M22-4, Part VIII Transmittal History

Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C. 20420 / M22-4, Part VIII
Change 21
April 19, 2006

Part VIII, "Chapter 1606 Procedures," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22 4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

We have changed the name of chapter one from "Provisions" to "Chapter 1606 Provisions."

Chapter 1, Appendix A has updated rate tables.

Brackets [ ] have been used to identify new and revised material.

RESCISSIONS: M22-4, Part VIII, changes 18 and 19.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits

Keith M. Wilson
Director Education Service

Distribution: Printed Distribution: None
(Electronic Distribution Only)

Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C. 20420 / M22-4, Part VIII
Change 20
July 14, 2005

Part VIII, "Chapter 1606 Procedures," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22 4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

We have changed the name of chapter one from "General" to "Provisions."

Paragraph 1.02A is new and explains the organization of the reserve components, the difference between call-up service and AGR service, and the difference between service authorized under title 10 U.S. Code and title 32 U.S. Code.

Paragraph 1.03d is a totally revised discussion of dual eligibility. We have included several examples of dual eligibility.

Paragraph 1.03e clarifies effect of availability of tuition assistance on chapter 1606.

Paragraph 1.07 updates the instructions on delimiting dates and extensions of delimiting dates.

Paragraph 1.09 clarifies types of training under chapter 1606. Some historical material is deleted.

Brackets [ ] have been used to identify new and revised material.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits


Acting Director, Education Service
Distribution: RPC: 2229
FD EX:ASO and AR, 1 each

Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C. 20420 / M22-4, Part VIII
Change 19
August 19, 2004

Part VIII, "Chapter 1606 Procedures," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22 4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Page 1-i: Remove this page and substitute pages 1-i and 1-ii attached.

Pages 1-A-1 through 1-A-6: Remove these pages and substitute pages 1-A-1 and 1-A-2 attached.

Pages 1-B-1 through 1-B-6: Insert these pages.

This change is designed to assist education claims examiners. Current chapter 1606 rates are placed in both appendix A and appendix B.

Pages 1-C-1 and 1-C-2: Insert these pages.

Kicker rates are moved to appendix C.

Rates published in change 13 showed OJT and apprenticeship rates effective July 1, 1985. Chapter 1606 students were not eligible to receive OJT or apprenticeship training until the enactment of Public Law 101-189. Then, these students became eligible for this program effective October 1, 1990. This change corrects this previous error.

Brackets [ ] have been used to identify new material.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits


Director, Education Service
Distribution: RPC: 2229
FD EX:ASO and AR, 1 each

Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C. 20420 / M22-4, Part VIII
Change 18
August 22, 2003

Part VIII, "Chapter 1606 Procedures," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22 4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Page iii: Remove this page and substitute page iii attached.

Page 1-i: Remove this page and substitute page 1-i attached.

Pages 1-A-3 through 1-A-6: Remove these pages and substitute pages 1 A 3 through 1-A-6 attached.

Brackets [ ] have been used to identify new material.

RESCISSIONS: M22-4, Part VIII, changes 3 and 17.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits


Director, Education Service
Distribution: RPC: 2229
FD EX:ASO and AR, 1 each

Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C. 20420 / M22-4, Part VIII
Change 17
November 13, 2001

Part VIII, "Chapter 1606 Procedures," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22 4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Page 1-i: Remove this page and substitute page 1-i attached.

Pages 1-A-3 through 1-A-5: Remove these pages and substitute pages 1 A 3 through 1-A-6 attached.

Table A.03 is reserved for future use.

Table A.04 is added to show chapter 1606 kicker rates.

Brackets [ ] have been used to identify new material.

By Direction of the Acting Under Secretary for Benefits


Acting Director, Education Service
Distribution: RPC: 2229
FD EX:ASO and AR, 1 each

Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C. 20420 / M22-4, Part VIII
Change 16
October 25, 2000

Part VIII, "Chapter 1606 Procedures," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22 4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Page iii: Remove this page and substitute page iii attached.

Pages 2-i and 2-1 through 2-7: Remove these pages and substitute page 2-i attached.

Pages 5-i and 5-1 through 5-12: Remove these pages and substitute page 5-i attached.

Pages 6-i and 6-1 through 6-7: Remove these pages and substitute page 6-i attached.

Pages 7-i, 7-ii, and 7-1 through 7-24: Remove these pages and substitute page 7-i attached.

Chapters 2, 5, 6, and 7 are reserved for future use. Information concerning the current Chapter 1606 System is contained in TG 22-99-5.

Pages 8-i and 8-1 through 8-3: Remove these pages and substitute pages 8-i, 8 1 and 8-2 attached.

Paragraphs 8.01 through 8.05 are updated and reflect the current chapter 1606 system.

Paragraph 8.06 is reserved for future use.

RESCISSIONS: M22-4, Part VIII, changes 2, 5, 8, and 11.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits


Director, Education Service
Distribution: RPC: 2229
FD EX:ASO and AR, 1 each

Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C. 20420 / M22-4, Part VIII
Change 15
October 16, 2000

Part VIII, "Chapter 1606 Procedures," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22 4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Page iii: Remove this page and substitute page iii attached.

Pages 4-i and 4-ii: Remove these pages and substitute pages 4-i and 4-ii attached.

Pages 4-1 through 4-29: Remove these page and substitute page 4-1 through 4 12 attached.

Paragraphs 4.03 through 4.12, 4.14, and 4.17 through 4.19 are reserved for future use.

Paragraphs 4.13, 4.15, and 4.20 through 4.30 are revised to reflect the current chapter 1606 system.

RESCISSIONS: M22-4, Part VIII, changes 4, 7, and 10.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits


Director, Education Service
Distribution: RPC: 2229
FD EX:ASO and AR, 1 each

Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C. 20420 / M22-4, Part VIII
Change 14
September 5, 2000

Part VIII, "Chapter 1606 Procedures," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22 4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Page 3-i: Remove this page and substitute page 3-i attached.

Pages 3-1 through 3-8: Remove these pages and substitute pages 3-1 through 3 8 attached.

Paragraph 3.01 is revised to indicate that only DOD and DOT have the authority to make chapter 1606 eligibility determinations. VA does not have any authority to make these determinations. This paragraph states that VA must determine that there are no restrictions to the payment of chapter 1606 benefits.

Paragraph 3.02 is revised to show that RPOs handle chapter 1606 claims. RPOs handle these claims using TIMS (The Imaging Management System).

Paragraph 3.03 is reserved for future use.

Paragraph 3.04 is revised to show current chapter 1606 eligibility information. It includes references to Training Guide 22-99-5, The Chapter 1606 User Guide, where appropriate. The 120-day exception for furnishing NOBEs (Notices of Basic Eligibility) is revised so that the date the NOBE is received in VA is compared with the date of eligibility. Alternative evidence of eligibility, such as a recently signed NOBE, is now allowed. A NOTE is added to show that reservists can receive chapter 1606 benefits if they receive financial assistance under section 2107a of title 10, U.S.C.

Figure 3.01 is updated to show the current DOD screen.

Paragraph 3.05 is updated to refer to information in TG 22-99-5.

Paragraph 3.06 is updated for development actions.

Paragraph 3.07 is updated to reflect DOD's combination of all Selected Reserve service into one DOD screen.

Paragraph 3.08 is updated to show that that information from DOD or DOT conceding administrative error does not have to be in a letter. DOD or DOT can convey this information in other formats to include but not be limited to a telephone call, fax, or E-mail.

Paragraph 3.09 is updated to show that a claimant retains the original delimiting date if involuntarily separated from the Selected Reserve before being eligible for 10 years.

Paragraph 3.10 is updated to reemphasize that claimants cannot appeal a DOD determination of ineligibility to the Board of Veterans Appeals.

Brackets [ ] have been used to identify new material.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits


Director, Education Service
Distribution: RPC: 2229
FD EX:ASO and AR, 1 each

Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C. 20420 / M22-4, Part VIII
Change 13
August 15, 2000

Part VIII, "Chapter 1606 Procedures," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22 4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Page iii: Remove this page and substitute page iii attached.

Page 1-i: Remove this page and substitute page 1-i attached.

Pages 1-1 through 1-11: Remove these pages and substitute pages 1-1 through 1-13 attached.

Paragraph 1.03 is revised to show current chapter 1606 eligibility information. This paragraph contains several NOTES to remind adjudicators that only DOD and DOT have the authority to make chapter 1606 eligibility determinations. VA does not have any authority to make these determinations. This paragraph includes a reference to DOD's web site containing policies pertaining to chapter 1606. Subparagraph e is updated for reserve service characterized as AGR (Active Guard and Reserve) status. Subparagraphs f and g summarize DOD's policies on suspension and resumption of eligibility.

Paragraph 1.04 contains a NOTE to remind adjudicators that only DOD and DOT have the authority to make determinations of unsatisfactory participation. VA does not have any authority to make these determinations.

Paragraph 1.05 is revised to show that entitlement is charged in the same manner as in chapter 30.

Paragraph 1.07 is revised to show the general rule concerning the chapter 1606 delimiting period and those extensions under the same regulation (38 CFR 21.7550).

Paragraph 1.08 is revised to show the only delimiting date extension under a different regulation (38 CFR 21.7551).

Chapter 1606 rates are moved from paragraph 1.10 to Appendix A.

Paragraph 1.10 has chapter 1606 kicker information.

Paragraph 1.13 is revised to show current information.

Pages 1-A-1 through 1-A-5: Insert these pages.

Brackets [ ] have been used to identify new material.

RESCISSIONS: M22-4, Part VIII, changes 1, 6, 9, and 12.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits


Director, Education Service
Distribution: RPC: 2229
FD EX:ASO and AR, 1 each

Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C. 20420 / M22-4, Part VIII
Change 12
March 25, 1998

Part VIII, "Chapter 1606 Procedures," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22 4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Pages 1-7 through 1-10: Remove these pages and substitute pages 1-7 through 1-10 attached.

Figures are updated to provide current rates that became effective October 1, 1997.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits


Director, Education Service
Distribution: RPC: 2229
FD EX:ASO and AR, 1 each

Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C. 20420 / M22-4, Part VIII
Change 11
May 12, 1997

Part VIII, "Chapter 1606 Procedures," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22 4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Page v: Remove this page and substitute page v attached.

Pages 1-3 and 1-4: Remove these pages and substitute pages 1-3, 1-4 and 1-4a attached.

Paragraph 1.05 is updated to provide changes to cooperative training enacted by Public Law 104-275.

Pages 1-7 through 1-10: Remove these pages and substitute pages 1-7 through 1-10 attached.

Figures are updated to provide cooperative rates changed by Public Law 104-275 effective October 9, 1996.

Page 2-i: Remove this page and substitute page 2-i attached.

Pages 2-1 and 2-2: Remove these pages and substitute pages 2-1 and 2-2 attached.

Pages 4-11 and 4-12: Remove these pages and substitute pages 4-11 and 4-12 attached.

Paragraph 4.13 is updated to provide changes to cooperative training enacted by Public Law 104-275.

Pages 4-21 and 4-22: Remove these pages and substitute pages 4-21 and 4-22 attached.

Paragraph 4.21 is updated to provide changes to cooperative training enacted by Public Law 104-275.

Chapter 106 is changed to chapter 1606 throughout this change. Target is changed to BDN (Benefits Delivery Network) throughout this change.

Brackets [ ] have been used to identify new material.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits


Director, Education Service
Distribution: RPC: 2229
FD EX:ASO and AR, 1 each

Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C. 20420 / M22-4, Part VIII
Change 10
August 14, 1996

Part VIII, "Chapter 1606 Procedures," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22 4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Pages 1-7 through 1-10: Remove these pages and substitute pages 1-7 through 1-10 attached.

Figure 1.01 is updated to provide rates to reflect the cost of living increase effective October 1, 1996.

Paragraph 1.11c is updated to delete reference to chapter 34.

Paragraph 1.12a(3) is deleted. The reference to 38 U.S.C. 3473 is deleted as this section was repealed by
Public Law 102-568.

Paragraph 1.12a(8) is updated to have the correct title for Work-study allowance.

Paragraph 1.12b is updated to add the additional exceptions of sections 3686(a) and 3687.

Pages 4-i and 4-ii: Remove these pages and substitute pages 4-i and 4-ii attached.

Page 4-29: Remove this page and substitute page 4-29 attached. Notification letter is updated to provide rates to reflect the cost of living increase effective October 1, 1996.

Brackets [ ] have been used to identify new material.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits


Director, Education Service
Distribution: RPC: 2229
FD EX:ASO and AR, 1 each