman. He moved to Spain and quickly made friends with the avant-garde, and he became a cubist in 1913. Switching to a Cezannesque style in 1918, it was through Vasconcelos’ mural program that he found his true calling. His “Detroit Industry” remains his most well-known work in America today, as despite its leanings, it was defended by Edsel Ford. His “Man at the Crossroads” was not so lucky, as Nelson Rockefeller demanded its destruction. FTP, name this Marxist Mexican painter.

ANSWER: Diego Rivera

4. At one point in the story, the young narrator wishes that this man was a devil from hell. After all, he was feeble, almost fifty, never went hunting or played poker, and was nearly blind in his left eye. But Jean Louise’s father would not sit away from the public eye, taking on a racially-based case in Jim Crow’s South. In doing so, he became the paragon of justice, putting his reputation and life on the line. For ten points, Gregory Peck portrayed what character in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird?

ANSWER: Atticus Finch

5. Near the Komandorski and Semichi islands, this group includes the Fox, Andreanof, Rat and Near, and it was formerly known as the Catherine Archipelago. Settlements include Atka, Nikolski, Akutan, and FalsePass, though this chain may be best known for actions occurring on Kiska, Agattu, and Attu, which were the only parts of a U.S. state to fall into Japanese hands. For ten points, name this island chain that stretches from Alaska to the KamchatkaPeninsula.

ANSWER: The Aleutian Islands

6. No one is certain just how many plays he actually wrote, but the number is estimated to have been as high as 1,800. He was reportedly able to write an average of 20 sheets of dialogue per day, causing Cervantes to refer to him as “a prodigy of nature”. Considered by many to be the Spanish equivalent of Shakespeare, his works cover such diverse styles as comedy, historical drama, and sword and cloak plays, although he tended to focus on pundonor (poon-dohn-OHR), or “point of honor”, since he considered it to be the greatest theme of all. FTP, name this Golden Age dramatist, author of Fuenteovejuna (Fwen-TAY-o-ve-HOO-na).

ANSWER:Lope de Vega

7. A ferroelectric material may exhibit several of these, and at one of them, the material undergoes a second-order phase transition. It can be derived from the Weiss mean field theory, and finding it exactly involves solving a transcendental equation.The flash-heating of minerals above it causes a resetting of magnetic fields trapped in lava flows, and above it, thermal fluctuations destroy spontaneous magnetic alignment. Occuring at a point of theoretically infinite magnetic succeptibility, FTP, identify this critical temperature above which a ferromagnet becomes purely paramagnetic, named for French scientist Pierre.

ANSWER: Curietemperature (or point)

8.His 27.5 PPG average was the highest at Eastern Michigan since George Gervin 25 years earlier. Despite that, and having the nation’s second-highest scoring average, he was not drafted, and played six games for Rockford of the CBA before being elevated to the majors. For ten points, name this guard, who bounced between Cleveland, L.A., and GoldenState, and now Denver, and is the shortest player in the league since the retirement of Muggsy Bogues?

ANSWER:Earl Boykins

9. Ten days before this event, L. Frank Baum of the Aberdeen Saturday Pioneer had called for genocide, and he got his wish. It resulted from the advancement of a group of natives led by Big Foot towards Pine Ridge, and on that journey they were intercepted by Major Samuel Whiteside, who captured Big Foot. Two Hotchkiss guns were put in place, and during the night, a shot was fired, and the ensuing action resulted in fifty casualties for the Seventh Cavalry and three hundred for the Sioux. FTP, name this massacre against a group of practitioners of the Ghost Dance movement, fought in South Dakota.

ANSWER:Battle of or Massacre atWounded Knee (accept Cankpe Opi Wakpala)

10. His brain was removed when his body was placed in a garbage heap, which his enemies would call a fitting fate. Always in trouble with the authorities, he was imprisoned in the Bastille for eleven months and later was exiled for criticizing the Chevalier de Rohan. Fortunately, he continued to produce works such as Merope and Mohamet even away from France. For ten points, name this author, best known for satiric works such as Zadig and Candide.


11. He spent his last few weeks in a Franciscan monastery as he was tried for his views against Stanislaus of Znaim and Palecz, and he seemed willing to recant, including declaring against Wyclifism, which had become prominent his country after the marriage of Anne, sister of Wenceslaus, to Richard II, king of England. His philosophies would later develop into Utraquism and Taborism, and his reforms called for a reduction to poverty of the clergy, freedom of preachers, and harsh punishment of sins. FTP, name this Bohemian reformer of the 15th century, who founded a namesake sect.


12. Michael Gottlieb was the first to report cases associated with it, which included Karposi’s sarcoma and pneumocystis carinii. Michael Callen’s theory that it was caused by nitrite inhalants was discredited, and in 1984, Robert Gallo and Luc Montagnier isolated it independently. The primary infection with the virus that causes it is known as seroconversion, and may cause the infected person to develop flu-like symptoms, and the carrier is most infectious at this time. Currently combatted with such anti-retroviral drugs as protease inhibitors, FTP, identify this disease caused by the humman immunodeficiency virus.

ANSWER: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

13. As a young man, he supposedly ingested a tiny amount of every known poison every day to build up an immunity. When Marcus Aquilius threatened aggression, he pushed into the province of Asia, eventually reaching Greece, where he was hailed as a liberator. He was pushed back by Sulla and signed the Treaty of Dardanus around 85 BC, which he would ignore. He continued to harass the edges of the Roman empire until 66 BC, when Pompey invaded his country. For 10 pints, name this king of Pontus, for whose defeat Pompey was given the title of “The Great”.

ANSWER:Mithridates VI

14. When a colleague brought him a paper to review, this man replied, “This isn’t right. This isn’t even wrong.” On Sommerfeld’s request, he wrote a 237-page article on relativity, and shortly after Heisenberg developed matrix mechanics, he used it to derive the hydrogen spectrum. To explain the continuous spectrum of beta decay, he proposed the neutrino, but he is best known for his namesake spin statistics theorem. FTP, who is this Austrian scientist, the developer of spin matrices and an exclusion principle?

ANSWER: WolfgangPauli

15. Born in the Palermo suburb, with his younger sister, Norah, he developed two imaginary friends, “Quilos” and “The Windmill.” At age nine he translated Wilde into his native tongue, and in 1914 the family wisely packed up and moved to Europe right in time for the First World War. His early books of poems included Luna de Enfrente and Cuaderno San Martín, and his fiction works include Dr. Brodie’s Report, The Book of Sand, and Dreamtigers. FTP, name this author of the Library of Babel, Fervor de Buenos Aires, and Ficciones, an author from Argentina.

ANSWER: Jorge Luís Borges

16. The BBC television series “Light of Experience” sent his funeral song, “Doina de Jale,” (DOY-NAH DEH ZHA-LAY) into the British pop charts at #4 in 1976. His success was in part due to the revival of his instrument by countryman Fanica Luca, and he contributed to movie scores such as Peter Weir’s “Picnic at Hanging Rock” and the first two Karate Kid movies. FTP, name this Gaiesti-born Romanian musician, best known as a master of the nai, or the pan-pipes.

ANSWER:Gheorghe Zamfir

17. A trading post was built here as early as 1810, but was dismantled and moved to KettleFalls. It came back into prominence as a railway town in the 1880’s, and became known for its wild side, with 51 saloons and casinos in town. A critical moment was a battle with Cheney for the county seat, which it actually lost, but it became county seat anyways. Today it is known for events such as Bloomsday, and Hoopfest, the largest 3-on-3 basketball tournament in the country. It is also home to RiverfrontPark, home to the 1974 Expo. FTP, name this city in Eastern Washington, the second largest city in the state.


18. In January 1915, he won his first award for bravery, and he served in World War I on the Carpathian front and with distinction at Caporetto. His son Manfred later became mayor of Stuttgart, and this man died in Ulm in 1944, and despite the circumstances surrounding his death, Hitler declared it a national day of mourning. He had been Hitler’s personal bodyguard in Poland, and had also served as commander of forces in Greece, and he oversaw the German side of the D-Day landings in Normandy. FTP, name this Nazi general, most well-known for his generalship on the North African Front, nicknamed the “Desert Fox.”

ANSWER:Erwin Johannes EugenRommel

19. Timur warns his son not to call out the title character’s name. To the surprise of everyone, including the advisors Ping, Pang, and Pong, Calaf succeeds in solving the princesses’ riddles. He then challenges her to figure out his name by dawn. She reacts by ordering no one to sleep in the Forbidden City under penalty of death, to which Calaf responds with the beautiful aria, “Nessun Dorma.” FTP, name this unfinished opera of Puccini.

20. This nymph of Roman myth tended her fruits and orchards, shut away from the rest of the world, and never let any suitor approach her. Disguised as an old woman, her lover entered her gardens and fiercely wooed her, but she did not respond until he dropped his disguise, whereupon she fell deeply in love with him and invited him to stay. FTP, name this lover of Vertumnus who shares her name with a So Cal college.


21. Here, you can find pleasure, either by searching the world for treasure, by playing for the big band or sitting in the grandstand, or you can learn science and technology and study oceanography. All of these can happen, for ten points, where, a branch of the armed services made famous by a 1978 #3 single for the Village People?

ANSWER: In the Navy

22. Its ten chapters are written from the viewpoint of five of its characters.Since the father leaves in the first chapter and returns in the last,Luke, Jenny, Ezra, Cody, and Pearl are left to tell the story, whichalways seems to come back to an unfinished meal at the titular location,despite Ezra's best attempts. The history of the Tulls is given, FTP, inwhat novel by Anne Tyler?

ANSWER: Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant

23. It was born after the fall of Jerusalem, and managed to survive for two hundred years despite internal conflict and repeated invasion. Comprised originally of four separate states, only one survive to be conquered by the Muslims in 1291. Founded after the success of the First Crusade, name, for ten points, this collective term for the Crusader States in Palestine and Asia Minor.

ANSWER: Outremer

Aztlán Cup Packet 15: Usc B (M. Larsen et al)


1.Name these famous literary styles, for ten points each.

A.This prose style follows the exploits of an often roguish hero, has a relatively simple plot, and is divided into episodes.


B.These are usually satires, farces, or lighthearted prose, usually involving holy characters. Some would say Stranger in a StrangeLand is a modern one.

ANSWER:Divine Comedy

C.This is a form of novel where some, if not all, of the characters are drawn from real people and their identities.

ANSWER:Roman a Clef (RO-man e kley)

2. Identify these important naval encounters, for ten points each.

A. The Santissima Trinidad survived its first encounter with Lord Nelson here in 1797, but eventually met its end at Trafalgar in 1805.

ANSWER:Cape St. Vincent

B. This was the battle of the Perisan Wars in which Themistocles routed a far larger opposing force with a fleet built not ten years before.


C. In this action preceding the surrender at Yorktown, Rochambeau defeated third-rate British admiral Thomas Graves and sent the enemy fleet scuttling back to New York.

ANSWER:Battle of the Capes

3. Answer the following about the high art that is tennis, for the stated number of points.

A. For five, who holds the modern Gram Slam record with 14 titles won?

ANSWER:Pete Sampras

B. For ten, whose record did Sampras beat when he won his 13th title at Wimbledon in 2000?

ANSWER:Roy Emerson

C. For five points each, which three former U.S. Open champions did Sampras beat in the 2001 U.S. Open before losing in the final to Lleyton Hewitt?

ANSWER:Andre Agassi, Marat Safin, and Patrick Rafter

4.Early symptoms resemble those of malaria, typhoid, and ricksettia, but its main distinguishing feature is an eponymous discoloration of the eyes and skin. For ten points each:

A. Name this disease.

ANSWER:Yellow Fever

B. This man was the first doctor to identify and catalogue the symptoms of yellow fever, and his conclusions remain the basis for modern treatment.

ANSWER:Benjamin Rush

C.The most recently reported outbreak was in this nation, in the Gaoua district near the Cote d’Ivoire border.

ANSWER:Burkina Faso

5. Their 1986 album Raising Hell showcased their style of infusing rap music with sampled heavy rock riffs. For ten points each:

A. Name this group.


B. One of the singles off Raising Hell, “It’s Tricky”, samples this 1979 hit by The Knack.

ANSWER: “My Sharona”

C. What group of “half-witted white-trash crotch-goblins”, as Rip Taylor calls them, covered “It’s Tricky” on their 1996 album One Fierce Beercoaster?

ANSWER:The Bloodhound Gang

6.Answer some question about named things in special relativity, FTPE.

A.Perhaps the most famous refutation of the null hypothesis ever, this 1887 experiment provided experimental confirmation for Einstein’s later derivation of SR.

ANSWER: Michelson-Morley experiment

B.Time dilation and length contraction are examples of these types of transformations, named after Dutch physicist Hendrik Antoon.

ANSWER: Lorentz transformations

C.Space and time can be unified in this 4-dimensional space, created by a teacher of Einstein who developed the ideas of SR independently.

ANSWER: Minkowski space

7.Answer the following questions about a mythological group in Norse mythology, FTSNOP

A.These sisters controlled fate in the Norse world view.


B.F5PE, name the three members of the Norns.

ANSWER: Skuld, Uld, Verdandi

C.F5P, the Norns live at the bottom of this world tree, which they are bound to protect from decay.

ANSWER: Yggdrasil

8.For ten points each, answer these questions about an American play.

A.In 1988, B.D. Wong won a Tony for his role in this work.