Critical thinking and analysis

ANMC Competency Standard 3

Relates to self appraisal, professional development and the value of evidence and research for practice. Reflecting on practice, feels and beliefs and the consequences of these for individuals/groups is an important professional benchmark.

Stage of professional development

Categories / End of first year / End of second year / Graduate / Postgraduate
Location of sources / Information is located using simple database searches (basic limits used, generally <5years). A variety of sites / sources are accessed including government web sites, journal articles (secondary sources), and peer review papers. There is a developing understanding of industry and scholarly articles with an appreciation of peer reviewed publications and the notion of primary and secondary sources. A minimal number of sourcesare used. / Information is located using complex database searches (more than one key word and Boolean)from a variety of databases including government and credible websites. An ability to locate and use original research, systematic reviews and meta analyses and is able to differentiate primary and secondary sources with ease.
Adequate number of sourceswhich are referenced appropriately. / Information is located using
advanced database searches using CINAHL headings / MESH and advanced limit setting.
Evidence of ability to discriminate sources and determine both their accuracy and credibility
Mainly primary sources utilised with understanding of their importance.Larger number of sources which are referenced appropriately. / Information is located using highly developeddatabase searching skills.Evidence of advanced skills in discriminating sources and making judgments of credibility.
Extensive range of high quality primary sources utilised which are referenced appropriately.Is able to determine the most appropriate database(s) to use and match to purpose.
Analysis and evaluation / Selects sources that match the need (fit for purpose). Able to make decisions about the relevance of the source and appreciates the importance to clinical practice. Limited interpretation and evaluation. / Analyses information from relevant sources with systematic identification of components of a research article.
Evidence of analysis in relation to application to practice. / Analysesinformation in an organised way with critical analysis and evaluation of research and its application to practice. Usesown judgment about validity, appropriateness and relevance of information and able to see gaps in available information. May begin to integrate this into own practice. / Analyses information in a highly organised way which shows synthesis of theory, research evidence and own experience. Able to incorporate this into clinical practice. Has clarity of thought and the ability to evaluate merits and limitations
Reflection / Able to draw upon previous experiences and relate them to their current learning. / Able to describe personal and professional experiences and relate them to theoretical learning. An ability to make meaning of these experiences and apply theory to practice. / Critically reflects upon own practice andmakes meaning of their experiences. Is able to ask questions, challenge assumptions, consider alternatives and others perspectives and points of view, / Draws from personal and professional experiences. Is able to analyze and question these experiences to construct meaning and understanding. There is evidence of synthesis, interpretation and insight.
Awareness of self and others / Is aware of own learning needs and is developing an awareness of their clinical and theoretical learning needs in the context of the Bachelor of Nursing. / Is able to identify their own learning needs and actively engages in activities to meet their educational needs. Is developing an awareness of the needs of others and engages in peer learning activities. / Has an awareness of their own strengths and limitations and is able to identify their own theoretical and clinical learning needs. Actively engages in activities to meet these needs and is aware of the needs of their peers and where appropriate, assistswith
others learning. / Aware of their strengths and areas for improvement and is able to develop strategies for self -improvement and further education. Able to identify educational needs of their colleagues and actively engages in teaching others.
Exemplars / Essay linking professional literature with current health care issues
Clinical books with weekly objectives, challenge and achievements
Analyzing government campaigns / Literature critique
Case study using best practice / Policy development
Case study using the literature to inform practice / Practice development projects
Self assessment of learning