We Work Together To Succeed

Policy for physical contact

SouthNorwoodPrimary School

34 Crowther Road

South Norwood

SE25 5QP

T: 020 8654 2983


Approved by the Governing Body:Spring 2013

Date for Review: Spring 2015

Physical Contact

At SouthNorwoodPrimary School there may be certain circumstances when we feel that children require close physical contact, not involving restraint.

These circumstances would include the following:

  • when a child is distressed and needs comforting;
  • when a child requires calming to ensure continued self-control;
  • when a child has been injured and is in need of First Aid;
  • when a child needs encouragement in either an educational or a social setting;
  • as positive reinforcement for effort or achievement;
  • in response to a show of affection from a child.

Close Physical Contact

This form of contact is used at appropriate times to soothe/reassure/respond to a child’s own demonstration of contact, as follows:

  • holding the hand of a child;
  • a gentle touch to the hand, arm or shoulder of the child;
  • an arm around the shoulder of the child;
  • a hug or cuddle, like any responsible, caring parent/carer might give their child particularly in response to a show of affection from usually, a younger child.

We are aware that some children may be uncomfortable with close physical contact and this should be respected, therefore this level of contact would only happen with the full agreement of the child, for example, displays of affection are often spontaneous and we don’t usually ask if we can hold a child’s hand.

Assessment of Physical Injury

If a child is hurt and the First-Aider is unable to assess the injury due to clothing covering the injury/wound, then two adults will ideally supervise the removal of any items of clothing. This will always be preceded by asking the child: “Would you like to show me where you have been hurt?”…or words to that effect.

Physical Restraint

At SouthNorwoodPrimary School physical restraint is used as a last resort, where other strategies have failed and only when the behaviour of the child is seen to be a danger to him/herself, to other children or adults or where serious damage to school property is likely to ensue.

  • We use restraint as an act of care and control, using the minimum amount of force; the aim being to allow the child to regain control as quickly as possible.
  • Wherever possible (staffing levels/circumstances allowing), at least two members of staff will be present during an incident of restraint to ensure the safety of the child and staff.
  • Any incident of restraint is recorded as soon as possible after the event and includes information such as the date, time, place, those involved and action taken during and after the incident (see appendix A).
  • A child who has been restrained is always counselled as soon as he/she is calm, on why it was necessary to restrain him/her.
  • In the event of a child having to be restrained, we will inform parents/carers as soon as is reasonably possible either by telephone, letter or via a daily contact book.
  • In the event of a serious incident, parents/carers may be contacted and asked to take their child home and/or accompany their child to a meeting the following day.
  • In the event that parents/carers are unhappy or worried about such an incident they are encouraged to take this up with the Headteacher in the first instance or subsequently with the Chair of Governors.

Appendix A




Date / Time / Place / Incident (brief account) / Witnesses to Incident / Action taken / Signature of adult(s) involved

Counter Signatory……………………………………………………………… Headteacher / Deputy Headteacher
