Leaders : Amanda Duani, Erin Moore, and Danielle St. Victor Date: November 3, 2016

Participants (describe): Ceasefire Participants Leadership #: 3

Location: Temple University Health Sciences Campus

Purpose of this session: Participants are to increase their leisure awareness and knowledge of leisure resources in the surrounding Philadelphia area
TPO: Demonstrate awareness of current opportunities to participate in preferred leisure activities in the community
EOs this session: identify 2 specific things each person in the group has to do in order to enable them to achieve the TPO.
PMs this session: identify a performance measure for each EO
EO1: Demonstrate knowledge of basic leisure principles / PM1: By the end of the session participants will be able to correctly answer questions in a quiz format about basic leisure principles related to leisure resources and awareness
EO2: Demonstrate ability to identify personal leisure interests / PM2: By the end of Leisure Education session, participants will be able to verbalize 2 personal leisure interests
EO3: Demonstrate ability to identify local leisure resources / PM3: Following the Leisure Education session, participants will name at least 2 different leisure resources in the surrounding Philadelphia area
Component of Leisure Education Content Model (leisure awareness, leisure resources, social interaction skills):
Leisure awareness, leisure resources
This session focuses on the Leisure Awareness and Leisure Resources sections of Stumbo and Peterson Leisure Education Content Model more specifically section 1.1 Knowledge of Leisure, 4.1 Activity Opportunities and 4.4 Community Resources.
How will the learning be assessed?
State how PMs will be achieved, and how you will document successful progress toward the TPO, EO and PM of this session.
Learning will be assessed by participants abilities to verbalize leisure interests and activities, as well as locate local leisure resources using their smart phones (that will be combined to form a list that can be taken home by participants). Also, a small quiz at the end of the session will measure participant’s ability to remember and understand principles related to leisure.
Resources/Materials Needed
●Access to smart phone
●Internet access
●White board/markers or large note pad/markers
●Candy (or some form of reward)
●Computer & Projector or TV and HTMI cord
Location/Space & Set-up
●Classroom or conference room
●Instructors should arrive early to set up technology materials (HTMI cord and computer)

This section below can be quite lengthy, with details of what you will do, what you will say, & how you will structure the session

2 min
10 min / Opening/Framing the Lesson/Introduction
Introduce ourselves and what the session will be about:
●Leisure awareness and resources
●Elaborate on this topic a little bit and ask participants what they may know about this area to begin with
Include participant mentors in all activities during facilitation, however, mentors will be asked to remain silent during discussions to maximize the benefits for the participants
Alphabet Game –
Go around in circle. The first person starts with the letter A and has to say the name of a leisure recreation activity that starts with the letter A. Following, the next person says one leisure recreation activity that starts with the letter B, and so on. Group facilitators can begin the alphabet game to set an example, and Ceasefire participants can continue through the alphabet by themselves. Participants only have 5 seconds to think of a leisure activity. If they take longer than 5 seconds to think of an answer, participants need to start back at A! / Notes
Facilitators will start the Alphabet Game as an example for the participants.
Danielle - A
Erin - B
Amanda - C
And then the participants continue to the end of the alphabet. Remind participants that if they cannot think of a leisure activity, they can state a place where a leisure activity can take place (e.g. If having trouble with the Letter “R”, the participant can say “recreation gym” because it is a location that a leisure activity can take place in)
8 min
15 min / The Lesson Structure: Activities
●What is leisure?
○Definition: leisure is an experience that results from being intrinsically motivated to participate in what is perceived to be freely chosen activity that is a form of self-expression, and contributes to a sense of identitypositive emotion.
○What is intrinsic motivation?
○Motivation that comes purely from yourself; no external reward or pressure → Why is intrinsic motivation important?
●Do you think leisure activities are important in your daily life?
●Decreases stress
●Decrease risk factors of illness in the future
●Develop, physical, emotional, social and cognitive skills
●Reduce chances of leisure boredom
○Studies show that leisure boredom can increase risk of developing unhealthy behaviors
● It’s a time to be you outside of constraints such as authority or societal pressures, work, family etc.
Keeping in mind the Alphabet Game (game we just played), brainstorm some leisure activities that you like to participate in.
●When do you all participate in your leisure interests?
●Do you engage at least once a week?
●If so, why do you think that is?
“This activity is designed to make you all of you more aware of what is happening in the area around us, and we hope that you will take advantage of these opportunities!”
Search Bar Scavenger Hunt
Using their cell phones, participants are to search for places in the Philadelphia area where they can participate in leisure activities based on the categories that group facilitators came up with from the LIM questionnaire. The categories are Sports, Art/Culture, Music, and Other. So, for example, under the Sports category, we expect participants to say Wells Fargo Center and Liacouras Center because participants can go to sporting events at these places. The instructor should help generate communication between participants and have participants discuss why these places are good opportunities to participate in leisure (e.g. Not only can one enjoy a basketball game at Liacouras Center, but they can also increase communication and socialize with others, something that is also very important) If participants do not have a phone, instruct them to share with each other or ask to borrow their mentors phone. Group facilitators should also have a list of anticipated categories and leisure resources to share with participants post activity, so a comprehensive list is made for participants to take with them.
Possible Categories:
●Culture/art –
○Philadelphia Museum of Art
■Pay what you want on the first Wednesday of the month and every Sunday
○Tyler School of Art
○Myriam Theater
○First Friday Philadelphia
■Monthly open house for galleries in old city
■40+ galleries
○Mural arts program philadelphia
●Music - World Cafe Live, BB&T Pavillion
●Socialization (friends) – can’t be your house, sporting events
*Mention how their can be an overlap between different categories
Have participants share their findings. Group facilitators should then add their examples from the list they compiled prior to the session. Write all resources on whiteboard and then have participants take a picture of it on their phone, so they have it for the future. Mentors are also encouraged to take photos of the list and print them for participant’s future usage. Encourage participants to write down some of the recreational centers and places that they find interesting. / Categories for this activity came from the Leisure Interest Measure (LIM) that participants filled out at Dobbins High School. We took their answers into consideration, and make categories based on their interests!
8 min / Closing/Assessment
Kahoot Quiz
Instructors are to make a Kahoot quiz online for participants to engage in post session. There will be 6 questions pertaining to this session. This will be a way to measure if participants can recall the information they were taught in the session. / If participants get an answer wrong, explain why the answer is wrong and why the right answer is correct.
2 min / Follow-up / “Homework”
Go out into the city and/or your community and engage in leisure activities at a new location you learned about today. If you cannot necessarily attend a new place, at least try to participate in some kind of leisure… Get Recreating!!
Reminders: It the past, this group was primarily based on the participant’s mentors speaking the whole duration of the session, not allowing the participants to fully contribute. It is important to the group facilitators that staff and mentors do not speak during the activity. The staff is there for support, but the main goals we want to reach are for the participants and for their voices to be heard, not the staff members and mentors.

To be completed after each session, by each individual group member

Self-Reflection of the Lesson – What went well? What would you do differently? Think about content, process, and leadership.
Recommendations for next session #2 – if you could meet with the group for another session, what would you do to build-off this session?