Children’s Social Care Transfer Protocol

1.Introduction and Purpose of TransferProtocol

This protocol provides guidance on the transfer of cases between Children’s Social Care Teams, and the Early Help Service, within the Children’s Social Care Division in Reading Borough Council. This includes guidance on the throughput of referrals from MASH to statutory Social Care Teams and Children’s Action Teams.

This protocol provides a guide for effective and timely transfer of case work; families are complex and unique, however, and as such there may be occasions in which the arrangements for transfer contained in this protocol do not best meet an individual family’s needs. On these exceptional occasions a flexible approach must be paramount, and a decision may be made to deviate from the transfer protocol; this decision rests with the relevant Service Managers.

2.Social WorkPrinciples

The transfer and movement of cases can impact on children and families if poorly managed - it is important therefore that full information accompanies the transfer and that the receiving Social Worker and Manager have a good understanding of the child's circumstances and any associated risks.

It is essential that the impact of a change of Social Worker on children, young people and their families is minimised – this is achieved through timely, well planned case transfers, and collaborative working between teams, with sufficient information–sharing, to prevent children from having to re- tell difficult life events.

Whenever a case is transferred or moved across to another team, the child and family's needs will be considered, with the emphasis on a smooth handover, and with the aim of reducing the numbers of workers with whom the family will need to engage. As a matter of good social work practice, handover points will be identified which match the needs or requirements of the child and their family and not necessarily rigidly adhere to the team structures within the service. Verbal face-to-face handovers are preferable when cases are moving between the assessment and longer terms teams and wherever possible joint visits should be conducted to meet the child and the parent/s/caregivers, in addition to the agreed transfer points set out in this protocol.

Young people, carers and parents need to be informed of the change of worker as soon as is practicable so that any concerns and/or anxieties can be addressed in a timely way, and as such reduce the risk of disengagement from ongoing intervention.

A lack of capacity in the team receiving the case cannot be a reason to delay transfer, given that timely throughput across the Division is paramount.

Case responsibility, including statutory visiting, remains with the transferring team until the case is reallocated to the receiving social worker. Visiting children must continue in accordance with statutory timescales when case transfer is delayed for any reason, and these visits must be completed by the allocated social worker until transfer isachieved.

Cases should not be allocated to workers on MOSAIC (ICS) without receiving Social Workers’ and Managers’ knowledge; this is unsafe and impacts on the quality of transfer and potentially, the quality of service provision and/or intervention.

Case files should only be transferred when up to date and in good order, and in accordance with the expectations set out in this protocol. Basic information on case files must be accurate and completed, and case notes must be fully up-to-date at the point of transfer. Evidence of management oversight must be on files in all cases to facilitate transfer. Where there are historical gaps in information which pre-date allocation to the current worker this will not be a reason to delay the transfer of the case.

The transferring Team Manager will check and ensure that all files hold all relevant basic information, ensuring its accuracy, an up to date chronology, and a Child & Family Assessment for each child within the subject household; these are requirements in all statutory cases, in addition to the specific documentation required for different types of case, as detailed below in this protocol.

The allocated Social Worker will be encouraged to audit their case file prior to management audit and transfer, to begin to take greater ownership of - and accountability to - case file management.

The transferring Manager will complete an audit for each transferring case. The current audit form is under review with a plan for update.

The allocated Social Worker must attend meetings agreed as transfer points wherever possible; if a Duty Social Worker attends on behalf of the allocated worker it is essential that they are fully briefed regarding the case background, and the purpose of the meeting, to ensure that the meeting is purposeful, and that gaps in information do not delay case transfer; however, wherever possible it is expected that a Manager will attend if the Social Worker is unable to.

Weekly Allocations Meeting –

Any cases for discussion at the WAM must be sent to the WAM inbox by 12 o’ clock on Thursday for discussion at the WAM meeting. The WAM list will be distributed to all managers by 5pm on Thursday.

All cases will be discussed, in anticipation of the transfer, at the Weekly Allocations Meeting (WAM). WAM will be chaired by a Service Manager.

Cases can transfer no less than 5 working days and no more than 10 working days following initial W.A.M meeting.

The receiving team must identify a social worker to be allocated to the case following transfer, and should attend the transfer event. If the social worker is unavailable it is expected that the manager will attend.

If the case is to step down to Early Help an Early help Worker must be identified to be allocated the case following step down, and should attend the step down event. If the early Help Worker is unavailable it is expected that the manager will attend.

If there is disagreement between the transferring and receiving team regarding case status, case decision making, readiness for transfer, information gaps or proposed further actions, the transferring and receiving Team Managers must seek a joint solution to the issue as swiftly as possible. If the matter remains unresolved after one working day, it must then be escalated to the Service Managers in accordance with the Internal Resolution Process. Responsibility for statutory visiting and management oversight, as noted above, remains with the transferring team until the receiving Social Worker/Early Help Worker is allocated the case.

3.Case Progression from the Multi Agency SafeguardingHub

The MASH brings together Children’s Social Care, Police and a team of multi-disciplinary professionals from partner agencies to respond to referrals regarding the safety or well- being of a child. The MASH allows agencies to work together at the earliest point of identified needs for children – this may be non-statutory targeted family support offered by the Early Help Service.

Referred concerns are jointly risk assessed by the core MASH members who review all the information available about the child/young person and make an informed decision about which service is best placed to respond, or whether immediate safeguarding action is required. If more than one agency is involved the

MASH process will make a decision as to who will be the lead agency and this will be recorded and shared as appropriate. It may be decided that the referred concerns do not meet the threshold for statutory assessment and/or intervention, and that targeted family support work – a “Team around the Child” approach - may prevent the need for future statutory intervention.

The Children’s Action Teams (CATs) undertake this preventative work and as such some families are referred directly to the relevant CAT following a MASH threshold decision that support can be best be provided within the Borough’s early help offer.

4.Exceptions to transfer–

1.Ongoing Multi-Systemic Therapy intervention – where a family is receiving ongoing MST intervention, the case will remain with the allocated Social Worker for the duration of this intervention.

2.Family & Friends assessments – where an assessment of a connected person is requiredcase responsibility will remain with the allocated Social Worker ad not be transferred to the F&F Social Worker, who will hold responsibility for undertaking the assessmentonly.

3.The “three month” rule – where a family referred to MASH has been open to a Social Worker in CSC within the last three months, the case will be allocated immediately to the previously involved Social Worker, or the duty team if the A and A worker has left the authority. If the previous long term Social Worker has left RBC, the case will be allocated within the Team they were based in when in post. The date of closure recorded on MOSAIC will be the date used to calculate how long the case has been closed to the previousworker.

Referrals from Early Help into MASH – Referrals from MASH to Early Help

Type of Case / Transfer Point / Transfer Process and Documentation
Early Help Team – referral to MASH / The Early Help Team requests a MASH/CAT Consultation Meeting. The case is discussed between MASH & CAT workers and managers and the MASH Manager makes the decision in relation to threshold and case direction.
Escalation procedure if there is disagreement between teams is Service Manager to Service Manager. / MASH/CAT Consultation Document.
Common Assessment (if completed).
Early Help Referral Form
The Early Help Team have safeguarding concerns about a family open to them and closed to Children’s Social Care within the last three months. / The Early Help Team complete a referral to the MASH Team (if there are immediate or significant safeguardingissues).
Otherwise, the Early Help Team request a MASH / CAT Consultation.
Following the MASH/CAT Consultation or receipt of the written MASH referral – the MASH Managers decide whether to send case back to previously allocated team.
Escalation procedure if there is a disagreement between teams is Service Manager to Service Manager. / MASH Referral Form
MASH / CAT Consultation Form

Transfers from the Access & Assessment Team to the Long Term Teams

Type of Case / Transfer Point and process / Required Documentation
Minimumdocumentationsetout belowisinadditionto-accurate basicinformation,uptodatecase notes, evidence of management oversight and decision making, and case supervisionrecords.
Child Protection / Initial Child Protection Conference (ICPC).
Case to be notified at first WAM following request for ICPC. Social Worker to be identifiedfor allocation within 5 workingdays.
Social Worker and their line manager to be notified of date of ICPC and invited to attend.
If there is less than 5 working days’ notice until the ICPC, the transfer process will be at the first core group meeting. / File must contain the following:
Strategy meeting/discussion minutes/record
Completed S47 record for each child in household - to include its outcome Completed Child & Family Assessment ICPC report
CP Plan Chronology
Key Dates for thecase Case file audit Supervision notes Case summary Genogram
Looked after Children – subject to Care Proceedings / Pre-proceedings: PLO meeting Proceedings: first Hearing
Case and details of application should be notified at WAM at the earliest opportunity and Social Worker identified for allocation within 5 working days.
The receiving Social Worker and Manager to be invited to LPM if the case is already within the transfer process.
Receiving Social Worker and line manager to attend first Hearing and case to transfer immediately following first hearing.
In pre-proceedings case receiving Social Worker toattend PLO/pre-proceedings meeting with transferring Social Worker and case transfer to be completed directly following the meeting. / File must contain the following:
Completed Child & Family Assessment Chronology
LPM minutes
PLO meeting minutes (if applicable) LAC Care Plan
Signed s20 consent (if applicable) Signed parental consent for medical treatment (if applicable)
Request for initial health assessment Placement Information Record (PIR) Placement Planning Meeting record 1stLAC Review decisions and minutes PEP
Initial Court Statement Interim Court Care Plan
Court Chronology Legal Orders
Placement referral and details Supervised contact referral and details (if applicable)
Financial arrangements/agreements if applicable
Case file audit Case summary Supervision notes Genogram


Looked after Children – Section 20 / First LAC Review
Case should be notified at WAM at earliest opportunity and Social Worker to be identified within 5 working days. / File must contain the following:
Completed C&F Assessment - completed within the last 6 months. LPM minutes if appropriate Placement referral and placement details
Signed parental consent for s20 accommodation
Signed parental consent for medical routine and emergency treatment Placement Planning Meeting record Placement Information Record Supervised contact referral and details LAC Care Plan
LAC medical Chronology
Financial arrangements where appropriate (i.e financial support for parents to attend contact).
Case file audit Case summary Supervision notes
Management decision re legal planning Genogram
Children in Need / CIN Meeting
Case to be notified WAM meeting at earliest opportunity and a minimum of 5 working days before CIN meeting. Social Worker for allocation to be identified by receiving team and new Social Worker to attendCIN meeting. / File must contain the following:
Completed C&F Assessment – completed within last 6 months
CIN Plan – with identified actions for named professionals and family members, with timescales Chronology
Case file audit Case summary Recent CIN visit Supervision notes Genogram
Children stepped down to Early Help / CIN/Handover meeting
Case to be notified WAM meeting at earliest opportunity and a minimum of 5 working days before CIN/handover meeting. Early help Worker for allocation to be identified by receiving team and new Early Help Worker to attend CIN/Handover meeting. / File must contain the following:
Completed Child &Family Assessment
CIN Plan – with identified actions for named professionals and family members, with timescales Chronology
Case file audit
Case summary
Recent CIN visit
Supervision notes
Children in Need – proposed transfer from other LA. / CIN meeting
Referral must be loaded in MASH and detailed of referral recorded.
MASH must notify transferring LA that referral to be considered with a view to case transfer within one month of referral subject to family’s residence being established and sufficient provision of information & documentation.
Referral to be added to WAM list for allocation – decision on which long term team to progress referral with a view to allocation to be made at WAM.
TM of proposed receiving team to review referral details of family’s housing arrangement and available documentation, to liaise directly with transferring Social Worker/Manager to agree transfer points – CIN meeting and joint visit to be proposed. / Documentation provided must contain the following –
Details of involved Agencies
C&F assessment on each child in household.
Strategy meeting minutes
S47 record for each child in household. Risk assessment/s where required.
Up to date chronology Current and previous CPplans All previous CPCminutes
All previous CPC reports Genogram
Legal orders where applicable Financial agreements whereapplicable
Contact arrangements where applicable LPM minutes where applicable
Child Protection case proposed transfer from other LA / Transfer Child Protection Conference
When transfer of child/ren subject to CP plans is proposed by another LA, MASH to load referral on MOSAIC and establish family’s residence. If permanent in Reading the case will be added to WAMlist.
If not permanent resident, the transferring LA will hold the case until residency is established.
Child Protection Review Team to place children on Reading temporary child protection plans and arrange transfer-in Conference to take place within 15 days of permanent residency having been established.
Decision re allocation to long term team to be made at WAM, once residency is established and receiving Team Manager to liaise directly with transferring LA regarding case and ensure all necessary information and documentation is available for consideration prior to Transfer CPC.
Receiving TM to consider
Is the family likely to remain in RBC?
Is the family subject to ongoing family or private proceedingsor pre-proceedings?
Is the existing CP plan being progressed in accordance with expectations as set out in the plan?
Has a LPM been held previously and if so what was the outcome? Does the family have recourse to public funds and if not are any financial agreement/arrangements in place with the transferring LA?
Any information arising that raises a concern regarding transfer to be discussed with transferring Team Manager, and if resolution not achieved, escalated to relevant Service Manager prior to scheduled transfer CPC.
Statutory visiting responsibility remains with the transferring LA until after the transfer CPC. / Documents provided must include the following -
Details of involved Agencies
C&F assessment on each child in household.
Strategy meeting minutes
S47 record for each child in household. Risk assessment/s where required.
Up to date chronology Current and previous CPplans All previous CPCminutes
All previous CPC reports All core group minutes Genogram
Legal orders where applicable Financial agreements whereapplicable
Contact arrangements where applicable LPM minutes where applicable


Court- directed S7/37 reports / Transfer point and process
Legal Team to send referral to MASH immediately following receipt of referral
MASH to check family reside within RBC and if so load referral and request allocation within A and A.
If the case is currently open to an RBC Social Worker, allocated Social Worker to complete report.
If the case has been open to an RBC Social Worker within the previous three months, report to be completed by previous Social Worker or within the previous team if the Social Worker has left the authority. / Documents required
Court direction/s re s7/37 Legal bundle Details/documentation re any previous/current involvement Family details
Contact arrangements if applicable
Type of Case / Transfer Point / Transfer Documentation
Children subject to Full Care Orders and/or Placement Orders / Within 5 days of the final hearing.
The receiving team should be given an early warning so that they are aware of the care plan and progress towards family finding. / Final statement and care plan Legal bundle
Court chronology
Child’s Permanence Report Placement details
Signed parental consent for medical routine and emergency treatment Placement Planning Meeting record Placement Information Record Supervised contact referral and details
LAC Care Plan PEP
LAC medical Chronology
Financial arrangements where appropriate (i.e financial support for parents to attend contact).
Case file audit Case summary Supervision notes Genogram
Care Leavers / LAC review closest to the child’s 16thbirthday / Pathway Plan PEP
LAC review minutes Placement InformationRecord TransferSummary
Genogram Supervision notes Chronology