Btec National Diploma

Year 12/13 Physiology of Fitness

Assignment One – The body’s response to acute Exercise

Handed out Friday June 9th during lesson 1 and 2

Due In Thursday 22nd June 3pm

Name ______

Insert here a picture of your favourite Footballer/favourite team


This part of the assignment asks you to look carefully at the data you have collected for one single bout of exercise. The data will then allow you to look at the responses that take place in response to acute exercise.

You are an elite football player on trial for a top flight football team. They are going to carry out a basic fitness test to assess your level of cardiovascular fitness. You can choose the following machine to do this test on.

1.  Treadmill

2.  Cross Trainer

3.  Rower

The level you choose to work at must be one you can maintain for 12 minutes.

Time / Blood
Pressure / Respiratory
Rate / Ant.
Heart Rate / Heart
Rate / Distance / Borg Scale
Rest / * / * / * / * / * / *
2min / * / * / * / *
4min / * / * / *
6min / * / * / *
8min / * / * / *
10min / * / * / *
12min / * / * / * / *Total / *
1min rec / * / *
2min rec / * / *
3min rec / * / * / * / *

When you start this test your body will make changes to cope with the demands of the exercise. What is meant by an immediate response?

As you are performing the task certain things in your body have to change to allow you to complete the task. Certain systems will have to make changes.

Take each system in turn and describe (Pass) and Explain (Merit) what these changes are.

Skeletal System

Answer the following questions.

What effect does your task above have on / P1 - Effect / M1- Explanation why
The bones
Synovial Fluid
Mobility of the joint capsule

Muscular system

Answer the following questions

What effect does your task above have on / P1 - Effect / M1- Explanation why
Muscle’s work rate
Metabolic activity within the muscle
Temperature within the muscle
Risk of micro tears within the muscle

Energy Systems

Describe and explain what happens to the energy contribution as the exercise progresses to 12 minutes. ( Remember at some point there will be steady state activity.)

The Energy Continuum

What effect does your task above have on / P1 - Effect / M1- Explanation why
ATP System
PC System
Lactic Acid System
Aerobic system

Cardio Vascular System.

What effect does your task above have on / P2 - Effect / M1- Explanation why
Anticipatory Heart
Heart Rate in the first few minutes
Heart Rate as the exercise progresses and becomes steady state.
Stroke Volume
Cardiac Output
Blood Pressure
Blood Vessels
Blood Shunting

Respiratory System (P2 and M1)

What effect does your task above have on / P2 - Effect / M1- Explanation why
Breathing Rate as the exercise begins
Breathing Rate as the exercise becomes steady state
Work rate of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles at the start of the exercise
Work rate of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles as the exercise becomes steady state
Oxygen uptake as the exercise begins
Oxygen uptake as the exercise becomes steady state
Carbon Dioxide production at the start of the exercise
Carbon dioxide production as the exercise becomes steady state
Gaseous Exchange as the exercise begins