Soc213(001)Social DevianceBogart 02B03/25/03
Chapter 4: Physical Violence
1b. Which of the following is NOT a way poverty causes homicide? A) The poor are more likely to have financial, marital, and other stressful problems. B) Genetic factors cause both poverty and homicidal tendencies. C) Poverty causes more interpersonal conflict. D) The poor tend more to resort to physical violence to deal with interpersonal conflict. E) Poor have greater frustration and alienation in dealing with discrimination. (p. 61)
2b.The criminologist Marvin Wolfgang studied victims ofself-precipitated murder, and felt that victims A) Genuinely tried to killtheir murderers but failed. B) Ingeniously planned to have their killersconvicted for first-degree murder. C) Secretly wished to killthemselves. D) Merely intended to engage in a fist fight. E) Were masochistic (p. 69)
3b.All of the following is types of mass murderers, EXCEPT for. A)Murderers who stalk and torture their victims. B)Pseudo commandos. C)Team members under thedirection of the charismatic leader. D). Disgruntled employees E)Destruction of the twin towers (p.73)
4b. There are two _____ theories. One sees humans as far more aggressive than animals, and the other theory looks at the presence of an extra Y chromosome as an explanation for excessive human aggression. A) Psychoanalytic B) Passive-aggressive C) Psychological D) Biogenic
E)Evolutionary(p. 79)
5b. Evidence shows that after a state abolished capital punishment, its homicide rate A) increased tremendously. B) increased significantly. C)Increase slightly D)Decreased significantly. E)No significant difference in homicide rate. (p. 78)
Chapter 5: Rape and Child Molestation
6b. The most conservative sources estimate that an average woman'schance of suffering a rape are one in A)Two. B)Ten. C)Forty. D) Seventy. E) Fifty (p. 90)
7b. In the study undertaken by Amir All but which of the following can be viewed by somesegments of our society to condone forced rape (i.e. victim precipitatedrape)? A)Flirting; B)Pre-rape intimacy; C)Having a drink with a man D)Hitchhiking; E)Having car trouble along the highway. (p. 97).
8b. All of the following are part of America's culture of rape, EXCEPT for. A)The formation of antirape organizations. B)The myth that women want to be raped. C)Using women in men's masculinity contests. D)Treating women like men's property. E)Socializing girls to be victims
(p. 103)
9b. The _____ theory position that rapists have feelings of sexual inadequacy, fear of homosexual tendencies or sexual addiction. A) Feminist B) Social-psychological C) Psycho-sexual
D)Psychological E) Subculture of violence(p.108)
10b.child molesters, when caught: A)Resemble other rapists inthat they blame their victim for having provoked the crime. B)Fullyand frankly admit their guilt. C)Contend that their victim fully
consented to the act. D)Blame the crime on their own upbringing. E) Blame the parents for allowing it to happen. (p.116)
Chapter 6: Family Violence
11b. All the following are Myths about Family Violence EXCEPT: A) Family violence hits only the poor B)Violence and love cannot happen together C)Most abused children grow up to be abusive parents D)Alcohol and drugs are involved in most family violence E)Family violence is more common in middle class home. (p. 120)
12b. Which of the following is NOT a nature or causeof marital rapes? A)Belief of entitlement by the husband B)Husband punishing his wife, C)Pornography D)Alcohol abuse, E)Husbands need for control(p122)
13b. Which of the following is a reason why women continue to live with abusive husbands? A)They are the most socially and economically isolated. B) They are pressured by religious and other groups to which they belong to stay. C) They fear leaving will harm their prospects for getting a good job.
D) They fear their husbands will retaliate. E) They are waiting for the right moment to seek revenge against their husbands (p 126)
14b. Which of the following is NOT a cause of child abuse? A) Problematic interaction between parent and child B) Television violence C) Intergenerational transmission of violence D)Acceptance of the view of physical punishment as proper discipline E)Poverty, unemployment, family problems and lack of education.(p. 128)
15b. . The _____ generation is the middle-aged group squeezed between raising children of their own and taking care of their parents. A) Mid-life B) Quiche; C) Sandwiched D)Squeezed,
E) Homogeneous. (p. 130)
Part02: Lecture Items and Video
Lecture VI: Labeling Theory
16b. Labeling theory had its origins in _____. A)Church basements B)jailhouse seminars
C)Soup kitchens D)Sociology departments E)Psychology departments
17b. The premise of Tannenbaum’s Crime and the Community is on changing the individual through attacking the _____. A)Individual B)Individual’s parents C)Educational system D)Group subsets E) Entire group
18b. According to Scheff, which of the following statements is FALSE? A) Labeled deviants may be punished for playing the stereotyped deviant role. B) Stereotyped imagery of mental disorder is learned in early childhood. C)Most residual deviance is "denied" and is transitory. D)Relative to the rate of treated mental illness, the rate of unrecorded residual deviance is extremely high
E) Among residual deviants, labeling is the single most important cause of careers of residual deviance.
19b According to Becker, the type of deviance we (as a society) are most interested in, is A) Causal B). Residual C) Sustained D). Intermittent E) Sporadic
20b Scheff: Most residual deviance is _____ . A) Playacting B) Involuntary C) Functional
D) Socially licensed E) Denied and transitory
V05: Innocence Lost
21b. When initially questioned by their parents about the daycare center, most of the children _____. A)Denied incidents of sexual abuse B)Admitted they had been verbally abused C)Admitted they had been sexually abused D)Said they didn’t know what abuse was E)Cried
22b. Following Bob Kelly’s guilty verdict, many of the jurors told FRONTLINE about instances of jury _____. A)Nullification B)Bigotry C)Tampering D)Misconduct E)Confusion
23a. Ultimately, the centerpiece of the case against Bob Kelly was the testimony of the _____.
A)Therapists B)Children C).Parents D)Medical personnel E)Daycare personnel
24b. According to the video, the whole incident appeared to begin whenBob Kelly allegedly hit Joel, the son of _____, who was later angrywhen she did not receive an apology from the Kellys. A) Jane Mabry, B)David Williams, C) Debbie Forrest, D) Jean Smith, E) Grace Bean
on was conducted by Officer _____ of the EdentonPolice. He/she had recently _____ regarding child abuse. A). Dennis Ray,wrote a book, B). Mary Nichols, taught a seminar, C). Jim Baker,conducted similar investigations, D). , Nancy Lamb, wrote an investigation manual
E). Brenda Toffin, attended a seminar
26b. (Innocence Lost), Bo Simmons, defense attorney for _____, presented a defense case based upon _____. A) Betsy Kelley; mental instability. B) Dawn Wilson; lack of evidence and the impact of the therapists. C)Scott Privitt; improper handling of evidence. D)Robin Byrum; lack of conclusive material evidence. E) Shelley Stone;impact of therapy on the children' testimony.
27b. One of the defendants by the name of Shelley Stone _____. A)Could not get a job because of charges pending. B)Was eventually released from jail due to lack of evidence. C)Finally gave in and accepted a plea bargain for a lesser charge. D)Had all charges against her dropped when appellate court reviewed her caseE)Agreed to testify against the Kelley's in return for immunity from prosecution.
28b. How did Nancy Lamb justify reopening the case against Bob Kelly? A) The D.A. instructed her do so, B)The press continued pursuing the casekeeping the public involved, C)The child deserved her day in court, D) The parents petitioned her to do so, E) Brenda Toppin had found her lostrecords.
29b. Following the Bob Kelly and Dawn Wilson trials, there was a lullduring which "life in Edenton went on" (a year and then another) and rumorhad it that the next defendant would be Scott Privott who ____ A)Hadbeen in jail over 3 and a half years, B)Had served less than a year in jail, C)Had been
out on bail until he was charged with another sex abuse crime, D)Hadnever been to jail, E)Was thought by the prosecution tobe mentally ill and likely to go for an insanity defense.
30b. the prosecutor who remainedon the case the full time (for seven years) was _____. A) Bill Hart
B) John Halstead C) Mike Spivey D) Bo Simmons E)Nancy Lamb
VO6 RLC: The Confessions of Rosa Lee
31b. According to Leon Dash, the series addressed an odyssey of our society which involved all of the following elements EXCEPT _____. A)Addiction, B)Homosexuality, C)Crime, D)Welfare,
32b. What happened when RosaLee snuck into Miss Whitehead's class? A)She was returned to Miss Jeters class immediately, B)She sassed the teacher and wouldn't stay in her seat, C)She hated the class because she didnt know anyone, D)She liked being able to answer questions, E)She liked being with her friends from her neighborhood.
33b. According to Video 6 (Rosa Lee), Rosa Lee was born in 1936 into asharecropper family. In those days girls, _____. A) trained to bedomestics. B) were expected to work fulltime on the farm.
C) weresent to the city to get factory jobs to support the family. D) usually
used school as a way to improve their lives. E) were groomed to marrysomeone of means.
34b. From a very early age, Alvin Cunningham, Rosa Lee's son wasembarrassed over the public assistance image. According to the video,what he found to be most embarrassing was _____.
A)Seeing his mother prostituting herself for money, B)Seeing his mother in the
welfare line, C)The monthlydelivery of surplus food by welfare trucks, D) Being teased by others kids in school, E)Having to wear the sameclothes week after week.
35b. To what does Leon Dash attribute RosaLee's problems in elementary school? A)She was frequently absent fromschool. B)She sassed her teachers, C)Something in her manner turned teacher's off D)She couldn't sit still and was always running out of the room, E)Her skin color was very dark
V07: Death of a Porn Queen
36b. Commenting on a collection of things left behind by Colleen Applegateafter her death, the narrator concludes that the collection suggestedColleen, A)Had become a truly narcissistic person, B)Was most proud ofher high-school letters, C)Was heartbroken by her breakup with her high
school boyfriend, D)Was like two people rather than one, E)Hated herfamily.
37b. Before leaving her home town, Colleen. A)Makes a suicide attempt, B)Gets involved in modeling nude pictures for her boyfriend, C)Gets caught shoplifting,, D)Starts using pot,
E)Embarrasses the family by public drunkenness at a wedding.
38b.In 1982 Shana went to LosAngeles with her boyfriend, _____, who found and ad in the paper for_____. A)Bobby Hollander; an acting position B) Steve Hicks; adancing position C) Jake Erlich; a movie extra D) Jerry Butler; acommercial spot E)Mike Marcelle; a figure model
39b After hearing about their daughter's acting in adult movies,Colleen's parents flew to Los Angeles to see Jim South who _____. A) Reassured them that Colleen's personal and career needs were of
paramount importance. B)Advised them to support Colleen's careergoals. C)Showed them a catalog with Colleen's photos. D)Told them they had no right to change Colleen's mind aboutthe business.
E)Advised them to get Colleen out of the business before it ruined her.
40b After Shana began to hang aroundwith Jake Erlich, there were always drugs around the house. Oneparticular drug which looked like a joint and made one feel retardedwas called _____. A) Jerry Lewis' Kids B) Crack Cocktail C) Slow Downer D) Mind Bomb E) Cocaine Cola.