With the Worldwide Anglican Communion we pray for:
The Reformed Episcopal Church of Spain (E-P to the Archbishop of Canterbury)
The Reformed Episcopal Church of Spain – (Spain), the Rt Revd Carlos López-Lozano.
We pray with our Diocese for:
St Simon’s, Oudtshoorn and chapelry; Revd Peter Minnaar, his wife and the congregations.
We pray for:
For growth in spirituality, understanding and fellowship.
For the sick and needing prayer:
Florence McCallam, Ossie Spies, Lett Spies, Cliff Lawrence, Hessie Oelf, Florence Mortlock, Archie Borchards, Daan Petersen, Dryn Petersen, Francine Solomons, Doen Muller, Sandra Blaauw, Florence Oelf, Colin Jones, Robert Spies, Stanley Phillips.
God bless Africa.
Protect our children. Transform our leaders.
Heal our communities. Restore our dignity.
And give us peace.
For Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen
Readings for the coming week
Monday 14th Nov:Luke 18: 35-43
Tuesday 15th Nov:Luke 19: 1-10
Wednesday 16th Nov:Revelation 4: 1-11
Psalm 150
Luke 19: 11-28
Thursday 17th Nov:Luke 19: 41-44
Friday 18th Nov:Luke 19: 45-48
Saturday 19th Nov:Luke 20: 27-40
Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tyre?
Corrie ten Boom
Sondag 20 November – 11:00
Woensdag 23 November – 19:00
Sondag 27 November – 09:00 (Morning Prayer)
Sondag 4 Desember – om 11:00
Sondag 11 Desember – om 07:30
Woensdag 14 Desember – 0m 19:00
Lord our Heavenly Father
We thank and praise You
for all the mercies and
blessings You have given to
the people of this Diocese.
We believe that You are
guiding and empowering us
as we go forward with
our Strategic Growth Plan,
through restorative grace
and we pray that it will
bear much fruit so that we
are strengthened
in our discipleship and
guided in stewardship
with the Gospel message of
love proclaimed in word
and deed.
We ask this through Jesus
Christ our Lord.
- Onthou asseblief om klere- en kospakkies
vir die armes te bring.
- Concert - St James Anglican Church
Smart Casual
Date: 18 November
Venue: Knysna Senior Secondary School Hall
Band: N2
Time: 19:30 until late
Entry: R100
(Tickets available from Fr Jerome)
A wise man’s heart guides his mouth, and his lips promote instruction.
Proverbs 16:23
Contact Numbers
Rector:FrJerome Prins
044 3871002
Chapel Wardens:
Elmar America 0843393643
Ethienne Botha 0824817756
Jamie Rhode 0765010161
Neil Botha 0829023974
Rachel Lewis 0785555215Eunice Lodewyk 0793283835
Marsha Botha 0723911223
Joseph Petersen 0833772557
John Moos 0797832043
Wyks Bidure
Indien u n wyks biduur by u huis wil he. Praat asseblief met een van die lekebedienaars sodat n dag en datum gereel kan word.
Pledges Collections
2 Oktober / R 2,240.00 / R 329.009 Oktober / R 170.00 / R 213.50
16 Oktober / R 1,590.00 / R 192.00
23 Oktober / - / -
30 Oktober / R 1,400.00 / R 379.00
Total / R 5,400.00 / R 1,113.50
Holy Trinity Belvidere, PO Box 312, Knysna 6570
Church Street, Old Belvidere, Knysna
Office: Tel. 044 387 1977 / Fax: 086767 8919
Office Hours: Mon. Wed. Fri.: 08:00 – 12:00
Facebook: Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Belvidere, Knysna
Twitter: @HTB_Anglican
Instagram: @holytrinitybelvidere
Welcome to St Saviour’s
Anglican Chapel
13 November 2016
Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost
The Collect
God of all time and the whole creation,
in Christ You make all things new:
grant us wisdom to interpret the signs of the
times, courage to stand firm in the time of trial
and faith to witness to Your truth and love;
through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and
reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God
forever and ever.
1st Reading: Isaiah 65: 17-25
For the Psalm: Isaiah 12: 2-6
2nd Reading: 2 Thess. 3: 6-13
The Gospel: St Luke 21: 5-19