2017 BOMI Education Scholarship

Property Manager

Applies to one of the following BOMI designations: RPA, FMA, SMA, SMT

BOMA GTB is pleased to offer a BOMI Education Scholarship for 2017. Applicants must be currently entering, pursuing, or engaged in a career in the property or facility management industries.

General Information

  • Candidate must be a regular principal member and in good standing with BOMA GTB (i.e. dues must have been paid for the year prior to submission of application).
  • Scholarship covered fees:
  • ONE BOMI 2017 In Class course only (includes one set of course materials, course fee and examination fee) - valued at up to $1,400.00
  • The applications will be reviewed by the BOMA GTB past president's council. Council members are not eligible to apply for the scholarship. The council reserves the right to interview candidates if necessary.
  • Applicants who were awarded a scholarship in 2016 may not apply in 2017. Applicant may reapply in 2018.


  • Carefully complete the attached application, making certain to provide all information requested.
  • Type or print all information on the application
  • Attach a resume and one-page personal statement indicating your reasons for requesting the scholarship and what you expect to gain from attending the requested program
  • Email your completed application, resume and personal statement to .


  • The deadline for the scholarship application submission is January 26th,2017. The winner will be announced by February 1st, 2017.

2017BOMI Education ScholarshipApplication



City, State, Zip Code:

Phone #:

Email Address:


Job Title:

Total length of time the candidate has been a member of BOMA GTB:

List prior and current involvement in BOMA GTB:

List professional designation(s) and when they were earned:


I (name), ______, (title) ______, hereby consent,on behalf of (company) ______, to allow time for (candidate name) ______, to fulfill the educational and time requirements for which the scholarship has been requested. I understand expenses incurred by (candidate name) ______,above the scholarship's covered costs of course materials , course fee and examination fee, willbe covered as agreed upon by the company and/or the above the named candidate.

Indicate if your company reimburse for BOMI education classes (Please circle) Y or N?


Signature of EmployerDate


I have read and understand the Scholarship Program. I hereby certify that the information herein submitted istrue and accurate. I understand expenses incurred by myself, above the scholarship's covered costs of registration, will be covered as agreed upon by my employer and/or me personally.


Signature of CandidateDate

Please include the following:

  • Completed application
  • Resume
  • Personal statement indicating your reasons for requesting the scholarship and what you expect to gain fromattending the BOMI Educational Class.