Hire of Club Boats – Pico, Feva, Taz and Optimist Dinghies

(not including training sessions)

Boats are available for hire to suitably competent club members.

Members hiring club boats do so entirely at their own risk.

[September 2013]

Club events

The following conditions apply:

• Boats may only be hired by current and paid up members of SCSC.

• Boats may only be taken afloat if the wind strength is under 20 knots and there are

SCSC safety boats on the water.

• The hirer, or if under 18, their parent/guardian must satisfy themselves that the

ability of the sailor/s is adequate to safely handle the boat in the prevailing

conditions, and that the boat is correctly rigged prior to use.

• Advice from the club officers on conditions/suitability of hire, must be followed

• Hirers are expected to pay for damage caused to the boat during hirings (or the

insurance excess, whichever is least)

• Any damage must be reported as soon as possible to an officer of the Club

• Fees, per day, are £10 per Pico & Feva and £5 per Taz. There is no charge for optimists or for members who pay berthing fees. Monies should be paid to the Treasurer on a timely basis.

Process: Speak to the OOD to ensure conditions are right and boats are not being used for training. Indicate on sign-up sheet that you are using a club boat.

Non-Club events

The following conditions apply:

• Boats may only be hired by current and paid up members of SCSC.

• Boats may only be used by competent and experienced sailors which will normally be evidenced through regular racing at SCSC; and thus the flag officers will review results to assess competency.

• The hirer, or if under 18, their parent/guardian is responsible for the safe transport of the boat to and from the event

• Boats may only be taken afloat if the wind strength is under 20 knots and there are

SCSC safety boats on the water.

• The hirer, or if under 18, their parent/guardian must satisfy themselves that the

ability of the sailor/s is adequate to safely handle the boat in the prevailing

conditions, and that the boat is correctly rigged prior to use.

• Hirers are expected to pay for damage caused to the boat during hirings (or the

insurance excess, whichever is least)

• Any damage must be reported as soon as possible to an officer of the Club

• All fees are payable in advance. The fees, per day, are £10 per Pico & Feva and £5 per Taz. There is no charge for optimists nor for members who pay berthing fees.

• No refunds will be given for races that are cancelled or abandoned.

Process: Complete the attached request form and submit to a flag officer who will confirm whether the boat can be used and request payment.

Hire of Club Boats for non club event – REQUEST FORM

Members hiring club boats do so entirely at their own risk.

Boat to be hired: …………………………………

Event …………………………………

Date ………………………

Name/s of sailor………………………………………

Name of parent/guardian if under 18…………………………………………………

I have read the conditions specified above and confirm:

• The sailor is a current and paid up members of SCSC.

• The hirer, or if under 18, parent/guardian is responsible for the safe transport of the boat to and from the event

• Boats may only be taken afloat if the wind strength is under 20 knots and there are

SCSC safety boats on the water.

• The ability of the sailor/s is adequate to safely handle the boat in the prevailing

conditions, and that the boat is correctly rigged prior to use.

• Hirers will pay for damage caused to the boat during hirings (or the insurance excess, whichever is least)

• Any damage must be reported as soon as possible to an officer of the Club

• All fees are payable in advance. The fees, per day, are £10 per Pico & Feva and £5 per Taz. There is no charge for optimists nor for members who pay berthing fees.

• No refunds will be given for races that are cancelled or abandoned.

Signature of hirer, or of parent/ guardian if under 18 …………………………………

Date ………………………………………………………
