Delaware Developmental Disabilities Council (DDC)
Adult Issues Committee
Minutes of Meeting
Independent Resources, Inc.
February 21, 2014
9:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Members Present:Larry Henderson, Executive Director- Independent Resources, Inc., Self-Advocate, Committee Chair; Carol Barnett, Division of Services for Aging Adults and Persons with Disabilities (DSAAPD); Terri Hancharick, Parent Advocate; Gary Mears, Ed.D., Parent Advocate; Bill Monaghan, Officer- Delaware People First (DPF) & Self-Advocate; Barbara Monaghan, Officer- DPF and Self-Advocate
Members Absent: Sonal Cercena, Self-Advocate; Ed Tos, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR); Debra Veenema,Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Delaware; Vivian Turner, Director-Collaborative Efforts to Reinforce Transition Success (CERTS); Karen Gallagher, Self-Advocate
Staff:Pat Maichle, Director-Delaware Developmental Disabilities Council; Kristin Cosden, Social Services Administrator-DDC
Guests: Alisha Raiford, Division of Developmental Disabilities Services (DDDS)/Stop The Abuse Now Delaware (STAND) Project; Leslie Hailey, DDDS/STAND Project; Alvin Emory, self-advocate (new to committee)
- Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 9:35AM
- Approval of Minutes: The minutes were approved as mailed.
- Approval of Agenda: The agenda was approved as mailed.
- Chair’s Report: Larry reported that Independent Resources, Inc. (IRI)launched their project to train and provide support to individuals with disabilities who want to start their own business in December.Thus far,IRI is pleased to report that they have five people enrolled in the 10-week program, which is run out of IRI’s offices in Dover.Larry stated that IRI is pleased with the progress that they are making. As an example of the types of participants the program is serving, Larry provided the example of a young man who is blind who would like to become a massage therapist. IRI is working with the young man to help him plan how to move forward with his career choice. The committee was especially interested in the “shark tank” portion of Larry’s report. Much like the television show “Shark Tank”, aspiring entrepreneurs will present their business plan to a panel. Instead of receiving funding for their entire business plan, the winner will receive a $1,000 prize.
An Application for Funding for this project was received by the Delaware Developmental Disabilities Council (DDC). Unfortunately, the DDC was unable to vote on the application at the January meeting, as a quorum was not present.IRI’s Application for Funding will go before Council once again for a vote at the DDC March 12, 2014 meeting, with hopes that a quorum will be present.
- Staff Report: Kristin welcomed the committee’s guests and presenters, and provided updates on a number of topics, which included:
- Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) Survey- The survey seeks to discover what consumers feel that DVR is doing well and what they are not doing well. The DVR survey is open through Friday, February 28, 2014. Anyone who has concerns about employment options for persons with disabilities was encouraged to take the survey and voice their opinions.
- United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) Delaware Summer Camp Administrator Contract (DDC Contract # 1302) - UCP has planned a parent discussion/focus group on February 27, 2014. The focus group will help UCP to receive parent feedback on beneficial training for summer camp administrators to promote the inclusion of children with disabilities. Parents of children with a disabilityare encouraged to attend the event and provide input.
- Division of Developmental Disabilities Services (DDDS)) proposed Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Waiver public meetings-The HCBS public meetings are being held on March 3 in New Castle County, March 4 in Sussex County and March 6 in Kent County. All three meetings will be held from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM.
- Joint Finance Committee (JFC) hearing for the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) -The hearing will take place on Wednesday, March 19 at noon at Legislative Hall in Dover. Persons with disabilities, parents, service providers and advocates are encouraged to attend and provide testimony.Proposed changes to Delaware Area Regional Transit (DART) Paratransit which would have a negative effect on transportation options for people with disabilities.
- DDC Children and Families Committee- The Children and Families Committee are seeking new active members. Adult Issues Committee members were asked to refer any potential members that they may know of to the DDC.
- 2014 DDC Legislative Event-Pat provided copies of the informational flyer for this event to all present. This year’s event will take place on Wednesday, April 2 from 11:00 AM to 3:30 PM. Pat encouraged everyone to find out who their state legislators are, and to make appointments with their legislators to speak with them on issues they feel are important during the event.
- Delaware People First (DPF), DD Contract # 1308 with The Arc of Delaware(Contract falls under Adult Issues Committee State Plan Objectives) -Bill and Barbara Monoghan, officers for DPF provided an update. DPFdetermined that they no longer wish to be under the supervision of The Arc. As a result of this decision, The Arc has requested that the DDC rescind their contract. Pat stated that the DDC is currently in the process of considering The Arc’s request.
- Current business:
- Update on the Stop The Abuse Now Delaware (STAND):(DDC Contract # 1306, falls under the Adult Issues Committee’s assigned State Plan Objectives)- Alisha Raiford and Leslie Hailey of DDDS presented to the committee on the progress of the STAND Project. Alisha noted that there was one meet and greet session and one group discussion held in the past week. Turnout was very good for both events. For the support group meeting held on Thursday, February 20, Alisha reported that parents and support persons were allowed to remain in the room for the dinner/social portion of the meeting, but were asked to leave the room for the discussion. 22 people attended the 2-hour session, which Leslie and Alisha facilitated. The STAND training is open to individuals who are 18 and older, although Leslie stated that the program could be altered for a younger audience. An expert trained in what to do if a person discloses that they are being abused is present at all group discussions. Sessions are currently being planned in Kent and Sussex Counties.
Leslie stated that the STAND Project is partnering with the New Castle County police department, and is seeking out partnerships with all Delaware police agencies. The STAND Project is also working to provide training to adjudicated youth, who are sometimes wrongly accused of a crime themselves. The goal of this is to reduce recidivism. Alisha also noted that the STAND Project will be partnering with the Contact Lifeline Call Center and Rape Crisis Hotline.
After sharing materials, including training manuals, “confidence cards”, communication paddles and other materials, Alisha closed the presentation by stating that STAND focuses on three main areas- 1.) Services provided 2.) Education for individuals 3.) Training and support for those who have been wrongly accused of a crime. The committee praised Alisha and Leslie for their progress with the STAND Project, and thanked them for the presentation.
- Committee Planning Discussion, Request for Proposal (RFP) 1308-Emergency Situations for People with Disabilities Conference- The committee set aside this time to discuss the draft Request for Proposal (RFP) 1308, Emergency Situations for People with Disabilities Conference. This proposal was originally put before the full DDC in January 2014. However, since a quorum was not present, the RFP could not be released for bid. As a result, the next opportunity the full DDC would have to vote on the RFP will be at their meeting on March 21, 2014. If approved by Council, the RFP must be advertised for two weeks, a bidder’s conference must be held, proposals must be received, and the adult issues committee will vote on which proposal they deem best. After the committee’s recommendation, the proposal chosen by the committee must go before Council for a vote once again. The next full Council meeting after the receipt of the proposals will be on May 7, 2014. This means that the contract would not begin until June 1, 2014.
Given the revised time frame, the conference date was reconsidered. Originally scheduled tentatively for October, 2014 (4.5 month contract), the committee agreed that a May, 2015 conference date would be far more workable. The committee will present a list of potential conference locations to the successful contractor candidate. The contractor will reach out to the specified locations and present their findings to the committee, who will make their final decision on the location. A similar process will take place to select the videographer for the conference and to set the exhibitor rate schedule.
- Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Update: Terri discussed how representatives from the SEIU are in Delaware attempting to organize workers who provide direct support services to persons with disabilities. SEIUis in the process of contacting advocates and parents in Delaware to try to convince them that forming a union for direct support staff will be beneficial. In a discussion with the SEIU at the State Council for Persons with Disabilities (SCPD) February meeting, the SEIU asked advocates to support their efforts at Legislative Hall. Terri informed the representatives from SEIU that she would not support them, and is actually adamantly opposed to any such union. Terri listed a number of drawbacks with the SEIU proposal. For instance, Terri would have to attend training to learn how to take care of her own daughter, something she has been doing successfully for twenty-six years. Also, people with disabilities in Delaware currently choose their own support staff and they develop a relationship during the hours for which they qualify. Under the proposal, support staff could work for several people and that close relationship could be lost.
- New Business: There being no new business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:51AM.
Follow Up
- Staff will draft the revisions that the committee discussed to RFP 1308, and prepare copies for distribution to full Council.
- Staff will schedule a date to attend a STAND Project site visit.
- Staff will prepare the list of proposed locations for the Emergency Situations for People with Disabilities Conference for the successful contractor candidate to contact.