Welcome to Algebra. Algebra is a High School course to prepare the students to take the New York State Common Core Exam on June 16, 2016. We will follow the standards found on the New York State website: Many exciting lessons have been planned to enhance your awareness of the everyday miracle of mathematics. I would like to inform all of you in writing of my classroom policies so that we can start our time together with a clear understanding of what is expected. To be enrolled in Algebra in eighth grade is a privilege and I expect great results from my students in this class. You will work hard, but you will feel rewarded and have fun too!!!


  1. I expect you to:
  1. Bring a PENCIL, RED PEN (or colored pencil), NOTEBOOK, and CALCULATOR every single day unless I specify otherwise.
  2. Be on time to class.
  3. Do your homework as assigned.
  4. Try your very best.

B.You can expect me to:

  1. Have a lesson prepared for every day.
  2. Reinforce classroom rules and procedures.
  3. Treat all students fairly and with respect.
  4. Provide you with extra help if needed.

C. Daily Homework is EXTREMELY important in this class:

  1. Daily assignments are on your chapter outline sheet that is given at the beginning of each unit. Unless specified otherwise, the assignment will be due the next school day.
  2. Assignments are given every day.
  3. Homework will be checked each day for effort.
  4. While accuracy is important for your understanding, you are not penalized for incorrect answers (unless I let you know ahead of time that I am grading for accuracy). Your sincere efforts “to try” are noted and rewarded.

NO HOMEWORK = HW Detention with Mrs. Leeds

  • Students have until the next Thursday at 2:30 pm to turn in late homework.
  • If the student does not turn in the assignment(s) by 2:30 pm on Thursday, they will have to serve a detention with meafter school on that Thursday in order to complete the assignment.
  1. If you are absent:
  1. Look at your chapter outline and determine what you missed.
  2. If you are missing a worksheet or packet, retrieve it from the absent box located on the table by the door or print from my website.
  3. You are responsible for all assignments, notes, projects and work done in class. You have two days for each day you are absent to make up your work. Absent work must be labeled “ABSENT” at the top of your paper and placed in the ABSENT basket.
  4. If you are absent due to a music lesson, you are NOTconsidered absent. You need to:
  • report to class first
  • hand in homework
  • write down that day’s assignment and sign out
  • you are responsible for everything (this means notes and class work too)
  1. Grading Policy:

I assess tests, quizzes, assignments, notebooks, effort, participation, projects and preparedness. EVERYTHING is important. Do your best on all things!

TESTS75% Given at the end of each chapter

Homework15% Given daily and graded in class with a RED/COLOR pen or pencil.

Projects/Other10% Projects, participation, other things

It is recommended that Accelerated Algebra students maintain an 85% average to continue in the course. Students will be evaluated at the end of 5 weeks and at the end of 10 weeks to determine their status.

F.Notebook – 3 Ring binder

Your notebook will be divided into 5 sections:

  1. Daily Notes/Class work
  2. Assignments
  3. Formal Assessments (test/quiz)
  4. Other
  5. Blank notebook paper

and graph paper

G.Supplies needed for Integrated Algebra:

  1. Sharpened pencils
  2. COLORED pens
  3. Colored pencils
  4. 3-ring binder
  5. 5 dividers
  6. Graph paper
  7. Notebook paper
  8. Ruler
  9. Graphing calculator

TI-84 CE

H.Extra Help:

Extra help is always available from Mrs. Leeds. Make arrangements to stay after school or if possible, come in during study hall or lunch. Communicate with me if you are having problems.