Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited

(A Government of India Enterprise)

148–B Statesman House, Barakhamba Road-110001

No.64-23/01-NS February 28, 2002


Sub : One day Seminar-cum-Conference on Internet at ALTTC, Ghaziabad on 23rd Feb., 2002.

In order to get an open feedback from the field units, a ‘Circle Coordinators of NIB’ meet was held on 23rd Feb. 2002 at ALTTC Ghaziabad. About 25 officials from different Telecom Circles, DDG (Internet), CGM (DNW) and members of NIB-II planning Group attended the meeting. The list of the participants is at Annexure- I.

Sh. R.N.Padukone, DDG (Internet) welcomed all the participants. Shri C. Goverdhan, GM Hyderabad made a keynote address. He stated that although the network is good but there is a need to improve customer services and relations. CGM, Data Networks also made a small presentation describing the various ups and downs of NIB. Shri R.K.Pandit GM, Admin ALTTC stressed on the need for training of officers in this field and expressed his willingness to conduct as many training courses as would be required to train the officers in the filed of internet.

All the Circle Coordinators present in the meeting voiced their problems and experiences one by one.

A copy of the agenda is at Annexure II. However the main issues discussed were as given below:

1 Network related problems

2 Billing and customer Management

3 New Procurements

4 Issues requiring immediate attention of circle coordinators and NIB node incharges

A presentation was given by DGM (Data Network) regarding Data Networks Website and the works, which have been done by Data Networks in the recent past. DDG (Internet) gave a presentation on NIB-II planning aspects. Following are the major points discussed and decisions taken :

  1. Training at ALTTC:
  1. A number of spare Cisco routers were identified as available with the field units at Agra, Lucknow, Gwalior, Nagpur, Panjim, Hyderabad, Jaipur and Chandigarh. It was felt that a Training Laboratory might be set up in ALTTC Ghaziabad with the surplus routers available in different Telecom Circles. Reutilization of these routers either in field or in ALTTC for training purposes need to be ordered by the Corporate Office. (Internet Section, BSNL HQs)
  1. Circle Coordinators in general and especially from Orissa informed that the trained manpower is not available to work on NIB. All the Circle Coordinators were requested to arrange for training for manpower in their Circles, in at ALTTC Ghaziabad. (Circle Coordinators)

2.  Staff Training: During the meeting it came to notice that out of 33 officers trained abroad in NIB, only 3 are presently working in the field of Internet and the officials posted at most of the NIB nodes are not well trained. It was felt by all Coordinators that unless the necessary priority for Internet Operations was spelt out by Corporate Office, the field units would continue to completely neglect the Internet Operations. The current situation is that the NMS and Help Desk positions are completely unmanned at the major nodes. To overcome the problem:

  1. It was felt that Circle CGMs will have to make arrangements for arranging proper training for the node In-charges. (Circle CGMs)
  2. Circle Coordinators were requested to send the name and place of posting (s) of officials, which were trained on NIB and are currently posted at other jobs, so that the Circles may be requested to post them for NIB operations. (Circle Coordinators)
  3. It was decided that BSNL Corporate Office may take up the issue with the Circle CGMs for putting the trained personnel on NIB. (Internet Section, BSNL HQs).
  4. It was also felt that once a person is trained and posted at NIB, he should not be transferred for 2-3 years. . (Circle CGMs)
  1. It was decided that the meeting of Circles coordinators for NIB will be held every two months to take stock of the situation. Efforts will be made by BSNL Corporate Office to provide Internet Connections registrations through CD Rom. (Internet Section, BSNL HQs)
  1. Some of the participants requested that Roaming with VSNL be provided for Internet customers but the same was not agreed to as the VSNL has gone into the private hands.
  1. It was suggested that BSNL Corporate Office may make a policy to distribute left over capacity (up to 2.5 lakhs) on NIB, amongst various Telecom Circles. (Internet Section, BSNL HQs)
  1. Instances of Node In-charges leaving the terminal without proper closure of CIM session were cited (such as for Tea and other works). As number of simultaneous CIM clients are limited Circle Coordinators were requested to educate node in-charges regarding logging out from CIM client immediately after use. (Circle Coordinators)
  1. It was reported that Commercial Interface is very poor in Telecom Circles. It was felt that priority has to be given to commercial interface by the Circles. To streamline the process of Internet account opening, the Envelope method as has been implemented in Patna, Bihar Circle may be emulated by other Circles. This method has been well explained in the Data Networks website. Node In-charges may comply with the same. (Circle Coordinators)
  1. To look into the issues of improving Customer Service & Customer Interface through Website the following committee was constituted, to develop a Web Interface with plug-in of modular services such as booking of Telephones and payment of Telephone Bills over the Internet.
  1. Shri M.L.N.Rao, DGM(Marketing), Mumbai, Mh. T.C. (Chairman)
  2. Shri L.K.Govil, DGM, DNW
  3. Shri Ashutosh Gupta, DGM(IT), Ahmedabad, Gujarat Circle
  4. Shri Atul Sinha, DGM(IT), Bihar Circle

The Committee will look into the issues and see how these could be implemented. The committee was requested to follow the Maharashtra Circle example wherein such facilities have been made available in some of the SSAs. The Chairman will send report of compliance in a month’s time. (Chairman and all committee members)

  1. DDG (Internet) stateds that Circle Coordinators have to play a major role in smooth operations of NIB. They are an important link between Node In-charges, Circle Coordinators and Data Network organization. Therefore Circle Coordinators should have regular meetings, at an interval of every 2 months with the node in-charges of their respective Circles. (Circle Coordinators)
  1. DGM (DNW) informed that the passwords to open the DNW Website have been taken by only 94 node in charges so far and rest of them have still to take the passwords. DGM (DNW) distributed a copy of the passwords to Circle Coordinators for passing it on to the node in-charges. (Circle Coordinators)

11.  DGM (DNW) suggested that email ids of NIB Circle coordinators, Node in-charges and Node Helpdesks need to be standardized, in-order to streamline the communication. As and when a new incumbent takes over charge from old, the passwords corresponding to these ids shall also be made over and information through these ids shall be communicated to all concerned and database on on particulars of the new incumbent be updated.

It was proposed that nodes might create e-mail IDs as proposed below:

For NIB Circle Coordinators:


e.g. for Andhra Pradesh

For NIB Node Incharges:


e.g. for Chandigarh

For NIB Help Desk:


e.g. for Salem

City Name should be standard name for the city e.g. it should be chennai and not Madras and so on. NIB Circle Coordinators would ensure that all such accounts are opened. They may consolidate all such requests and send the same for creation to Bangalore in the format already available on the DNW website. It should be ensured that only the existing service accounts for Node Incharges and Circle Coordinators be modified and no new account creation be done. In case there is no existing account the request for new creation should follow with a certificate that there is no existing account with the node in-charge/circle coordinator. Data Networks will modify/create the accounts on request from circle coordinators (DNW & Circle Coordinators)

  1. It was observed that though the guidelines for setting up Helpdesks and manning them have already been issued from the BSNL HQs, but Telecom Circles have yet to depute personnel for Helpdesks operations. The Circle Coordinator for Bihar Sh. Atul Sinha pointed out that in Patna, a tender to manage the Help Desk operation has been called and it is quite successful. It was decided that the Tender documents and rates may be placed on the Website by Data network organization for information of other Circles. Sh. Atul Sinha will provide the tender document and details about help desk services started in Bihar for Internet services for hosting on POP3 server. (DNW & Circle Coordinators)
  1. Circle Coordinators raised the issue of double charging on ISDN 128 kbps accounts. To take care of this anomaly DNW Organization suggested updating the accounts of ISDN subscribers by doubling the hours. Regarding the methodology of creation and renewal of accounts it was agreed that for advance renewals benefit of duration as well as left out balance should be given to the customer. (DNW)
  1. For accounts creations of Internet Dhabas, Circles coordinators may take up the issue with the DGM (DNW) Bangalore, who will create the accounts promptly. (DNW & Circle Coordinators)
  1. In remote areas where there is no PC available CLI can be taken using the CLI indicators before creating the Internet Dhabas. (Circle Coordinators)
  1. During the meeting it was clarified that there is no ban on creation of new ISDN Internet Accounts. The request of the same can be sent to DGM (DNW), Bangalore. (Circle Coordinators)

17.  Circle Coordinator from AP Circle requested DDG (I) to convey the decision on whether to upgrade the Radius Server at Hyderabad or continue with the present setup or migrate to NIB. CGM (Data Networks) indicated that there is a middle path available by way of configuring NIB Radius Server as Proxy Server, however the same is not possible to be implemented due to technical problems. The issue needs to be pursued with M/s Crompton Greaves Ltd. (DNW)

  1. All the circle coordinators were asked to get familiarised with the website for latest updates, news, online ip addressing and other related technical information about NIB. It was also felt that all the Node In-charges should be sensitized to read the information available on the website very carefully and they should visit the website at least twice a day.

19.  Problems in providing Internet access through CDOT exchanges were reported. DGM, Data Networks indicated that the probable reason for this problem is clock drift on these exchanges beyond +- 50 ppm and the probable solutions are synchronization through NS card and upgradation of software release to the latest. CGM, Data Networks requested Shri Vinod Abraham, DGM, Urban, Ernakulum to provide the necessary details for different versions of CDOT exchanges so that the same can be made available on the website for the benefit of all.

  1. It was felt that NDQ servers be removed from NIB LAN to isolate the node servers from Viruses and should be put up separately. CGM, Data Networks also stated that there should not be more than one web server per circle for hosting websites for Circles and SSAs including NDQ. One I.P. address can be allotted for Directory Inquiry. Circle Coordinators to take stock of IP addresses and report compliance in respect of Nodes under them. (Circle Coordinators)

21.  CGM, Data Networks requested all the Circle Coordinators to send a certificate indicating that all the links to VSNL from all the internet nodes in the circle have been surrendered. The intimation regarding surrender of links must also be given to VSNL under receipt. (Circle Coordinators)

22.  It was also informed that a proposal to augment the capacity of NIB by another 3.5 lakhs is under consideration. In case the same is approved the capacity of NIB will be augmented in next 3 months.

23.  Circle Coordinators indicated that the status of Internet accounts, migration and nodes should also be published on the website for information. (DNW)

24.  DGM, Data Networks informed that:

i)  Services like Web mail, Web quota have been launched and node in charges and circle coordinators should thoroughly test them before the same can be offered to customers.

ii)  Circle Coordinators should ensure that all requests for IP addresses are submitted online

iii)  Help Desk for node in charges be used for escalating problems to Data Networks and M/s Crompton Greaves Ltd.

iv)  The steps taken to prevent and spamming including acceptable use policy of sancharnet services and the security, anti-virus measures to be taken by Node In-charges.

v)  Advance Account Expiry Notification Service for customers and node in charges has been started, but for large number of node incharges emails are getting bounced due to non-availability of accounts. He requested Circle Coordinators to take immediate action in this regard.

vi)  A CIM-ADMIN tool for changing CIM-Client Password and generating reports has been launched, however node incharges should use it carefully as it is likely to put substantial load on the billing server. Necessary instructions have been made available on the DNW website

DDG (Internet) directed Circle Coordinators to ensure compliance and necessary feedback in respect of all of the above.

  1. Portal in Hyderabad can be put up through a Leased Line, and not on LAN.
  1. Circle Coordinator, TN requested Data Networks to provide an additional 2 Mbps link between Trichy and Chennai. In lieu of this Thanjavur shall be parented to Madurai instead of Chennai. (Circle Coordinator-AP)
  1. Sh. Vinod Abhraham, DGM, Urban Ernakulam requested that 34 Mbps Card should be procured for Ernakulam NIB node for providing 34 Mbps gateway. CGM, Data Networks requested all the Circle Coordinators to take action for providing 34 Mbps inter-nodal NIB links as the procurement of additional RAS and Router cards is being made and multiple 2 mbps links between A1 & A2 are being replaced with 34 mbps links. (Circle Coordinators)
  2. DGM (IT), Uttaranchal circle raised the issue of paucity of ports for providing leased internet connections. DGM (Data Networks) suggested that old Cisco 2511 ras routers could be easily used for providing 2 leased connections.
  1. A copy of the QOS guidelines issued from TRAI was distributed. The same is also available at TRAI website. All the Circle Coordinators were requested to offer their comments on implementation of TRAI guidelines for QOS.
  1. If any migration of BSNL subscribers from VSNL servers is pending it should be completed latest by 15.3.2002. (Circle Coordinators)

The meeting ended with a Vote of Thanks.