Effective FY2015, the Office of Training will offer professional development programs for current and future leaders of the Department of Juvenile Justice. The DJJ Leadership Institute (DLI) addresses the Commissioner’s #3 priority “Recruitment, Retention & Succession Planning”and represents the agency’s investment inthe continued learning, engagement, and professional development of all employees. The expected outcomes are improved quality and work performance, an advanced mid-level leadership core, and a pool of better prepared internal applicants for future leadership roles.

The DLI includes a revision of the agency’s Management Basics and Sergeants Academy courses, the development of a new Community Leadership Certificate course and a set of new partnerships that have been established to enhance the leadership skills of DJJ employees. The Office of Training has developed collaborative relationships with the National Institute of Corrections, Georgia State University and Columbus State University to present advanced professional development courses for upper management personnel. Additional information on the revised, internal courses will be forthcoming.

DLI programs will be open to all DJJ employees, but the primary focus will be placed on enhancing the skills and qualities of those currently in a leadership role. Employees who are not in a supervisory role, especially those who have demonstrated the potential for professional growth within the agency, are encouraged to participate in the DLI courses. Class offerings and capacity will be limited throughout the fiscal year; therefore appropriate participant selection will be critical.

The courses will be facilitated by subject matter experts from the respective organization and heldat varying locations. DLI programs offer cohort (group) learning activities through varied learning mediums such as pre-session work, on-site classroom sessions, projects, and individual coaching. Distance work via the web, e-course work and virtual instructor led sessions will also be included as learning mediums.

For our future leaders the program provides a blended learning framework to build upon. For our current leaders the DJJ Leadership Institute Programs will serve as a refresher or reinforcement of sound leadership principles.

The DLI is pleased to present the Correctional Leadership Development (CLD) program. The CLD is a collaborative effort with the National Institute of Correctionsand is a 7 day program delivered in 2 phases. Phase 1 is three days in length, and will be held September 23-25, 2014, in Forsyth, GA. During the Intersession, participants will work on a Leadership Development Plan and receive individual coaching. Phase 2 will be four days of instructor-led sessions held at a date and location yet to be determined.

The target audience for the CLD is senior level leaders such as central office directors, facility directors assistant directors, juvenile program managers, district directors and regional administrators. The Office of Training is also recommending consideration for employees who may not currently be in a leadership position but have demonstrated the potential and commitment for success as a DJJ Leader.

A short description of Phase 1 is presented below:

Course Title / Course Dates
Correctional Leadership Development (CLD) / Phase 1
Sept. 23- 25, 2014
8:00 am – 5:00 pm / Phase 2
Expected Program Outcomes (Student will be able to ):
  • Articulate the Leadership Challenge Model focusing on five key leadership practices
  • Assess current individual leadership style and practice
  • Use selected instruments to assess leadership styles in various areas
  • Exercise writing and planning skills to develop a personal leadership essay
  • Apply the leadership practices with individuals and groups in their current assignments
  • Explore the connections between personal wellness, self-assessment, insight and leadership

Prerequisites for attendance are the following:

  • No employee disciplined greater than a Reminder 1, within the past 12 months
  • Continuous DJJ employment of 12 months or longer
  • Application for participation and supervisor recommendation (see attached)

Training seats are limited, so the Office of Training has developed the following seating chart to assist with the selection of candidates:

Community Services – 4 seats / Operations & Compliance – 3 seats
Secure Facilities – 4 seats / Training & Personnel Services– 2 seats
Support Services – 4 seats / Administrative Services - 2 seats
Education & Re-Entry Services - 3 seats

Because slots are limited, please pre-select the individuals you would like to represent your divisions and forward the chosen individual(s) using the following link to register:

Registrations need to be completed no later than Monday, August 18, 2014. If you do not wish to use all of your slots, please inform me no later than the close of business on Friday, August 15, 2014.

Selected participants will be provided with lodging and travel information, training materials and course requirements once the names are received by the Office of Training.