The appointment for your sleep evaluation is on ______@ ______P.M. We look forward to seeing you at our 1960 location. We are located at15655 Cypress Woods Medical Drive Suite 400, Houston, TX77014 (KelseySeyboldMedicalBuilding). If you should need to change your appointment for any reason please be sure to contact us at (281) 537-0171 at least 24 hours prior to your appointment. Failure to do so will result in $200 charge.


  • All enclosed paperwork. (Please be sure to review each document and complete the Patient Sleep History Questionnaire.)
  • Insurance card and driver’s license.


  • All enclosed paperwork. (Please be sure to review each document and complete the Patient Sleep History Questionnaire.)
  • Insurance card and driver’s license.
  • Medications


  • Anything you would normally need to bring for an overnight stay at a hotel.
  • Pajamas (two-piece)
  • Shaving cream and razor
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Lotion, lip balm, comb, sleeping mask, ear plugs
  • Change of clothes for in the morning
  • Favorite pillow or blanket


  • Your own private room with full private bath.
  • Satellite television

Thank you for choosing Houston Neurology and SleepDisordersCenter. Please feel free to call us if you have any questions.

Please read and acknowledge:

By signing, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the above. Further, I understand that I will be held financially liable for a cancellation fee for not giving notice; of same, within 24 hours of my scheduled sleep study appointment.

Please sign: ______

Advised via phone: _____ Date/Time: ______


Where are you located?

Our sleep center is located in the KelseySeyboldMedicalBuilding across from the Northgate Country Club. We are approximately ¼ mile west of the intersection of FM1960 and Kuykendahl. Please see the enclosed map for directions and building access instructions.

When doI arrive for my appointment?

Please arrive at your scheduled appointment time. The sleep lab remains closed until your appointed time.

How do I get in?

When you arrive, you will need to dial 400 on the access panel to the left of the entrance to the CypresswoodsMedicalBuilding (Not the entrance to the Kelsey-Seybold clinic). Identify yourself to the technician and you will be granted access to the building. Take the elevator to the 4th floor and we are directly across the hall from the elevator doors.

What should I bring with me?

In addition to your insurance card, bring anything you would normally bring for an overnight hotel stay. This may include:

  • Pajamas
  • Shaving cream and razor (men only)
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Lotion, lip balm, comb, sleeping mask, ear plugs.
  • Medications (A MUST! Continue your normal medications unless otherwise advised by your physician).
  • Change of clothing
  • Your favorite pillow or blanket

How do I prepare for my test?

To prepare for your sleep study we ask that you read the following instructions.

  • Do not take naps the day of your sleep study as naps may decrease the quality of your sleep that night.
  • Do not drink caffeine on the day of your study.
  • Bathe or shower to include washing your hair before your test as clean skin improves the application of the monitoring sensors.
  • Do not apply body lotions, hair conditioners, hair creams or tonics.
  • Remove or be prepared to remove any hair extensions, weaves or wigs/toupees.
  • Refrain from drinking caffeinated beverages or eating chocolate after 4:00 PM. Refrain from drinking alcohol after 6:00 PM.


What about the sleep evaluation, will I be able to sleep?

The sleep evaluation is painless and non-invasive. Specially trained technologists will apply small sensors to your scalp, chest and legs. All sensors are applied to the surface of the skin. This is a completely non-invasive test; there are no needles or pain. We will be monitoring everything from brain waves, to heart rate, oxygen levels, eye movements, leg movements, and even muscle spasms. These sensors will not prohibit you from moving around in bed and may be temporarily disconnected by the technologists when you need to use the bathroom. Most patients fall asleep within a half an hour and sleep as soundly as they might at home.

Can my family come with me?

Family members may accompany you to the sleep center; however, when the testing procedure begins they must leave the center unless special arrangements have been made otherwise. All minors being tested in the sleep center MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian during the testing procedure. Special arrangements will be made for that guardian to stay in the sleep center.

When do I leave in the morning?

We will awaken you between 5:00 and 6:00 a.m. depending on when you started your test. We can wake you earlier if you request it. After you have been unhooked, you may take a shower and get ready for your day.

Is this covered by my insurance?

We will verify your benefits and obtain any necessary authorizations regarding your sleep study (ies) prior to your sleep study appointment. This process usually takes 2-3 days. You should know your payment portion (if any) before proceeding with evaluation or CPAP treatment.

Do I still take my medications?

Please continue to take any maintenance medications (blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, etc.) as prescribed by your doctor. If you take any sleep aids (OTC or prescription), we ask that you bring those medications with you but not take them right away. We would like you to try to go to sleep without the sleep aid. If, after 30-45 minutes you simply can not fall asleep, please let the technician know. They will bring you some water and document what you took and the dosage. This helps establish the continued need for your sleep aid.

How many times do I need to do this?

There are two different sleep studies. The first sleep study is a diagnostic study to determine if you suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). In the event you are diagnosed with OSA, you will return for a second night study, called a CPAP trial. This is a treatment study to assess the optimal treatment pressure and best facial mask for you.

When will I get my results?

The results of each study will be available approximately 5 business days following your study. If, after your first study, you are diagnosed with OSA, our staff will contact you to schedule your second, CPAP study. Following the second study, our staff will contact you to schedule a follow-up consultation with Dr. Chu to discuss the results of both studies and review treatment options. Most patients prefer the convenience of having their CPAP setup the same day of their consultation. ** Some prefer to discuss the results of the diagnostic study, prior to scheduling a CPAP study. If you prefer this option, you can request a consultation when our staff contacts you. We will then schedule your appointment ASAP. This follow-up is generally not necessary, as Dr. Chu will review both studies with you prior to you starting CPAP therapy.

**Some referring physicians prefer to review the study results with you. In that case, you should have an appointment with your doctor to review the results. We will still contact you to schedule any follow-up testing or CPAP setup.

What if I don’t have OSA?

If the results of your diagnostic study are negative for OSA, our staff will contact you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Chu to discuss the results and discuss further management of your sleep disorder.

So, I have OSA. What now?

CPAP devices and supplies can be supplied via our SleepCenter. We will verify your benefits and obtain any authorizations. We will schedule you for a consultation with Dr. Chu to review the results of both studies, and in most instances send you home with your own machine the same day. We are unable to provide CPAP for patients with certain insurance (e.g., Medicare, Cigna). In these cases we will be glad to refer you to a contracted provider who will provide your equipment.

CPAP Compliance

We will try to contact you shortly after your set up to address any problems or concerns you may be experiencing. You should have a follow-up appointment with Dr. Chu following one month of CPAP use for compliance issues and CPAP adjustment, if necessary.

CPAP Supplies and Follow-up

You can obtain a regular supply of PAP related supplies via our SleepCenter to assure treatment quality and compliance. Our staff will contact you on a regular basis to ensure continued compliance and see if you require any supplies. We will verify your benefits and have the supplies ready for pick up in our Center.


  • Stick to a regular schedule of going to bed and getting up at the same time every day.
  • Exercise regularly in the morning or afternoon; do not engage in strenuous activity within 4 hours of your bedtime.
  • Find the right room temperature for you and maintain it throughout the night.
  • Napping worsens the quality of your nighttime sleep. Therefore if you need to nap, the nap should be completed at least 8 hours prior to your normal bedtime.
  • Avoid alcohol and heavy meals within 4 hours of your regular bedtime.
  • Avoid caffeine or limit it to morning hours only.
  • Try to relax before going to bed. Take a warm bath, listen to music and avoid stressful thoughts.
  • If you do not sleep at night due to shift work, do your best to preserve your normal 24-hour cycle of activity and rest.



