Candidate Name / Centre Number / Candidate Number

Section A (40)
Section B (40)
Total (80)



Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the spaces at the top of thispage.

Answer all questions.

Write your answers in the spaces provided in this booklet.

Viewing the DVD extract for Section A

You will be given 5 minutes to read through the questions for Section A. This is included in the total time for the examination.

The DVD extract will be played three times.

You will be shown the DVD extract for the first time. You are advised not to make notes during this first viewing.

You will watch the DVD extract for a second time. This time you will make notes.

Make any notes on the spare paper provided.

You will be allowed 10 minutes to make any further notes and to think about your answers to the questions.

You will watch the extract for a third and final time.

You will be allowed the remaining time (approximately 1 hour 45 minutes, depending on the length of the extract) to complete the examination.


The number of marks is given in brackets at the end of each question or part-question.

You are reminded that assessment of Questions 1(b), 2(b) 3 and 4 will take into account the quality of written communication.

SECTION A: Thinking about the Media – Investigating

Television Crime Drama (40 Marks)

The 6 minute opening sequence is taken from Lewis (Series 1: ITV 2006: ‘Whom the Gods would Destroy’ - DVD)

Answer the questions in this Answer Book.

All questions and tasks are repeated for you in the Answer Book (if supplied)

1.  (a) Identify two camera shots from the extract.(4)

(b) Briefly explain why these two shots are used.(6)

2.  (a) Identify two typical elements of television crime drama from the

extract. (4)

(b)Explain how one of these elements is typical. (6)

3.  Explore how social class and gender is represented in the extract. (10)

4.  Outline two ways in which television crime dramas are marketed.

Explain why they are marketed in these ways. (10)

SECTION B: Thinking about the Media – Planning

Magazines (40 Marks)

5.  A magazine publishing company, who own a range of consumer titles

Have asked you to design a new Television Listings magazine.

The first edition will publicise a new Crime Drama: CSI London.

Complete the following tasks:

Task 1: Create a name for your new Listings Magazine. Briefly say why you used this name. (4)

Task 2: List three features on the magazine front cover. Briefly explain

these features. (6)

Task 3: Draft, with full annotation a double spread feature for your new


Task 4: Explain how the front cover conforms to genre codes and

conventions. (10)

Task 5: Crime Drama is a popular genre - who is the target audience

of your magazine and how does this compare with the target

audience of CSI London? (10)