Present: Mayor de Groot, Deputy Mayor Jarema, Councillors Cockburn, Dietrich, Gerrard, Parrott and Stilwell; Chief Administrative Officer Colleen Synchyshyn; Manager of Operations Denis Saquet
Guests: Jackie Snyder – NACTV

1. Approval of Agenda
Resolution No: 2015 34919

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town of Neepawa approve the Regular Meeting agenda for Tuesday, November 17, 2015.

2. Approval of Minutes
Resolution No: 2015 34920

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town of Neepawa approve the minutes of the Annual Organizational Meeting and the Regular Meeting held November 3, 2015 as circulated, posted and attached.

3. Council Committee Assignment Reports

Councillor Jarema – Evergreen Environmental Technologies

·  Looking for an older dump truck with a gas engine.

·  SRDC asking for resolution of support for the gasification project.

4. Council Committee Reports

Community Development Committee – Councillor Parrott

·  2 new emu’s were welcomed at the grand re-opening of the bird sanctuary November 17, 2015

·  Following the “What’s the Big Idea” Event - 4U Home Décor has opened a shop on Hamilton Street

Public Works & Infrastructure Committee – Councillor Jarema

·  Prioritizing projects with the survey and subdivision of the CN Property being an immediate focus.

·  In conjunction with the Public Safety Committee, work is progressing on a new fire hall. Twenty two proposals were reviewed from firms interested in designing the fire hall and a resolution to accept the recommendation will be addressed later in the agenda.

Public Safety Committee - Councillor Cockburn

·  Hosted an informal meeting on November 10 with members of the fire department.

·  Presentation was made on the Oakbank Fire Hall which was recently toured.

·  Discussion regarding status of fire hall project and fire truck.

·  Requested a wish list for equipment from the Fire Department by December 1 for budgeting purposes.

·  Request that council consider adjustments to remuneration.

5. Managers Report

5.1 CAO Colleen Synchyshyn

·  Traffic lights at Mountain & Hamilton will be repaired last week of November with a 4-way stop in effect.

·  The required Public Notice, regarding the water and sewer rate application, has now been issued by the Public Utilities Board and will appear in the December 1st & 8th issues of the Neepawa Press. Notices have also been posted around town and on social media. Comments will be accepted by the PUB until December 18.

·  A break-in occurred at Riverside Cemetery and fuel was taken. Security measures will be increased.

·  The Resource Center will be vacated in the coming weeks and the subdivision process to obtain a separate title for the Resource Centre is in the works. Expressions of interests for the property are being accepted until December 31, 2015.

6. Correspondence

6.1 Trans Canada Trail 150th Anniversary of Confederation (Recognition of Support) - Received as information.

7. Mayor’s Report

·  Extended appreciation for the completion of the paving of Main Street by MIT.

·  Progress is being made to establish a new fire agreement with North Cypress-Langford.

8. Resolutions

8.1 Photocopier Lease
Resolution No: 2015 34921

BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Town of Neepawa authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to sign a 48 month lease with Konica-Minolta for C454E photocopier, at a monthly cost of $193.50 plus taxes.

8.2 Neepawa Kinsmen
Resolution No: 2015 34922

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Town of Neepawa reimburse the Neepawa Kinsmen Senior Citizen Housing Inc. an amount of $2,000.00 related to the fees associated with amending the development plan and zoning by-law for the re-zoning of Lots 1-6, Block 97, Plan 348 for residential purposes.

8.3 2015 Chamber of Commerce Parade of Lights Route
Resolution No: 2015 34923

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town authorize the closure of the following streets to facilitate the Parade of Lights on Saturday, November 28, 2015 at 6:00 p.m.
Mountain Avenue (Railway St. to Davidson St.)

Davidson St (Mountain Ave. to Brown Ave.)

Brown Avenue (Davidson St. to Hamilton St.)

Hamilton Street (Brown Ave. to Fifth Ave.)
These streets will remain closed until the end of parade and/or scheduled festivities.

8.4 Accepting Recommendation for Fire Hall Design Proposal
Resolution No: 2015 34924

WHEREAS the Town of Neepawa is preparing for the construction of a new fire hall, and put forward a public request for proposals from companies interested in working with the Town of Neepawa to design the Neepawa Municipal Fire Hall;
AND WHEREAS twenty two submissions were received and reviewed extensively, resulting in the selection of a firm that will best represent the interests of the Town of Neepawa;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Town of Neepawa accept the recommendation of the Public Safety Committee to solicit the design services of Calnitsky AssociatesArchitectsInc., at a cost of $76,500.

8.5 Support for the Gasification Demonstration Project
Resolution No: 2015 34925

Whereas landfills are a major source of concern within the province due to overfilling, and the need to burn some products; and
Whereas small rural communities are being tasked to transport their landfill waste at a high cost to their municipalities; and
Whereas there is a need for an alternative way to handle all waste products and feedstocks handled by a recycling centre and landfill site; and
Whereas the Towns of Minnedosa, Neepawa and Carberry and the Rural Municipalities of Minto-Odanah, North Cypress-Langford and Elton have partnered to operate a Class 1 Regional Waste Management Facility, known as Evergreen Environmental Technologies; and
Whereas the Southwest Regional Development Corporation is desirous of partnering with Evergreen Environmental Technologies to conduct a demonstration project to investigate the feasibility of using gasification to reduce the amount of waste being deposited in landfills; and
Whereas the University of Manitoba has agreed to do the required emissions testing as an in kind service for the SRDC; and
Whereas the Evergreen Landfill Site has agreed to look after the operating of the gasification unit and assist in the testing;
Now therefore be it resolved that the Town of Neepawa support the efforts of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities (AMM) on behalf of Evergreen Environmental Technologies and Southwest Regional Development Corporation to advocate with the Province of Manitoba and the Department of Conservation and Water Stewardship the ongoing work of the SRDC Gasification Demonstration Project at the Evergreen Environmental Technologies Landfill Site within the RM of Minto-Odanah to provide further opportunities for the elimination of waste and reduced costs at local municipal landfill sites; and
Further be it resolved that the Town of Neepawa support the A.M.M.’s efforts to lobby the Province of Manitoba to provide funding to assist in the construction and operation of the gasification demonstration project.

8.6 Economic Development Training
Resolution No: 2015 34926

BE IT RESOLVED that on the recommendation of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities and Manitoba Agriculture Food and Rural Development, Councillor Gerrard be authorized to participate in training sessions that will focus on Economic Development for Municipal Leaders in Manitoba to be held December 8, 2015, January 13, 2016 and February 23, 2016.

8.7 Supplementary Tax Deletion
Resolution No: 2015 34927

BE IT RESOLVED THAT, in accordance with Section 326 of the Municipal Act, the Council of the Town of Neepawa approve a supplementarydeletion to the 2015 Tax Roll, as received from the Minnedosa Assessment Branch regardingRoll 1742000 in amount of $932.46.

8.8 Subdivision 4437-15-7604 (Town of Neepawa - Resource Centre) Lots 22-25, Bl 117, Plan 256
Resolution No: 2015 34928

BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Town of Neepawa approve subdivision application No.4437-15-7604 of the Townof Neepawa, being a proposal to subdivide SE 33-14-15-W, Lots 22 – 25, Block 117, Plan 256 NLTO.

9. Accounts and Financial Statements

9.1 October 2015 Financial Statement
Resolution No: 2015 34929

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town of Neepawa approve the October 2015 Financial Statement.

10. Adjournment
Resolution No: 2015 34930


BE IT RESOLVED THAT The Council of the Town of Neepawa do now adjourn this Regular Meeting of Council at 7:55 p.m.

Mayor Chief Administrative Officer