Please use this questionnaireto ensure the ‘Weapons And Firearms Awareness Group’ (WAFAG), are aware of the use of weapons, firearms and imitation weapons used for filming, photography, art installations, theatrical work and research in the University of Portsmouth.This form should be submitted at least 4 weeks prior to the filming, photography, art installation, theatrical work, and research taking place and before any attempt to transport such items.
1. / EVENT DETAILS / Please complete1.1 / Title of film, photography, art installation, theatrical work or research
1.2 / Person applying(including email address)
1.3 / Tutor name (If student notifying)
1.4 / Description of the filming/rehearsal, photography, art installation, theatrical work or research. Including exactly what the weapon/firearm is to be used for.(Please attach any choreography plan, filming plan).
1.5 / Date and Time of filming/theatrical/rehearsal, photography, art installation, theatrical work or research
1.6 / Will this filming/theatrical/rehearsal, photography, art installation, theatrical work or research be open to the public? Or in public view? If so how long for?
1.7 / Location of filming/theatrical/rehearsal, photography, art installation, theatrical work or research
1.8 / If you are filming/theatrical/rehearsing or a photography shoot off campus in Portsmouth please attach the Portsmouth City Council Filming Licence form:
1.9 / Has a risk assessment been completed? If so please attach a signed copy of the risk assessment:
and for CCI students
2. / Type of weapon/firearm / Please
tick / Description and Serial number (if applicable), of every firearm/weapon
2.1 / Military Guns
Hand gun
Combat shotgun. Semi-automatic shotgun. Automatic shotgun
Rifle. Lever-action rifle. Bolt-action rifle. Lee–Enfield Jungle Carbine chambered in .303 British. Assault rifle. Battle rifle. Carbine. Service rifle
Submachine gun. Personal defence weapon
Blunderbuss, Harquebus
Gun not listed above
2.2 / Hand guns
Automatic pistol.
Magnum revolver
SIG Pro semi-automatic pistol
Hand cannon - Chinese Yuan Dynasty; Western European handgun
2.3 / Other guns
Electric, Gas, Spring Airsoft gun
Gun not listed above
2.4 / Weapons
Knives and Daggers
Blunt Staves, cricket bat, Clubs, Mace, Stick, Staff
Spears and Javelins
Polearms with spikes and hammers
Machete – Barong/bill hook/bolo
Sickle, Axe, Halberd
Other weapon not listed above
2.5 / Bows
Repeating, pistol, recurve, rifle, bullet and compound crossbow
Bow and Arrow - Recurve, Compound, traditional
Other bow not listed above
2.6 / Martial Arts weapons
Guandao, Kama, Sai
Other Martial Arts weapon not listed above
2.7 / Explosives (other than pyrotechnics) and military/artillery munitions
Other military/artillery not listed above
No deactivated firearms will be accepted within the university unless a UK Certificate of Deactivation is provided. Deactivated munitions will only be accepted when proof of purchase from a reputable supplier is provided. All documents must be forwarded to WAFAG at least two weeks before the proposed filming/rehearsal. STRICTLY NO BEACH FINDS
3. / PLANNING / YES/NO / Details
3.1 / Will you be transporting the weapon/firearm to the University/ location If so please provide comprehensive details for how this will happen, who will be transporting it and what container the weapon/firearm will be transported in?
3.2 / Will you be transporting ammunition to the University / location?If so please provide comprehensive details for how this will happen,who will be transporting it and what container the ammunition will be transported in?
3.3 / Do you intend to make the weapon/firearm in the University i.e. in the Eldon Production Centre (EPC).If so the item must be handed into the EPC technicians and added to the itinerary and locked away and can only be acquired by signing it in and out.
Regulation 37 of the Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006 allows for the production of imitation firearms for the purpose of theatre and film production. However it is an offence under Regulation 4 of the Firearms Act 1968 to convert an imitation weapon into a live firing weapon
3.4 / Are you an affiliated member of a group, society or organisation, which runs an enactment on university premises? (If so please provide details)
4. / Relevant documentation ATTACHED / YES/NO / All documentation to be kept for future reference.
4.1 / Signed University risk assessment(signed by Tutor, Course Leader, Head of Department/School or nominated member of staff)
4.2 / Filming/photography/Choreography plan
4.3 / Portsmouth City Council Application/Licence to film in the city
4.4 / Map of location
This form is to enable WAFAG to be aware of weapons and firearms that may be used, fabricatedor transportedinto the university. It is not an authorisation form, but may instigate further investigation by the group.
Please email your completed form to: