We appreciate your interest in becoming an Associate Member in the Alabama Asphalt Pavement Association. Please review the following information and if you have any questions, feel free to contact the Association.

The membership is comprised of the leading asphalt pavement contractors (16), liquid asphalt suppliers (5), aggregates producers (5), and other associate members (52). The Association office is located in Montgomery, and the staff is comprised of an Executive Director and an Administrative Assistant. The office complies and disseminates information relative to the industry and promotes the use of asphalt pavement through research and development, technology transfer, quality improvement and public relations.

The dues structure for Associate Membership is as follows: These dues are payable January 1 of each calendar year.

  1. Liquid Asphalt Suppliers - $5,000.00

B.Aggregate Manufactures - $1,000.00

(Additional $500.00/per manufacturing facility max. $5,000.00)

  1. Others - $1,000.00

The Association offers many services to its members:

* Center of Information- Publish membership directory and information bulletins to bring

members timely and useful business and technical information; source of pavement design information, AAPA’s Asphalt Pavement Design Guide.

* Marketing/Education- Prepare and distribute promotional and technical materials to

users and specifics pointing out advantages of our product; arrange conferences,

seminars, other meetings to inform, educate and update these same people, and our


* Governmental Relations- Monitor the activities of the State Legislature and represent

the interests of our industry, keeping the lawmakers and regulators informed so their

actions are not a lack of information; maintain a close relationship with public agencies

and represent the industry before various regulatory bodies.

* Public Relations- Provide a medium through which all members can speak as an

industry when group action is necessary; build good will for the industry to expand

existing markets and enhance the importance and image of the industry; maintain close

liaison and cooperative relationships with other state and national associations.

Probably most important is the Association is here to assist you whenever you have a particular problem or concern. For more information on the AAPA Association, please visit our website at

Enclosed is an Associate Membership Application. Upon receipt of your application, it will be submitted to the voting Members of the Board for approval.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or desire additional information, please do not hesitate to contact our office.


Mel Monk, P.E.

Executive Director

Alabama Asphalt Pavement Association




We desire to make application, to become an Associate Member of the Alabama Asphalt Pavement Association. It is our understanding in order to become a member of AAPA there will have to be two-thirds (2/3) majority vote by the voting membership of the Association.

Yours truly,