Steering Committee Meeting

NECRC, 509 Selkirk

Wednesday November 13, 2013, 10:00AM

WRN Steering Committee Minutes
11.13.2013 / 10:00AM – 12:00Pm / North End Renewal Corporation
Meeting called by / Gord McIntyre
Chair / Marianne Cerilli
Note taker / Alana Ring-Woodard
Attendees / Marianne Cerilli, Social Planning Council (SPC); Gord McIntyre, WRN Coordinator; Alana Ring-Woodard, WRN Outreach; Jim Stewart, Neighbourhoods Alive!; Krista Bishop, Centennial Community Developer; Kerri Scott, Resource Assistance for Youth (RAY); Laura Gowerluk, Residential Tenancies Branch( RTB); Louis Ricciuto; Sherriann Dexter, Canadian Mental Health Association(CMHA); Cheryl Starr, Manitoba Non Profit Housing Association(MNPHA)
Regrets / Bruce Fiske, WPG Library; Mary Burton, Spence Neighborhood(SNA)
20 mins / Round Table
Discussion / ·  New online application to refer client on RAY’s website. Saves time and speeds up process
·  Cheryl Starr new to committee for MNPHA having their conference Nov 21-22, 2013, has registration forms. Marianne mentioned other events same week: Career trek, Healthy Child
·  Krista has new position as Centennial Neighborhood Community Developer, working with CCIA on finishing Housing plan. CCIA AGM Nov 27th @ Freight house
·  Extended Snap & Send contest till Dec 1st, 2013
·  Bill 40 passed, provisions being worked on and RTB newsletter has information about it.
·  Make Poverty History meeting, Nov 14th. Housing section plan going to be worked on, next date Jan/2014
·  Intake applications completed Oct 15th, TLC & WRN proposals submitted
·  Sherriann is new Housing Coordinator at CMHA Winnipeg
Action Items / Person Responsible / Deadline
Link RTB Newsletter to WRN website / Gord / asap
Provide information update & next meeting date for Making Poverty History / Marianne / When available
Contest provide update and winners / Alana / Jan 8/14
Minutes from September 11,2013 & misc. follow up
15 mins / Group
Discussion / ·  No changes to minutes
·  minutes need to be sent out sooner
·  Who would be note taker for meetings going forward?
·  Need more representation at WRN meetings, i.e. City, Bylaw, as well as who is missing from the table?
Conclusions / ·  Agreement was made for information to be sent much sooner before the meeting
·  Consensus to take notes would be Alana
·  Call and send out invites to join committee
Action Items / Person Responsible / Deadline
Invite Housing workers, city representation to join WRN committee(i.e. Bylaw – Martin/Peter), as well as others who might be missing around table / Gord / Jan 8/14
Minutes and reports sent 1 week prior to next meetings / Gord / ongoing
Steering Committee Proposed Actions (from SC survey)
30 / Gord
Discussion / ·  Primary workload outlined –List of 12 provided
·  Survey had some mandate items scoring between 6-7/10; the lists of tasks are intended as ways to improve identified items.
·  Strategic planning for identifying landlords having trouble &willing to engage in eviction prevention; this refers to the suggested private go-to list of landlords, which is frustrating to collect
o  Additional workshop for landlords – “Avoiding costly turnovers”/Eviction Prevention
o  How to target a market of Landlords who are having some trouble
o  Red flag landlords and have them take course to be in compliance, like a fine or penalty
o  Landlords should be held accountable
o  NDP Seniors Committee submitting resolution at Convention(All landlords should take training), lot of complaints on how seniors being treated
·  Conducting strategic planning between organizations within Network
o  Mapping of agencies so it is visible
o  NA! provides $$ for housing coordinators and should be attending meetings
o  Get more involvement to coordinate tasks, a lot of people doing housing work
o  Create sub committees
·  E bulletin can be used to get involvement
Conclusions / ·  Look at priorities and reprioritize, focusing on the achievable results
·  Promote workshop as a Cost savings, Evictions cost you money …you can Save!
o  Have break out groups with landlords and 1 or 2 service workers about stabilizing housing and talk about issues
·  Collaborate with RTB, City of Winnipeg, and Agencies to get information notice to their lists via a general mail out.
o  Use order system to look up public information.
o  Target specific landlord groups – ie rooming houses, landlords trying to do right vs those that are hard to work with
o  Do a public service announcement for workshop.
o  Bylaw and Health inspectors can inform these landlords of workshops being provided
·  Invite other agencies, teachers, community workers and reconnect with housing workers.
o  Provide new members a Welcome package with terms of reference, goals
·  Other comments:
o  Have mission statement on board during meeting
o  A lot of reference guides are being produce, connect with others to eliminate redundancy, aboriginal guides are free
Action Items / Person Responsible / Deadline
LAS workshops: Target invite and place in bulletin of RTB / Gord/Laura / tbd
Invite agency/support workers to join WRN steering committee and provide welcome package / Gord / Next meeting
Poverty Reduction (PRCW) – report back on Homeless Mandate information / Marianne / Next meeting
Invite Brian Bechtal to come to speak at WRN meeting / Gord / In new year
Develop E-Bulletin / Gord / January
October Forum Review
30 mins / Group
Discussion / ·  Had a lot of new agency members. WRN had new information, question was raised why did existing people not come?
·  Attendance doubled
·  Claire Meiklejohn and Vice Sansregret great connections on forwarding information
·  41 attendees filled out online survey
·  People left early afternoon
·  Anything different should do for next forum? EIA presentation too basic.
·  Some facilitators struggled with scenario questions
·  Some EIA workers do not know Administrative manual, there are 2 different departments
Conclusions / ·  New attendees could be turnover or different people sent to attend
·  Poster had more detailed information that may have drawn out more people
·  Survey results were positive, many have used website
·  Be aware of booking date, i.e. before long weekend
·  Order more food, get power points in advance to review content, instruct speakers to use microphones, parking was expensive,
·  Provide facilitators more notice about breakout sessions
·  EIA presentation was week, more could be done to educate around EIA
Action Items / Person Responsible / Deadline
Follow up with EIA workers using resources / Gord
Coordinator’s Report
20 / Gord
Discussion / ·  Scam artist has been posting to our website;
·  Pamphlet being revamped and 5000 copies being printed
·  Discuss results of scanned surveys and notes from forum
·  Landlord workshop –Limiting Liabilities videotaped
·  Follow-up: one page Fact sheet – (‘who to call’ Health, Fire, Bylaw, RTB)
·  Application submitted with NA! Will be reviewed under Neighbourhood Renewal Fund but may be considered with a more “Community Initiatives” lens (the other NA! fund). 1 yr. proposal for $35000.
Conclusions / ·  Modern Earth has established a program to block the IP addresses. Can try and report to police online or to community police officer, fraud line.
·  Can ask City of Winnipeg ,RTB, Public Health use their money to print PDF of pamphlet, WRN is under budget for Advertising so not issue at moment
·  Gord meeting with Ben Fry and the Core Competency group on Thurs Nov 14th , 10am
·  Rachel Gotthilf is working on compiling information for fact sheet
Action Items / Person Responsible / Deadline
Report Scam artist to police / Gord / ASAP
Ask agencies with a budget to print own copies of pamphlet / Gord / When req’d
Provide survey results from forum and compile summary / Gord / Jan8/14
Upload video from Landlord Workshops / Alana / When available
Connect with Rachel Gotthilf – Lawyer, RE: Fact Sheet / Gord / ASAP
Gather information and meet with NRF Review committee for funding / Gord / End of Nov/13

Next meeting Wed. Jan. 8th, 2014; Daniel McIntyre/ St Matthews Association – 823 Ellice