Vocabulary Paragraphs

In order for you to understand how to use your vocabulary correctly, you will be writing vocabulary paragraphs for each of your words. You will need to finish the prompt that I give you, then you will be adding a minimum of three to four sentences to create a meaningful paragraph that shows you know the meaning of the vocabulary word. Make sure that you use definitions, synonyms and antonyms in your paragraphs. Here is an example using a word from Unit Ten:


When I decided to steal my brother’s Halloween candy, I knew I would need to make covert preparations. I disguised myself and hid in his closet. I knew I would need to act in a clandestine manner and sneak out of my hiding place when he was asleep. When his snoring began, I made an overt move and crawled from my secluded position in the closet. What a surprise it was to discover he was faking the snoring, and he caught me in the act!

Here are the prompts for Unit 12 Words:

1. When I thought the world was going to end on Saturday, I decided I needed to go to confession and ask the priest to absolve me from…

2. When I was on the boardwalk last summer, an artist stopped me and asked if I wanted him to draw a caricature of me so I…

3. We were in the middle of taking our vocabulary test when all of a sudden we heard a clangor in the hallway summoning us to…

4. When builders knocked down the building contiguous to our property, we decided to…

5. My cupidity for chocolate caused me to…

6. My decision not to study for my exams had a deleterious effect on my grades.

7. My plans to enhance my tan went awry when I decided to…

8. The entire student body was enthralled last week when a magician came to our school.

9. I tried to extenuate my predicament of losing my homework handout by telling my teacher that my paper flew out the bus window; however, …

10. Even though my mother did not give implicit directions for me to clean up after dinner, I knew…

11. My teacher’s incisive remarks about my essay led me to believe that…

12. I was embarrassed to be seen with my friend when he wore his ostentatious tie covered with …

13. My best friend is a paragon of dance; she can…

14. In order to understand the story, our teacher directed us to paraphrase a part of Dante’s Inferno, so I chose …

15. I decided it would be politic not to laugh when my father…

16. The book that I am reading is rather prosaic; it is about…

17. My teacher told me that my essay contained too many redundant expressions, so I…

18. My Aunt Martha is rather sanctimonious; she is always…

19. My friend’s stories never fail to be scintillating; he just told us a tale about a time when…

20. When I wanted a car, I decided to approach my dad with my most winsome smile.