MARCH 20, 2014
(Recorded for Transcription Purposes Only)
Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Roll Call: Chair Booth called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and the Pledge of Allegiance was said. Those Present: Supervisors Roland Anderson, John Wulff, Yvette Adelman-Dullinger, Chair Booth and Clerk/Treasurer Faith Broberg. Sign In Sheet Attached. Excused absence – Supervisor Lee Shade.
Agenda: Chair Booth moved 4.2.1 Sylvan Commercial Ordinance Changes up to Public Input as Dave Johnson, Planning Commission Chair had to leave early.
Supervisor Wulff moved to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Supervisor Anderson and the motion carried.
Clerk/Treasurer’s Report:
March 6, 2014 Board of Audit Mtg Minutes: Supervisor Wulff moved to approve the Board of Audit Meeting Minutes as presented, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried.
March 6, 2014 Regular Board of Supervisors Mtg Minutes: Supervisor Wulff moved to approve the Board of Supervisor’s Regular Meeting Minutes of March 6, 2014,as amended, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried.
Public Input:
Suggested Changes to the Sylvan Commercial Ordinance by the Planning Commission:
Dave Johnson presented the recommended changes to the Commercial Ordinance – which are attached to the original Regular Board of Supervisor’s Meeting Minutes. On page 1 number 2 the word,maximumwas added to 36 months.
On page 2under Towers:
- There was discussion on providing a definition for a body of water
- Adding that towers are not allowed in shoreland residential and also specify a specific distance from water and then could go with a variance if there is a “good” spot within the restriction.
On Outdoor Sales:
- Need a definition for rummage/yard/garage/estate sales with a time limit.
- And under Conditional Uses Section 700 outdoor sales are defined but not permissible. He suggests we add: Outdoor Sales Lot–which would give us a process to deal with them.
The Commercial Map– this map will need some changes and we will need the original map and the map with the proposed changes for the public hearing.
Old Business/Reports –
Roads Project Report –Bryan Drown, of Bolton & Menk was present. He doesn’t really have anything to report as the Board is looking into their 2014 Road & Bridge Budget. The Board decided they do not have the money to do the paving of Pine Tree Lane SW this year. The question came up regarding having to do brushing letters again next year. We would notify the residents regarding the brushing and also will send letters notifying them that we won’t be doing the paving this year.
Mr. Drown reported that he had heard from Anderson Brothers that they will be setting up their bituminous plant, just down the road, in early summer till around mid-June. If the Board was planning any patching or anything else we might want to contact them to get a better price.
Road Supervisor’s Road Report–
West Sylvan RoadSW – a frozen culvert was discovered. The culvert has been thawed out and it will be checked on the annual road review. Some of the cracks that were previously crack sealed are deep and wide now. Brad Holmvig, Township Road Maintenance Contractor, will be ordering materials for crack sealing and would like to know the Township’s plans for crack sealing this summer. There was discussion that maybe we should get quotes but the crack sealing is in the Road Maintenance Contract. Discussion on quality of the crack sealing materials and maybe there are better materials out there. Supervisor Anderson said he checked the materials last year and we are using the same kind as Anderson Brothers. It seems the cracks are wider. Maybe we should “saw cut” first. When we crack seal, the earlier in the spring we do it the wider the crack, if we wait till the middle of summer then the cracks are narrower.
We will have to put up some delineators and will probably need another truck/grader to get snow off faster next winter.We had quite a few complaints on how long it took to get the roads plowed. Supervisor Wulff moved to not order any more salt this season, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried.
Culverts: Question.“Is there a map where culverts are located in the Township?” If not, we should make an inventory of the culverts and where they are located. Maybe GPS them. Some of the culverts are marked with delineators. Supervisor Anderson will work on getting an inventory of the culverts in the Township.
Load Limit Signs: Load Limit signs have been put up in the Township.
Supervisor Anderson will also mark which roads are 5 tons and which are 9 ton roads. There needs to be a weight limit sign about ¼ mile north of Hengel Ready Mix as the first portion of the road is a 9 ton road.
On 127th street there is a green sign post that is just north of Hengel’s that we can put the sign on.
Chloride –
37th Avenue SW–the first eighth of a mile (660 feet) is the City of Pillager’s, the rest is Sylvan’s road (on shared road agreement).
State Park– no chloride to be applied here.
We will order same amount of chloride as last year. Supervisor Anderson (to save money) wonders if where 3% was applied last year maybe only apply 2% this year (for carry over on the road). The Board also discussed getting the Chloride earlier in the summer.
There was discussion on sending a letter to the City of Pillager and let them know that Sylvan will not be putting chloride on the first 660 feet of 37th Avenue SW.
Signs - Supervisor Wulff had checked with Interstate Traffic Signs on the prices of renting some signs for the Township. The rental is reasonable but the cost of delivery is enough to purchase our own signs.
Road Maintenance Contract for 2014 – According to the Road Maintenance Contract (which ends April 30, 2014) that the Township has at this time with Holmvig Excavating, if both parties agree the contract can be extended for another year.
There was discussion on communication regarding snow plowing –being more specific on time to go out to start plowing.
Supervisor Wulff moved to continue (extend) the contract for another year, May 1, 2014 thru April 30, 2015, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried.
Planning Commission
Sylvan Comprehensive Plan – the Planning Commission has been working on revisions for the Sylvan Comprehensive Plan and is ready for the Public Hearing. Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger moved to post and publish the Public Hearing for Thursday, April 10, 2014 at 6:00 PM for the Comprehensive Plan, seconded by Supervisor Wulff and the motion carried.
RevisedSylvan Commercial Ordinance – the Planning Commission has made some changes to the Sylvan Commercial Ordinance and they are ready for the Public Hearing.
Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger moved to set the Public Hearing for Revision to the Sylvan Commercial Ordinance for Thursday, May 8, 2014 at 6:00 PM, seconded by Supervisor Wulff and the motion carried.
There was discussion that the Planning Commission will want to have a joint meeting with the Town Board of Supervisors and Cass County officials sometime in June or July.
Finding of Facts for Verizon CUP – Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger has presented the finding of facts for the Verizon Conditional Use Permit. After review Supervisor Wulff moved to approve the Findings of Facts (attached to these minutes) with the amendments, seconded by Supervisor Anderson and the motion carried.
Natural Gas in Sylvan Township – the question had come up in the Planning Commission meeting why there isn’t natural gas in Sylvan. There has been some missed economic opportunities in the Sylvan Commercial Park as there isn’t natural gas in the Township. Supervisor Wulff reported a request from X-CEL Energy, Sharon Thorson, on what the Township would need to approve X-CEL Energy coming into the Township. Clerk Broberg forwarded to Supervisor Wulff the document that was used in 2009 when XCEL installed Natural Gas on Lower Sylvan Road.
New Business
Board of Review – Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger moved to approve the Clerk posting and publishing the notice of Board of Review on Thursday, April 17, 2014 at 10:00 AM at the Sylvan Town Hall, seconded by Supervisor Anderson and the motion carried.
Petition from Residents for Township to Takeover Dandelion Lane SW and W. Norway- Sylvan Township received a petition from the residents on Dandelion Lane SW and W. Norway SW petitioning the Township to take over the two roads. The Board has 30 days to hold a public hearing. After discussion it was decided to go ahead and have the Public Hearing and Supervisor Wulff moved to set the Public Hearing for Thursday, May 15, 2014 at 6:00 PM meeting out on the road at the intersection of Dandelion Lane SW and W. Norway SW, and then returning to the Town Hall, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried. The Clerk will contact Dean Dumpprope to let him know that the petitioners are responsible for personally serving the order and a copy of the petition upon each affected owner occupant of the land affected. The Clerk will also ask Bryon Drown, Bolton & Menk to attend this Public Hearing.
Other Township Business –
Correspondence –
Received Anderson Brothers Aggregate Price List for 2014 – Supervisor Anderson mentioned that Anderson prices by tons and Hengel Ready Mix prices by yards.
Claims –Supervisor Wulff moved to approve the payroll check #’s 20583 thru 20584 in the amount of $1,781.94 and the claims # 20585 thru 20592 in the amount of $7,864.47 for a total of $9,646.41, seconded by Supervisor Anderson and the motion carried.
Supervisor Wulff received a call from a resident asking how they go about getting their road (125th Street) paved. The Board will have to discuss a paving plan.
Indian Burial MoundsUpdate – The DNR put up a sign by the Indian Burial Mounds notifying snowmobilers that this section of the snowmobile trail is closed and next year the DNR will either re-route the trail or close that section there on the Lee’s property.
Mike North suggested that we could write a letter to the Governor to get him involved and maybe we could access State funds. Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger thought this was a good idea as this is one of the most concentrated effigy mounds in the State.
Mike North also suggested a Sylvan Historical Society to help keep all our historical information together. Maybe Mike North would be interested in heading this?
Supervisor Anderson reported that the DNR is taking tulibees from the Pillager Lake Park to Lake Alex to feed the muskies down there. Robert Mayberry, who lives right there by the lake has seen and talked with the DNR regarding the fact that Pillager Lake is one of the best lakes in Minnesota for tulibees.
Shady Hollow Road SW – it was decided to put this on the April 3, 2014 meeting agenda.
Aspen Avenue E. – this is a shared road with the City of Pillager.
Adjournment: Supervisor Wulff moved to adjourn, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried with the meeting adjourning at 9:35PM.
Minutes submitted by,
Faith C. Broberg, Clerk/TreasurerChair, Greg Booth
Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger moved to approve the minutes as presented/as amended, seconded by, Supervisor Anderson and the motion carried with Supervisor Shade abstaining.
March 20, 2014 Regular Board of Supervisors MeetingPage 1