To Kill a Mocking Bird

Study Questions

Write your answers and a separate sheet of paper!!!

Chapter 1

  1. “Jem was nearly thirteen when he got his arm broke.” a. When does Scout believe the events started leading to his accident? b. When does Jem believe it started?
  2. Who remained at the homestead?
  3. Describe Maycomb’s climate (weather). Use direct quotes.
  4. What happened to Jem and Scout’s mother?
  5. Where did the kids first meet Dill?
  6. What is Dill’s real name?
  7. Inside the Radley house lived a ______phantom.
  8. What has Arthur (Boo) Radly done wrong when he was a teenager?
  9. What were Arthur and the other boys charged with?
  10. What was Arthur’s punishment?
  11. “There goes the meanest man ever God Blew breath into.” Who said this and about whom?
  12. What did Dill dare Jem to don concerning the Radley Place?

Chapter 2

  1. Who took Scout to school on her first day?
  2. a. What was Miss Caroline concerned about with Scout? b. What did she tell Scout to tell Atticus?
  3. Miss Caroling offered Walter Cunningham a quarter for lunch. He wouldn’t accept it. What does Scout simply tell Miss Caroline?
  4. Scout explained the above statement. How did she?
  5. What was Scout’s punishment from Miss Caroline for talking/knowing too much?

Chapter 3

  1. How did Scout respond to her punishment from Miss Caroline?
  2. How does Jem make Walter feel better?
  3. What does Walter do to his food at lunch?
  4. What was Scout’s response to Walter’s action?
  5. Who had cooties?
  6. What did one of the class members explain to Miss Caroline about the Ewells?
  7. What did Scout tell Atticus about school?
  8. What does Atticus mean by this “…until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”?
  9. a. How did Atticus explain that sometimes their are special cases/ circumstances that must be considered? b. Give one example of a special case.

Chapter 4

  1. What did Scout find in a knot-hole of a tree on her way home from school?
  2. What did Jem tell her to do with her gum and why?
  3. Who arrived two days later?
  4. Jem said that Dill acted like he believed in “hot steams.” a. What is a hot steam and b. how can you keep from passing through one?
  5. What did Scout say about Jem’s hot steam story?
  6. What game did the children play that they polished and perfected throughout the summer?
  7. Who caught them playing the game one day?

Chapter 5

  1. Who did Scout spend many evenings with now that Jem and Dill excluded her?
  2. What did Miss Maudie hate?
  3. How did Miss Maudie explain a “footwashing Baptist” to Scout?
  4. Why did these “footwashers” say Maudie and here flowers were going to hell?
  5. “Atticus don’t ever do anything to Jem and me in the house that he don’t do in the yard,” stated Scout. a. What does she mean by this b. Why did she feel the need to say this?
  6. What did Jem, Scout, and Dill try to give to Boo?
  7. Who caught them?
  8. What does Atticus say they were doing to Boo?

Chapter 6

  1. What were Dill and Jem going to do concerning Boo?
  2. What story does dill come up with when Atticus confronts Jem about his pants?
  3. Where does Jem go after Atticus goes to bed?

Chapter 7

  1. Jem finally tells Scout about the night he went back to the Radley’s to get his pants. What does he tell her that was surprising?
  2. What did they find this time in the knot-hole of the tree?
  3. Who did they realize they were carvings of?
  4. They then found a whole package of gum, a spelling bee medal, and then the biggest prize yet. What was it?
  5. What eventually happened to the knot-hole?
  6. Who do you think was leaving these gifts for the kids?

Chapter 8

  1. How did Miss Maudie feel about the snow?
  2. What did Jem ask Miss Maudie for?
  3. What did Jem make?
  4. Who did the above look like?
  5. What happened on one of the coldest nights in Maycomb?
  6. What did Boo do to Scout while she watched the fire?
  7. What else did Jem figure out about Boo that night?

Chapter 9

  1. Why did Scout get angry at Cecil Jacobs?
  2. Why did Atticus say that he couldn’t tell Jem and Scout what to do if he didn’t take this case?
  3. When Scout asked Atticus if he was going to win the case, how does he answer?
  4. What does Atticus tell Scout to fight with?
  5. Where did the Finches go every Christmas?
  6. Who was to teach them to shoot?
  7. Why did Atticus say Aunt Alexandra treated scout so differently?
  8. What did Francis call Atticus?
  9. Scout does what to Francis?
  10. Who punishes Scout?
  11. What lesson does Scout teach her uncle?
  12. What lesson did Atticus teach Uncle Jack about kids?
  13. Why did Atticus want Scout to hear what he said to Uncle Jack?

Chapter 10

  1. Describe how the kids feel about Atticus.
  2. What instructions did Atticus give Jem and Scout about their air rifles?
  3. Miss Maudie confirmed what Atticus said about mockingbirds. She said what?
  4. What did Miss Maudie say Atticus could do when asked by Scout?
  5. Jem spotted a dog coming down the street. He told Calpurnia about it. What did she do?
  6. What was the dog’s name?
  7. Atticus and Sherifff Heck Tate came to the house. Who shot the dog?
  8. What did Jem and Scout learn about Atticus?
  9. What did Maudie say about people not talking about what they are good at?

Chapter 11

  1. Who was Mrs. Dubose?
  2. What did Mrs. Dubose say to Jem to get him really angry?
  3. What did Jem buy Scout at the Store?
  4. What did Jem do to get back at Mrs. Dubose?
  5. Atticus sent Jem to apologize to Mrs. Dubose and make amends. What did Mrs. Dubose want Jem to do?
  6. Jem was finished when what went off?
  7. Who died?
  8. Why did Mrs. Dubose have fits?
  9. a. What did Mrs. Dubose leave Jem?b. What was his reaction?
  10. How did Atticus interpret the gift?
  11. What did Atticus want Jem to learn?

Chapter 12

  1. What do you think is the significance of Jem telling Scout she needs to “start acting like a girl?”
  1. Why did Calpurnia start calling Jem “Mister Jem?”
  1. Why did Calpurnia scrub Scout and check on Jem while he was in the tub?
  1. a. How did black men and women react as Calpurnia and the children approached the church? b. Why did they react this way?
  1. What did Lula say to Calpurnia as she walked up to the church? (Direct Quote)
  1. When the crowd of advanced on Jem and Scout what did Scout think was happening?
  1. Who came forward to welcome them?
  1. a. What was the name of Calpurnia’s church? b. Why was it called this?
  1. Rev. Sykes wouldn’t let the congregation go until what?
  1. What did Calpurnia say Tom Robinson had been accused of?
  1. Who is Calpurnia’s son?
  1. Where is Calpurnia from?
  2. a. What did Scout notice about Calpurnia’s language? b. What does Scout ask her, and how does Calpurnia respond?
  1. Who was on the front porch when they returned from church?

Chapter 13

  1. What kind of “Streak” did Atticus ask her if the Finch family had?
  1. What did Scout say Aunty had a preoccupation with?
  1. Why did Atticus have such a hard time with talking to Jem and Scout on acting like a young lady and gentleman that they are?

Chapter 14

  1. a. What did Scout ask Atticus if she could do concerning Calpurnia? b. Who answer, and what was the response.
  1. How did Scout respond? (Direct Quote)
  1. What does Aunt Alexandra want Atticus to do concerning Calpurnia?
  1. Atticus says that Calpurnia has tried to bring up the kids “by her lights” and “her lights are pretty good.” What does he mean by this?
  1. Why did Jem tell Scout not to argue with Aunt Alexandra?
  1. Who was under Scout’s bed?
  1. Why did Dill come to the Finch’s?
  1. How did he get the money?
  1. Why did Dill say he ran away?

Chapter 15

  1. This crowd/mob comes to Atticus’ house for what purpose?
  1. Who is this crowd worried about causing trouble for Atticus and Tom Robinson?
  1. What did Link Deas say about Atticus and what he would gain from taking the case?
  1. What did Atticus ask Link in response?
  1. What did Atticus say about Tom’s case?
  1. What did Jem believe about the mob that came to the house?
  1. How did Atticus respond to Jem?
  1. What is Jem afraid of?
  1. Why was Mr. Underwood?
  1. When Atticus left what odd think did he take with him?
  1. Where did Jem, Scout and Dill go at 10 p.m.?
  1. Where did the kids find Atticus?
  1. The kids started home, but turned and came back. Why?
  1. Why were these men there?
  1. What did Atticus say Tom was doing?
  1. Who was a familiar face in the mob?
  1. When Jem didn’t leave to go home what did one of the mob members do?
  1. How did Scout respond?
  1. Who did Scout say “Hey” to?
  1. What affect does Scout’s “speech” have on the mob?

Chapter 16

  1. a. How does Atticus describe Mr. Cunningham? b. What does this mean?
  1. Why does Atticus say Maycomb needs a “police force of children?”
  1. What does Jem say is in Dolphus Raymond’s Co-Cola bottle?
  1. Why would Dolphus Raymond be considered “trash” by Maycomb standards?
  1. Why are Dolphus Raymond’s children sad?
  1. a. In the courthouse, where do the children sit? b. Who are they sitting with?

Chapter 17

  1. How did Sheriff Tate describe the scene the girl when he got to the Ewell’?
  1. What three questions did Tate say he asked the Ewell girl?
  1. What did Atticus ask Sheriff Tate?
  1. What was the sheriff’s answer?
  1. Why didn’t he call a doctor?
  1. Why eye was black?
  1. Where else on the girl’s body were there bruises?
  1. Mr. Gilmer called Bob Ewell to the stand. How did Ewell treat Gilmer?
  1. What did Mr. Ewell say he saw Tom doing to Mayella?
  1. What question did Judge Taylor ask Mr. Ewell?
  1. How did Mr. Ewell respond?
  1. What did Atticus ask Mr. Ewell first?
  1. When Ewell said no, what did Atticus ask Ewell about Mayella?
  1. Mr. Ewell agreed with Heck Tate’s testimony. Atticus then asked him if he could do what?
  1. How did Bob answer?
  1. When Atticus asked Bob to show the court how did he respond?
  1. What was so interesting about his writing?
  1. Why did Ewell being left-handed help Atticus with the case?

Chapter 18

  1. What is Mayella’s full name?
  1. What is Mayella’s reaction to the court?
  1. Describe Mayella’s version of the story?
  1. What evidence does the reader have that Mayella is not telling the truth at this point.
  1. Explain why it is ironic that Mayella feels she is being disrespected.
  1. What things does Mayella say that might indicate her father is abusive?
  1. Why did Mayella think Atticus had “fancy airs?”
  1. a. Describe Tom Robinson’s hand. b. How does this help prove his innocence?

Chapter 19

  1. How old was Tom?
  1. Tom went many times to the Ewells. Why did he say he helped Mayella?
  1. What did Scout realize at this time about Mayella?
  1. Where were the children on the day Tom supposedly raped Mayella?
  1. Tom described what happened. When he reached up, what did he say Mayella did to him?
  1. What did Mayella do to Tom after the chair had overturned?
  1. What did Tom then say he did?
  1. What occurred to Scout about Tom’s manners?
  1. Why did Link Deas stand up and say to the audience?
  1. What explanation did Tom give to Mr. Gilmer for why he helped Mayella?
  1. Why was this admission a mistake?
  1. Why did Tom say he was scared?
  1. Why did Dill start to cry and become sick?

Chapter 20

  1. Mr. Dolphus Raymond offered Dill a sip of his drink for his stomach. What did Dill find out?
  1. Why did Mr. Reymond pretend to be a drunk?
  1. What did Atticus do that was out of character?
  1. What did Atticus say Mayella was a victim of?
  1. What “crime” did Atticus say Mayella had really done that was unspeakable in society?
  1. What is the “evil assumption” that the Ewells made about Negros?

Chapter 21

  1. Atticus makes the kids go home for supper. But, he says they can return to hear the verdict. How does he justify his decision?
  1. Jem was confident about the verdict, but Rev. Sykes said he’d never seen what?
  1. Why was Jem glad it had taken a long time?
  1. What was the verdict?
  2. What did the colored section do when Atticus walked out?
  1. What did Rev. Sykes say to Scout? (Direct Quoted)
  1. Why did they do this?

Chapter 22

  1. Who cried now?
  1. a. What did Atticus say that Scout and Jem should learn now? b. Why should they learn this?
  1. What had the colored folk sent Atticus and why?
  1. Miss Maudie made cakes for the kids. Why was the significance of her cutting Jem’s piece from the big cake?
  1. What did Miss Maudie point out about other white people helping Tom?
  1. What was the “baby step” Maudie was referring to?
  1. What did Miss Stephanie tell everyone?

Chapter 23

  1. After Bob spit in Atticus’ face, what was the only thing Atticus said?
  1. What did Atticus do when Bob spat at him?
  1. Atticus again makes Jem stand in someone else’s shoes. This time it is Mr. Ewell. What does Atticus try to make Jem realize about Bob?
  1. Where was Tom being held now?
  1. What is the most sickening thing to Atticus?
  1. Who can’t serve on juries in Alabama?
  1. What made Atticus think there was the shadow of the beginning?
  1. Why can’t Scout play with Walter according to Aunty?
  1. What did Jem show Scout?
  1. What did she say when he pointed it out?
  1. Jem has figured out there are four kinds of folks in Maycomb. What are the four kinds?
  1. Scout believes there’s only one kink of folks? What kind?
  1. What does Jem figure out about Boo Radley and why he stays shut up in the house?

Chapter 24

  1. Why couldn’t Scout go with Jem and Dill to the creek?
  1. What did Scout say that she wanted to be when she grows up?
  1. When Mrs. Merriweather is talking about leading “her” life like a Christian for those children. Who is she talking about and who does Scout mistakenly think she is talking about?
  1. Mrs. Merryweather said there were some good, but misguided people in town. They thought they were doing well but they only stirred them up. Who is she referring to?
  1. Miss Maudie asked Mrs. Merriweather what? (Direct Quote)
  1. Why did Atticus come home to get Calpurnia?
  1. Explain how the tragedy of Tom Robinson


  1. Miss Maudie says that they’re paying the highest tribute we can pay a man. What does she say they do?
  1. Why did Scout emulate Aunty and Maudie?

Chapter 25

  1. Why wouldn’t Jem allow Scout to smash the roly-poly?
  1. Where did the children go with Atticus?
  1. How did the children go with Atticus?
  1. How did Dill describe the scene with Helen?
  1. What did B.B. Underwood write in his editorial?
  1. Atticus had used every tool available to free men to save Tom, but why couldn’t he win?
  1. When did Tom become a dead man?
  1. Mr. Ewell said one down and two more to go when he heard about Tom. Who are the “two to go?”
  1. What did Jem tell Scout about Ewell’s threats?

Chapter 26

  1. What grades were the kids in now?
  2. What did Scout find out Atticus knew the whole time?
  3. What is it that Miss Gates says that Scout does not understand?
  4. How did Jem react to this?

Chapter 27

  1. What were the three things that happened to Maycomb citizens.
  1. Atticus says he might understand why Ewell is holding a grudge. What does he say?
  1. What did Atticus say Judge Taylor did to Ewell?
  1. There was going to be a Halloween pageant. Who was going to be in it?
  1. What was Scout going to be?
  1. Who was not going to the pageant?
  1. Who is going to take Scout to the pageant?
  1. What did going to the pageant begin for Scout and Jem?

Chapter 28