Minutes of Jan 2008 Meeting

Meeting called to order at 8:05 PM and the Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Present at the Meeting were Joe Hernandez, Chris Ionnidos, John Payton, Adams Shipman, Tom Fandel, George Taksery, Walter Landry, Randy Miller and 6 Regular Members.

Pres. Joe Hernandez called for a Moment of Silence in Memory of Doc Peterson. Tom Fandel, Walter Landry, Randy Miller and Joe Hernandez remembered Doc fondly.

Motion made by member Joe McGinnis to name the Clubhouse in memory of Doc Peterson. Motion seconded and passed.

Member Adams Shipman made a motion to donate $1,000 to Doc’s Church. Motion seconded and passed.

Member Frank Hamm proposed a memorial shoot in honor of Doc. Motion seconded and passed. Randy Miller will schedule this into our 2008 Shooting Schedule.

Pres. Joe Hernandez asked if there were any volunteers to take over Doc’s duties as Secretary. Member Joe McGinnis said he would take over temporarily and we will consult the Club’s Bylaws for further guidance.

Prospective member Joe Bifano was presented to the membership by Governor John Payton with a positive recommendation for membership. He was voted on and accepted into the Club by the membership.

The Trap Machine is broken for now. Member Bill Kinsella mentioned that the Fin, Fur, & Feather Club has 4 of the same machines as ours and someone there may be able to help with our machine.

Member Craig Armstrong has postponed the proposed Boy Scout shoot for the time being – will update the membership when a better date comes along.

Member Joe McGinnis proposed looking into the purchase of .22 LR ammo from the CMP for possible use in Club and Junior shooting events.

Pres. Joe Hernandez proposed a Winter War Shoot (Finland/Russian War Era) for possibly in late February.

Governor John Payton mentioned the new 100 yd Reactive Steel Plate was recently installed. There is 1 plate out now with more to follow as they are constructed.

Member Joe McGinnis would like to remind everyone shooting at the Spinner and all Steel Targets – at whatever range – must be shot at in a straight line to minimize the chance of ricochet. No angle shots are to be taken.

A motion was made, seconded and passed to adjourn the meeting.