JUNE 2016 Newsletter


l Claire Hardy thru June 24

l Rhythms July 16 – August 26

l Jolene Joyner Sept 10 – Oct 22

l Snowflake Showcase Nov 5 – Dec 22


July 16 – Aug 26
Entry Deadline: June 10

Opening Celebration

July 16, 4-8 pm


Saturday, June 4 Café Art ala Mode 1-4 pm

Friday, June 10 Entry Deadline for Juried Biennial "Rhythms"

Monday, June 13 Members General Meeting, 7 PM

Friday, June 17 Library Reception - Gloria Gonzales - 6-8 PM

week of June 21 Summer classes begin

Monday, July 11 Members General Meeting 7 PM

Saturday, July 16 Opening Reception and Celebration 4-8 PM "Rhythms"

week of August 1-5 Summer Fantasy Art Camp for Ages 7-12

Friday, August 5 Twisted Trivia Night

Monday, August 8 Members General Meeting 7 PM

August 9-11 Wood Tattooing and Pyrography for Ages 12-18


May 7 - June 24 ROWE GALLERY Claire Hardy CLASSROOM WCCC Students

July 16 – Aug 26 ROWE GALLERY Rhythms” – Biennial Juried CLASSROOM Doreen Currie’s Class

Sept 10 – Oct 22 ROWE GALLERY Jolene Joyner CLASSROOM Fall Creations Contest (see below)

Nov 5 - Dec 22 ROWE GALLERY Snowflake Showcase CLASSROOM Eileen Sudzina


EDUCATION: Summer classes will begin in the middle of June.

The Greensburg Art club is sponsoring a Juried Exhibit, ”RHYTHMS” from July 16, through August 27, 2016 at the Greensburg Art Center. The juror is Charles, ”Bud” Gibbons, Professor Emeritus of Visual Arts, from Penn State University, New Kensington Campus. The club is sending out a “Call for Artists” to submit their works by June 10, 2016. Submit entries at GAC’s website or download the prospectus from the website and mail entries. Please contact the chairman of the exhibit, Renie Pollock at 724-396-6699 for additional information.

Beginning in September 2016 the individual membership will be INCREASED TO $35 and the family membership will be INCREASED TO $60. We have tried for several years to avoid raising our dues but with riding utility costs and insurance, we can no longer avoid this. Thank you for your understanding about this.

Café Art ala Mode: The Greensburg Art Center announces an Open House during the current exhibition, Expired Mills, By artist, Claire Hardy. The event, Café Art ala Mode is scheduled for Saturday, June 4, 2016 from 1-4 PM. The featured demonstration will be conducted by artist, Susan Sparks, and will include 2-dimensional artwork done with ink, tape and a ‘little magic.’ The public is encouraged to attend.

The Development Committee is planning to add a little beauty to our Art Center and at the same time provide a sanctuary for Monarch Butterflies. Monarchs are in need of our support to aid in their survival. Several members have offered their time to develop the garden.

MEMBERSHIP 2016 memberships are good until December 31, 2016. Post cards will be sent in the fall to remind people to pay their dues for 2017.

Plein Air Painting Nancy Metzger has agreed to monitor this activity. Weekly painting sites will be sent to interested persons by email. If you want to add your name to the email list, call the center and give your information to the monitor.

The annual Day of Giving, held on May 3, was suspended by The Pittsburgh Foundation due to technical problems experienced by a national fundraising firm. Another Day of Giving will be rescheduled for our region in the future at which time our hope is that members unable to contribute will do so at that time. Donations given preceding the cancellation were contributed by Karen Jurkovic, Bob Majcher, Lillian Reeher, Barb and John Wieser, Joe Schildkamp, Jack and Evie Sharbaugh, Carol Pollock, Ken White, Don and Renie Pollock, Jon and Nina Lewis, Gene and Nancy Dalverny, Kay Rowe, Carolyn Taylor, and Al and Betty Reese. We appreciate your support!

STANDING COMMITTEES IN NEED OF NEW VOLUNTEERS - If you have even a little bit of time and can help sporadically, we could use some new faces for these committees - Gallery (extra hands to install exhibits, do mailings, handle receiving and pickup, set up for openings, and refreshments), Facilities (climb ladders, paint, patch, caulk, odd jobs), Marketing (help with publicity, Facebook and Twitter input), plus there are times that I'm sure our dedicated webmaster Bonnie Hoffman could stand some help with that when she needs a break.

Fall Creations Contest ~ due Aug. 29, 2016 A CONTEST for Fall/Autumn themed 2D work

This contest is open to all GAC Members! For all artists entering our FALL contest: * You may submit 1 - 4 entries. These must be FOR SALE. * All entries must be fall themed, e.g. fall landscapes, pumpkins, corn fields, autumn abstracts, autumn scenes, etc. * Fee to enter is $5 for 1 - 4 works.*Each original work should be no larger than 16 x 20". All works must be framed and ready for hanging. Canvas wrapped work is also accepted. * Any medium is permitted.* Deliver to GAC on Monday, August 29, 2016. * These will be displayed on two walls in the Classroom Gallery during the Sept. 10 - Oct. 22 exhibition. *Prizes awarded. We will accept entries through Sept. 7. Start now!

Snowflake Showcase 2016 -- For all artists thinking about participating in this year's Snowflake Showcase, now is the time to start planning. Snowflake Showcase features original paintings and gifts made by members and local artists. Gifts are handmade, one-of-a-kind gifts that include jewelry, scarves, wood creations, glass items, prints, cards, textiles, fashion accessories, photography, holiday decor, ornaments, ceramics, and much more. This year, the Opening Reception will be Nov. 5, so we will be accepting work 2 weeks before that date. Please watch for the prospectus and

important dates to be announced for this exhibition. We are having a "Nutcracker" theme this year and would love to have some items with that theme. There will also be a contest and opportunity to make wooden snowflakes featuring the theme.Exhibition -- Nov. 5 - Dec. 22, 2016. Visit the website -- www.greensburgartcenter.org and LIKE Greensburg Art Center on Facebook for more information. We hope that you will consider participating this year.

“Picture This at the Library” is a joint venture between the Greensburg Art Center (GAC) and the Greensburg-Hempfield Library which features artwork of local artists/members of GAC. The next featured artist is Gloria Gonzalez. Her exhibit Her exhibit,”Through My Eyes and Hands’” is scheduled from June 8, through July 30, 2016, reception June 17, 2016 from 6-8 pm. From August 4 through September 27, 2016, John Bixler’s artwork will be exhibited. The final exhibitor for the 2016 season will be Pam Cooper. Her exhibition runs from October 10 through November 22, 2016 For additional information, call the center at 724-837-6791.

Interested in a "stroll down memory lane"? Nancy Dalverny and Alice O'Brien are hosting a get together on June 14th at GAC from 2-4PM. Help us sift through the past as we continue the process of organizing GAC's history into GAC's archives, picking up where Bev Kohler and Betty Reese left off. Betty worked for many years organizing photos, exhibit announcements, and newspaper clippings dealing with events at the Art Center. Bev also volunteered a good bit of time more recently doing the same. So we have a strong foundation on which to build! This will be an organizational meeting where we’ll decide who will take care of what. Come join us for reminiscing and refreshments. Please RSVP to Alice at . or call 724-864-0865. Hope to see you there!

CHANGES AT GAC Thanks to successful classes, workshops, shows, fundraisers, donations and grants, we have, in the last 6 months, made some significant updates: Outdoor storage shed; rearrangement of storage areas in the gallery and classroom; New technology including video and audio enhancement; Door at top of basement stairs.We have secured subcontractors to assist with outdoor landscape maintenance and office services including accounting, sales reconciliation, inventorycontrol, andmembershipoversight.

Plans have been made for: Permanent awning over Pollins Porch; New 6’ tables for classroom; Electricity in the shed; Exterior painting of windows and trim. The facilities committee has an extended “to do” list to keep our center going strong. Hopefully, our financial successes will continue and we can address future wants and needs.

SPECIAL THANK YOU Thanks toRose Sovyakfor gardening in front of the GAC building; toDonna Merritsand neighbors Keith & Marilyn Solomon for gardening in the triangle on Humphrey Road; toKen Whitefor ongoing use of a copy machine; toJill Diannifor copy work for special projects. Your generosity goes way beyond membership. Thank you very much.

Members interested in taking a CPR/AED class from Mutual Aid are asked to sign the sheet at the monitor’s desk. The cost of the class is $15 and will be scheduled when we have 13 to 15 participants. The AED device has been installed in the gallery.

Figure Drawing Opportunities - Sessions Revamped in 2016! Ask a friend or relative to pose for a sketch for more than 1/2 hour and you will see how importantthe model sessions are at our center! We have enlisted professional and amateur models, including some members of GAC, who will pose for three hours (with breaks, of course).
These valuable model sessions are now being held on the third Thursday of each month, from 10:00 am to 12:30 am. The fee is just $10 for a session. The daytime hours are a switch from the evening sessions of the past years and provide a stimulus to encourage more participation. If you would like to model or have discovered someone who would like to, please call Carolyn Taylor with their contact information at 724-600-0902.

For all of you who love the Greensburg Art Center SHOW YOUR SUPPORT IN A MEANINGFUL WAY TO HELP US CONTINUE TO SERVE AS A TRUE COMMUNITY ART CENTER THROUGH YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO THE CENTER…Download the Special Donor Form at http://www.greensburgartcenter.org/GAC/special-donors/or to donate via PayPal

Check out our BRAND NEW "Monitors' Rewards Program" designed to thank our monitors and encourage new monitors to join us! If you have any questions about becoming a monitor, or about the new program, please contact Alice O'Brien at or call her at 724-864-0865.

Monitor Schedule now on the web http://www.greensburgartcenter.org/GAC/ pulldown menu under “Welcome”


·  UPCOMING VOTE ON BYLAWS - This was announced at our May general membership meeting, but for those of you who do not normally attend our general meeting, youshould consider doing so as we are voting on an amendment to our bylaws which will add a non-voting position to our Executive Board - Corresponding Secretary who will handle thank you letters and general correspondence. Also, we are asking to include 1 more Member-at-Large as a voting member of the Executive Board to increase representation of the general membership. The meeting is scheduled for Monday June 13 at 7 pm.

·  SHED ORGANIZATIONDAY FRIDAY JUNE 10, 10 AM - ??? - If any members LO-O-OVE to organize things, we have the perfect job for you. Over the winter and spring, items have been basically justdropped randomly in our new shed and now is the time to create order from chaos. We would love to have your help.

·  CLAIRE HARDY - WCCC STUDENT EXHIBIT - It was a real pleasure at the May 14 receptionto meet the artist behind the dynamic colorful landscapes and millscapes gracing the Rowe Gallery walls as well assome futuremembers of the art community, students at WCCC, who are showing in the classroom gallery. It's always stimulating to see all the variations in which art ismanifested.

·  ABOVE AND BEYOND THE CALL OF MEMBERSHIP - Kudos to the Facilities Committee which is busily making plans for future projects to enhance our summer activities beginning with getting our windows scraped of peeling paint, caulking, and reprinting (thanks to Pat Majcher, our unofficial member of Facilities for getting such a good price for this), installing a permanent awning over our deck alcove (thank you Joe Schildkamp for getting this underway), and to John Bixler for handling the electrical work inside the center, at the triangle of land by the Sunoco station (to light our new sign that Joe Schildkamp has designed), and installing the wiring and lighting in our new shed. Recently, Bob Majcher and Bill Kiren have joined the ranks as adjunct members of the Facilities Committee on an "as needed" basis to supplement our regular crew (mentioned above) and Ed Gross and Don Pollock. THANK YOU - ALL OF YOU!!!

·  WITH GRATITUDE TOOUR INCREDIBLEDONORS WHO CONTINUE TO ALLOW US TO SERVE OUR COMMUNITY WITH OUR GAC EVENTS - Anonymous Donor who provided matching funds for new lightweight 6' classroom tables; sponsors for our upcoming juried exhibit "Rhythms" - Ross Pollock $1,000 for invitations, prospectuses, brochures, 2 Honorable Mentionsand misc. expenses (which will be matched with an additional $1,000 by his employer Verizon Wireless which will be applied to our Capital Fund); prize monies as follows: Don, Renie, and Carol Pollock $500 forBest of Show, Kay Rowe $300 forAward of Distinction, Davis &Davis Law Firm in Uniontown $200for First Prize, Nancy Dalverny $150 for Second Prize, Anonymous$100 for Third Prize, Nadine Reposky $50 for Honorable Mention; Bob Majcher - $440 for music, Rebecca Gardner $200 for music.