
Chapter 1- 6 Study Guide

October 13(A-day)or 14(B-day)

The test will be a combination of multiple choice and problem sets. When you asked to explain something, you must use complete sentences. If you have to calculate something, you must show all work in order to get full credit. Below is a list of skills that will be tested.

  1. The difference between qualitative and quantitative data.
  2. Using graphical displays correctly
  3. Qualitative vs. quantitative and appropriate labels and scales
  4. Bar vs. Pie and segmented Bar (qualitative)
  5. Histogram/Stem and Leaf/dot plot/Time plot (quantitative) advantages and disadvantages of each
  6. Calculate marginal and conditional distributions from a contingency table. (is/of)
  7. Determine if two variables on a contingency table are independent and use graphs or calculations to prove why or why not.
  8. Calculate the mean, standard deviation, Five number summary and IQR of a set of data and know what each tells you about the data set.
  9. Compare boxplots of different data sets.
  10. Create and describe the distribution of a histogram.
  11. Determine if the data set has outliers.
  12. Know when it is appropriate to use mean and standard deviation vs median and IQR.
  13. Draw and label a normal model.
  14. Use 68-95-99.7 rule and normalcdf() to calculate probabilities (percentages) for a data set.
  15. Use z-score formula to calculate z-score, and to calculate the other parameters given the z-score.
  16. Use InvNorm() to calculate z-scores from probabilities(percentages).
  17. Describe the center, spread and shape of a data set.
  18. Shift and rescale a statistics summary.

Study Guide questions – Pg. 132-134 #8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 24,25, 29 & pg 125 #22 change part d) of that question to the following.

d) The manufacturer can win a big contract if he can guarantee that less than 1% of his rivets will have a shear strength of 700 or less. The project manager wants to know what their new mean should be to accomplish this goal. He also wants another option, instead of trying to change the mean, what would the new standard deviation need to be?