02 NOVEMBER 2016




This report sets out the high level draft commissioning intentions for Children’s services in 2017/18, and is presented as part of an agreed process of sharing commissioning priorities in order to determine areas of potential integrated / joint commissioning and joint working.


The Group is asked to note the draft intentions, and to consider them in the context of the other presentations from the Clinical Commissioning Group, Public Health and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.


1.  The draft intentions are presented below in tabular form, including an outline of the priority, summary of current position, outline proposals and issues.

2.  The intentions are presented under the headings of the Children’s Services Strategy recently presented to the Health and Wellbeing Board, Children and Young People’s Partnership and Local Safeguarding Children Board.

3.  They are presented on the basis that there will (and should) be overlap with the priorities of other commissioners.

Priority / Current position / Proposals / Comments / issues
Social care reform / Challenges on recruitment and retention
New ICT system / Wider change / reform programme based on staff, skills, services, systems and structures / Services element in particular key -fit with domestic abuse, drugs and alcohol, therapeutic support in particular
Family support – capacity and training / No specific workforce development and skills development process exists for family support delivery / Develop accreditation and progression routes / Linked to remodelling of early help services
Early help
Early help hub development / Central points currently for referrals for early help support and for logging Early Help Assessments / Consolidate processes based on a single hub / Identified as an issue in recent early help process mapping session. Links to 0-19 review
Early help pathways development / New early help model identifies levels of support and specific themed pathways / Develop clear pathways for themes eg domestic abuse / Links to Cleveland Police early help model
Children’s centres and early years / Review currently underway on role of children’s centres and better services for 0-5s / Consolidate into smaller number of family hubs; enhanced outreach and community development / Links to 0-19 review led by public health, most on model for health visiting
Youth Direction / Review underway / Focus more on targeting and create space for more VCSE open access and activity work
Family support / Stockton Families First / Range of teams and provision / Review in context of wider early help offer / Links to wider early help and intervention approaches
Schools, SEND
School improvement approach / Currently funded by Education Services Grant and some buyback services / Review in context of loss of ESG and increased Academisation
14-19 learning / Vocational learning routes and alternative provision being examined / Opportunities for new forms of provision to support 14-19 alternative curriculum
SEND / Increasing costs of specialist provision.
Challenges on outcomes for children and young people / Review of Additionally Resourced Provision
Potential for new special schools / Speech and language, occupational and physiotherapy priorities
Educational psychology / Current review being undertaken to determine future options / Options could include shared services and outsourced provision. / Links to early help agenda
Children in need of help
CAMHS / Major Future in Mind transformation programme underway / Currently implementing additional resilience building, mapping, therapeutic interventions / Led by CCG
CSE and VEMT / Challenges remain on high rates of missing
Support for children on VEMT contracts to be reviewed / Initial work underway to review effectiveness of ACE / ACE contract delivered by Barnardo’s for VEMT children, plus
Therapeutic interventions / Lack of current capacity to determine, identify and source specialist therapeutic interventions and programmes / Explore scope to develop capacity or buy in ‘triage / assessment’ function and some service provision / Potential fit with SEND and CAMHS
Domestic abuse / Existing strategy being renewed
Harbour contract extended for 12 months / Exploring new models and ways of working including bigger focus on perpetrators? / Led by Domestic Abuse Steering Group
Health of LAC / Have been some issues on process for health assessments
Lack of focus on health outcomes? / Process being streamlined
Roles and responsibility to be clarified
Approach to LAC review / edge of care / As part of wider Big Picture programme – reviewing our / Exploring options such s edge of care intensive services; reduced use of out of borough placements; Spark of Genius Joint venture / Potentially radical models of delivery
Mental health / Additional contract commissioned from TEWV / Review in context of wider CAMHS approach


4.  There are no direct financial implications arising from this report.


5.  There are no direct legal implications from this report. Specific implications associated with commissioning proposals will be brought to the Group in due course.


6.  The further development of an integrated / joint commissioning approach will be considered further at a future meeting


7.  There has been no consultation to date on the proposals included in this paper. The basis of the proposals was included in the Children’s Services Strategy.

Name of Contact Officer: Martin Gray

Post Title: Assistant Director, Early \Help, Partnership and Planning

Telephone No: 01642 5270433

Email address: