Responsible To: / Headteacher/School Business Manager
Salary: / Scale PO1- PO3 (£27,849 - £31,754) depending on qualifications.
Contract: / Full Year – 36 Hours –Weekend and Evening work is required
Aim: / To ensure the security, care and availability of the building, furniture, fittings and equipment. To ensure a satisfactory, physical environment and to promote the efficient use of the School’s assets.
To support the continued development of the Schools’ extended services and activities, including commercial activities, with particular emphasis on after school, weekends and holidays. Take a lead role in the identification and successful procurement of new sources of external funding in line with School's policies.
To operate and develop the Facilities Management (FM) procedures and systems in co-operation with the SBM and the Headteacher, ensuring that all legal and safety requirements relating to people and property are met.
To raise standards and set benchmarks for premises care to ensure a high quality environment in which learning can take place. To lead and manage the FM areas of responsibility so as to provide an efficient and co-ordinated service to meet the full requirements of the School.
To act as Health and Safety officer for the School, working towards a EBOSH / IOSH qualification. Carry out regular termly inspections and ensure that the full requirements of health and safety legislation and best practice are met.
To actively model and promote the values and ethos of the School.
To advise on strategic matters relating to the management of the premises in terms of its maintenance and refurbishment for the future.

Responsibilities & Tasks

1.Extended Services & lettings

•Manage the day-to-day administration of the lettings process and strictly apply the policy, rates and terms & conditions approved by governors. Make recommendations for changes to the policy.

•Monitor the lettings rates against those made by other local hirers, and make recommendations for any proposed changes.

•Co-ordinate lettings requests with the Schools own requirements for out-of¬hours use, and give priority to School use.

•Actively promote the Schools facilities with local companies and others seeking venues for conferences and seminars. Encourage community use of the facilities.

•Co-ordinate the involvement of the catering company in any lettings requiring refreshments. Liaise with the Cleaning company on the need for any additional cleaning.

•Submit half termly reports to the SBM on bookings made and income generated.

2.Fund Raising

•Actively seek additional sources of funding for the School. Take the initiative to secure financial support for specific projects by making bids for any special funding made available by central government, and encouraging local companies to participate in School projects. In addition, make application to charitable and other philanthropic associations known to support educational initiatives.

  • Make half termly reports to the SBM on progress.
  1. Capital Works

•Prepare reports for governors and senior leadership to seek approval for any proposed projects.

•Act as project leader / co-ordinator for all capital building and grounds works.

  • Organise feasibility studies as necessary, manage / oversee the tendering process to appoint architects, design teams and contractors. Act as the School representative at design team / contractor meetings and report back as necessary. With the support of the caretakers, monitor the day-to-day work on site and deal with any issues arising.

• Provide support as required with other capital projects including tendering.

  1. Specific Projects

•As requested by the Headteacher or SBM, undertake specific FM-related projects which could include, for example, forward planning exercises, investigations into energy saving and efficiency measures, service delivery options, policy options, budget savings, value for money exercises, office space allocation, tendering processes for School contracts etc.

•Prepare reports for the governing body and senior leadership, and make recommendations.

  1. Catering & Cleaning

•To be the Headteacher point of contact for contractual issues. Ensure that the catering & cleaning companies have all the necessary insurance and legal documentation relating to its School activities.

•Arrange regular meetings with the company management to discuss the service provided, any issues of concern etc. Work with the catering & cleaning managers to resolve any day-to-day issues.

•Liaise with the catering & cleaning managers to arrange the catering & cleaning required for School functions and lettings.

•Ensure that good health and safety standards are maintained, all risk assessments carried out and reviewed, and all hazardous substances stored and used in accordance with the COSHH regulations.

•With the support of an external consultant, carry out an annual audit of the catering & cleaing services. Work with the company to implement any recommendations.

•Report to the SBM a monthly basis with details of the income, expenditure and fees payable by the School.

•On termination or expiration of the contract, organise and manage the tendering process to make a new appointment.

  1. Security

•Act as the principal point of contact for contractual issues. Ensure that the company has all relevant insurance and legal documentation.

•Arrange regular meetings with the company management to discuss performance and any matters of concern.

•Investigate any breaches of security. Recommend ways of making improvements and act as adviser to the governing body and senior management on security issues.

  • Responsible for the arrangements for the opening and closing of the school premises for the purpose of school use, community use, out of hours school functions and activities, maintenance and contractor requirements
  • Managing premises staff patrols of the school site and response to issues arising including car parking and multi-use games areas and responding to matters arising
  • Responsible for rota for response to calls outside normal working hours in response to the Council’s security patrol or the school’s senior managers.
  • Responsbile for the proper operation and function of the security alarms and fire alarms and ensuring emergency exits are not obstructed.
  • Reporting any acts of vandalism to the Headteacher and/or police and arranging for any temporary repairs as required.
  • The management of key holding arrangements for the school; acting as the primary keyholder.
  • Controlling the issue of keys to staff and ensuring that an accurate record is kept.
  1. Health & Safety

•Provide advice and guidance to managers and staff on health and safety matters and be point of contact for all staff.

  • Carry out termly inspections of the buildings and grounds, and report the findings to the next meeting of the Health and Safety Committee.

•Investigate accidents and incidents and prepare reports as required. Assess and respond to health and safety hazards. Act as the School contact for the Fire Officer and the Health and Safety Executive.

•Play an active role in fire evacuation duties. Act as a fire warden and lead the team of wardens.

  • Deputise in the absence of the SBM in H&S decisions.

•Ensure that policies and procedures for the FM team are regularly reviewed and put into effect. Carry out risk assessments (preparation and review). Maintain a record of COSHH assessments and monitor any new hazardous substances being brought into the School.

•Hold (or undertake training for) a suitable health and safety qualification. Maintain a current first aid at work certificate.

To be responsible for:

•Regular inspection of the site to ensure safety practices are being adhered to, the carrying out of risk assessments of work activities and the maintenance of appropriate records.

•Ensuring contractors on site adhere to the school’s Health and Safety procedures.

•Regular review of the school’s Health and Safety Policy and bringing updates to SLT as and when required.

  1. Premises

•Act as the Headteachers point of contact for contractual issues with regard to premises related contracts such as those for grounds maintenance, plant maintenance and CCTV /alarm/door access.

•Arrange regular meetings with contractors for SLA’s to discuss performance and any matters of concern.

•With the support of the SBM and premises staff, prepare and regularly review a maintenance plan for the building and grounds.

•Responsible for managing the premises staff in all aspects of premises and facilities management:

•Arrangements for the premises to carry out first line repairs and maintenance which are within the competence of the staff concerned

including, minor plumbing works, minor plastering works, fencing and boundary repairs, minor glazing work

  • The drawing up and implementation of site maintenance programmes.
  • The drawing up in liaison with the premises staff, Headteacher and/or School Business Manager of specifications for work to be undertaken by contractors - arranging for such work to be undertaken in accordance with the school’s financial procedures including the obtaining of quotes where necessary and monitoring the progress of projects involving outside contractors and the work and conduct of their employees on site.
  • Managing regular litter patrols around the site and ensuring that litter bins are emptied on a regular basis. Ensuring that drains and gullies are free flowing and clean.
  • Ensuring that all premises equipment is in a safe and working condition and arranging for its repair as appropriate.
  • Arranging for the preparation of school premises and site for out of school activities and the clearing up after these activities.
  • Liaison with the Council’s building inspector assigned to the school
  • Maintenance of full records of work done and services purchased in accordance with school procedures
  • Liaising with the contractors supplying the periodic PAT testing service for the school
  • Production of a schedule of works to be carried out during holiday periods by the premises team.
  • Advising the Headteacher or School Business Manager of potential improvements to the buildings and site of the school, including recommendations for a rolling programme of redecoration.
  • Maintenance of all parts of the school grounds which are not covered by the service agreement
  • Managing the clearing of leaves, snow, ice and moss as and when required and ensuring that sufficient materials, including rock salt, are available upon demand to deal with any issues.
  • Arranging for all spillages or leaks to be dealt with as they arise
  1. Budgetary Control

•Control and monitor the budgets for all Lettings, Cleaning & Catering contracts (or in house services) and FM areas. Report regularly to the School Business Manager, immediately highlighting any budget pressures and the measures taken to deal with them.

  1. Reports

•Prepare reports as required for governors and senior management. Deal with correspondence relating to facilities management issues. Represent the School at meetings as directed by the SBM or Headteacher.

  1. Training

•Lead and manage the training of all Facilities Management staff. Undertake further training as required or as directed by the SBM.

  1. Any Other Duties

•Any other duties commensurate with the general level of responsibility of the post as directed by the Headteacher or the SBM.