Magnolia High School
Syllabus: Algebra 2
Supplies: Students are required to have the following each day in all Algebra 2 classes:
●Pencils or erasable pens
●3 ring binder (1.5 or 2 inch)
●Graphing Calculator (We have class sets, but it is beneficial for each student to have a personal graphing calculator to use at home… TI84 or higher, preferably)
Grading Guidelines: All Algebra 2 courses are divided up as follows:
●Homework/Daily Work = 20%
●Quizzes = 20%
●Tests = 60%
Tutoring: Each Algebra 2 teacher is available for tutoring during before or after school by appointment in their respective rooms:
●Ms. Wallace - Room 1711
●Ms. Magdaleno - Room 1713
●Mr. Mylius - Room 2712
Late Work: The following guideline is the district, school, and Algebra 2 policy for late work:
●One day late = maximum score of 90%
●Two days late = max score of 80%
●Three days late = max score of 70%
●Four days late = max score of 60%
●Five days late = max score of 50%
●6+ days late = 0%
Absent Work: If you are absent, see below:
●Students have one day per each day of absence to turn in missed assignments (daily work, homework, quizzes).
●It is student’s responsibility to get make-up work from folder.
●Students have one week to make up a missed test and their responsibility to set up day to make-it up with teacher during tutorials.
●Work assigned before absence will be due the day of return.
Retesting: Students are allowed to retest during Advisory or after school by appointment as long as:
●They attend one PLC tutorial with respective teacher
●Retest within a week of the posted test grade in HAC
●Each student only has one retest opportunity per test. The better of the two grades will be posted.
Extra Credit:There will be no extra credit assignments given at any time throughout the year.
Mobile Phones: The following is our MHS Math Department policy:
●Students will not be allowed to have their phones during Algebra 2 class.
●They will be taken up at the beginning of each period and returned 3 minutes prior to the bell.
●They will be stored in a closed container by the teacher.
Textbooks: Each student will have their own Algebra 2 workbook.
●Workbooks will stay IN THE CLASSROOM at all times
●If a student loses their workbook or takes it home by accident, they will not be issued a replacement.
Parents: Please return this portion signed and completed to the teacher ASAP.
Student Name:______
(Please Print)
Parents Names: ______
(Please Print)
(Please Print)
Contact Phone Numbers: ______
Parent Email Address: ______
Parent Signature: ______