Advanced Level Geography Publication List
A. Natural Landscape
A1: Climatic System
Author / Title / Journal / Vol/Year / Page
Gregory K. J. / Power to Compare / Geographical Magazine / September, 1986 / 468-471
Hickcox D. H. / Extreme Fluctuation / Focus / 1986 / 31-32
Ranage C. S. / El Ni No / Scientific American / Vol.254, June 1986 / 55-61
Wendland W. M. / Southern Hemisphere Airstream Climatology / Monthly Weather Review / Vol.114, 1986 / 89-94
-- / Keeping Watch on the World's Air / ECOS / August,1977 / 28-31
-- / Australia's Monsoon / ECOS / February, 1985 / 18-21
Creagh C. / Past Clues to Future Climate / ECOS / Autumn, 1993 / 10-13
-- / Oceans of Data / Geographical / March, 1994 / 27-30
Oliver H. & S. Oliver / The Ins and Outs of Sunshine / Geography Review / September, 1993 / 2-6
Frost L. R. / Second Thoughts on Climate Graphs / Teaching Geography / Vol.10 No.4, June 1995 / 162-163
-- / Andrew Aftermath / National Geographic / Vol.183 No.4, April 1993 / 3-37
-- / Climates of the Future / Geographical Magazine / June, 1992 / 50-52
-- / Climate in Arid Region: Question and Answer / Geography Review / Vol. No.1-5, May 1991 / 13-15
Washington R. / Mountains and Climate / Geography Review / Vol.9 No.4, March 1996 / 2-7
Smith A. F. & R. Smith / The Impact of Climatic Change / Geofile / No.272, September 1995 / --
Kullman L. / Climate and Environmental Change at High Northern Latitudes / Progress in Physical Geography / Vol.18 No.1,1994 / 124-135
Zhao M. C. & S. Y. Leng / The Relationship between Seasonally Index of Precipitation on Loess Plateau and Water Deficiency of Crops / The Journal of Chinese Geography / Vol.3 No.3, 1992 / 58-71
Li K. & X. C. Lin / The Long-Range Trend of Temperature Variation in China: 1951 to 1988 / The Journal of Chinese Geography / Vol.3 No.4, 1992 / 82-96
Grescoe T. / After the Deluge / Canadian Geographic / Vol.117 No.2, March
/ April 1997 / 29-40
Lanken D. / Funnel / Canadian Geographic / Vol.116 No.4, June / Aug 1996 / 24-31
Schoon N. / So This Is Global Warning / Geography Review / Vol.10 No.5, May 1997 / 23
Wheeler D. / Spanish Climate- Regions and Diversity / Geography Review / Vol.10 No.1, Sept 1996 / 34-40
Slattery M. & T. Burt / The 1995 Atlantic Hurricane / Geography Review / Vol.10 No.3, Jan
1997 / 12-17
Ratcliffe R.A.S. / Back to Basics: Is Our Climate Changing? / Weather / Vol.50 No.2, Feb
1995 / 54-57
Higgitt D. / A Drop in the Ocean / Geography Review / Vol.11 No.3, January 1998 / 13-15
Harrison J.& J.Bairner / Studies in Microclimatology / Teaching Geography / Vol.22 No.4, October 1997 / 173-179
Lewis T. / The Effect of Deforestation on Ground Surface Temperatures / Elsevier / 1998 / 1-13
Singh B. / Climate-related Global Changes in the Southern Caribbean: Trinidad and Tobago / Elsevier / 1998 / 93-111
Arnfield A.J. / Micro-and Mesoclimatology / Progress in Physical Geography / Vol. 22 No.1, 1998 / 103-113
A2: Landform System
Author / Title / Journal / Vol/Year / Page
Dooge J. C. I. / The Waters of the Earth / Hydro. Sci. / Vol.29 No.2, 1984 / 149-176
Gardinev V. / Water Leaves Its Mark / Geographical Magazine / February, 1984 / 71-75
Gregory K. J. / Why Rivers Change Their Course / Geographical Magazine / March, 1984 / 120-128
Hooke J. M. / Application and Applied Geomorphology of Rivers / Geography / Vol.310 No.71,1986 / 1-13
Knapp B. / Man's Perception of His Natural Environment / Teaching Geography / 1983 / 62-65
Liu C. M. / China's Sorrow / Geographical Magazine / February, 1988 / 41-46
Molnar P. / The Structure of Mountain Ranges / Scientific American / Vol.235 No.1, 1986 / 64-73
Newson M. / Up and Down and Seldom Average: Streamflow Variability with Time / Teaching Geography / Vol.4 No.3, 1979 / 121-125
Park C. C. / Man, River Systems and Environmental Impacts / Progress in Physical Geography / Vol.5 No.1, 1981 / 1-31
Roman M. B. / Finding Fault / Discovering Geography / August, 1988 / 57-63
Smith A. / Tokyo on a Plate / Geographical Magazine / March, 1983 / 106-107
Sternbery H. / Amazon Abundant / Geographical Magazine / April, 1988 / 30-35
Thornes J. B. / On the Threshold of Landscape / Geographical Magazine / November, 1983 / 574-579
Valentine J. W. / Plate Tectonics and the History of Life in the Oceans / -- / -- / 80-89
Walling D. E. / Muddy Waters Move Mountains / Geographical Magazine / May, 1984 / 267-267
Warner R. F. / Big Land, Big Rivers - Big Problems / Geographical Magazine / Vol.4 No.2, January 1988 / 71-76
Grove N. / Volcanoes - Crucibles of Creation / National Geographic / Vol.182 No.6, Dec. 1992 / 5-41
Burt T. & Goudie A. / Timing Shape and Shaping Time / Geography Review / November, 1994 / 25-29
-- / Soil Erosion in the Mediterranean Basin / Journal of the Geographical Association / January, 1991 / 71-73
-- / Soil Classification / Geography Review / Vol.5 No.2,
November 1991 / 6
Williamson P. / Soil Record Sheet / Teaching Geography / Vol.10 No.4, June 1995 / 160-161
Smith S. / The Impact of Plate Tectonics / Geography Review / September, 1990 / 3-6
Arkell T. / The Earth's Fault / Geographical Magazine / August, 1991 / 18-21
Bock Y. / Crustal Defer and Earthquakes / Geotimes / Vol.39 No.6, June 1994 / 16-18
Grove N. / Crucibles of Creation / The National Geographical Magazine / Vol.182,1992 / 5-36
Davidson J. / Volcanoes and Earthquakes: Italy / GeoActive / Spring Issue, 1994 / 1-3
Jones D. / Slope Instability in a Warmer Britain / The Geographical Journal / Vol.159 No.2, July 1993 / 184-195
Sillitoe P. / Fallow and Fertility Under Subsistence Cultivation in the Papua New Guinea Highlands:
II. Soil Fertility / Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography / Vol.16 No.1, August 1995 / 101-115
Evans R. / Some Soil Factors Influencing Accelerated Water Erosion of Arable Land / Progress in Physical Geography / Vol.20 No.2, 1996 / 205-215
Viles H. / Karst and Weathering / Geography Review / Vol.9 No.1,
September 1995 / 35-38
Oppenheimer C. / Volcanism / Geography / Vol.81(1) No.350
1996 / 65-81
Higgitt D. / Earth Surface Processes: the Battle Between Force and Resistance / Geography Review / Vol.9 No.2, November 1995 / 13-15
Smith A. F. & R. Smith / New Ideas in Physical Geography and the Environmental Sciences / Geofile / April No.262, 1995 / --
Allison R. J. / Slopes and Slope Processes / Progress in Physical Geography / Vol.17 No.1,1993 / 92-101
Allison R. J. / Slopes and Slope Processes / Progress in Physical Geography / Vol.18 No.3, 1994 / 425-435
Flageollet J. C. / The Time Dimension in the Study of Mass Movements / Geomorphology / Vol.15 No.3-4, 1996 / 185-190
Scott A. N., R.J. Schaetzl & T. W. Small / Effects of Slope Angle on Mass Movement by Tree Uprooting / Geomorphology / Vol.14 No.1, 1995 / 19-27
Mcarthur J. & M. Shepherd / Nature Processes : A New Textbook, the Form Seven Syllabus & the Environment / New Zealand Journal of Geography / April, 1992 / 2-5
Michaels S. / Analysing Earthquake Issue Networks in British Columbia and Washington State / The Canadian Geographer / Vol.37 No.2, 1993 / 156-165
Kondolf G.M. / A Cross Section of Stream Channel / Journal of Soil & Water Conservation / Vol.51 No.2, March / April 1996 / 119-125
-- / Fire / The Geographical Magazine / Vol.LXVIII No.12, Nov 1996 / 4-5
Warren C. / Ice, Fire and Flood in Iceland / Geography Review / Vol.10 No.4,
March 1997 / 2-6
Pindera G. / Red River Dance / Canadian Geographic / Vol.117 No.4, July/August 1997 / 52-62
Allison R.J. / Slopes and Slope Processes / Progress in Physical Geography / Vol.20 No. 4, 1996
/ 453-465
Summerfield M. / Supercontinent Break-up and Land Development / Geography Review / Vol.10 No.5,
May 1997 / 36-40
Gudmundsson, A.T. / Waiting at the Flood Gates / The Geographical Magazine / Vol.LXVIII No.12, Dec 1996 / 30-31
Higgitt D. / Where the River Runs Deep / Geography Review / Vol.10 No.1
Sept 1996 / 13-15
Holmes D. / It‘s Fun with Water / Geography Review / Vol.LXVIII No.12, Dec 1996 / 34-36
Gore R. / Living on Fire / National Geographic / Vol.193 No.5,
May 1998 / 8-25
Walker R. / Scales of Geomorphology - The Matopos Region of Zimbabwe / Geography Review / Vol.11 No.1, September 1997 / 16-19
-- / Sicily's Primed Suspect / Geographical / Vol.LXX No.7,
July 1998 / 18-22
Amin A. & B. Khalid / Causes of Land Subsidence in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia / Natural Hazards / Vol. 16, 1997 / 57-63
Trenhalie A.S. & D.A. Pepper / Canadian Landform Examples - 35 / The Canadian Geographer / Vol. 42 No.1, 1998 / 94-99
A3: Biotic System
Author / Title / Journal / Vol/Year / Page
Payne J. / Soil Development: Using Annotated Profiles / Teaching Geography / Vol.20 No.3, July 1995 / 128-131
Harris T.
/ Eutrophication of Lakes and Reservoirs in the United Kingdom:
Causes, Effects and Controls / Geography / Vol. 80 (1) No.346, 1995 / 61-71
Nabhan G. P. / The Dangers of Reductionism in Biodiversity Conservation / The Journal of the Society for Conservation Biolog / Vol. 9 No. 3, June 1995 / 479-481
Prosser R. / Ecosystems and Ecotourism / Geofile / No. 254, January 1995 / --
Wolfe S. A. & W. G. Nickling / The Protection Role of Sparse Vegetation in Wind Erosion / Progress in Physical Geography / Vol. 17 No. 1,1993 / 50-68
Zimmerer K. S. / Soil Erosion and Social (Dis) courses in Cochabamba, Bolivia: Perceiving the Nature of Environmental Degradation / Progress in Physical Geography / Vol. 17 No. 1,1993 / 312-327
Higgitt D. / Soil Erosion and Soil Problems / Progress in Physical Geography / Vol. 17 No. 4, 1993 / 461-472
Gaston K. J. / Biodiversity - Measurement / Progress in Physical Geography / Vol. 18 No. 4, 1994 / 565-574
Zhang Y. C. / A Study on Climatic Resources and Allocation of Economic Forest/Fruit in the Eastern Part of the Subtropical Region of China / The Journal of Chinese Geography / Vol.3 No. 1,1992 / 84-94
Jing K. & Y. Chen / A Study of the Relationships Between Soil Erosion and Geographical Environment in China / The Journal of Chinese Geography / Vol. 3 No. 4, 1992 / 63-76
Sammel A. / Soil and land Utilization in Gulmaland / Applied Geography and Development / Vol. 43, 1994 / 105-117
Nicolau J. M.
et al / Effects of Soil and Vegetation on Runoff Along a Catena in Semi-arid Spain / Geomorphology / Vol. 14 No. 4,1996 / 297-309
Jadhav R. S. & S.G. Buchberger / Effects of Vegetation on Flow Through Free Water Surface Wetlands / Ecological Engineering / Vol.5, 1995 / 481-496
Li W.C. & Q.X. Yang / Wetland Utililzatoin in Lake Taihu for Fish Farming and Improvement of Lake Water Quality / Ecological Engineering / Vol.5, 1995 / 107-121
Gopal B. & W.J. Mitsch / The Role of Vegetation in Creating and Restoring Wetlands - An International Perspective / Ecological Engineering / Vol.5, 1995 / 1-3
Garcia C. et al / Organic Matter Characteristics and Nutrient Content in Eroded Soils / Environmental Management / Vol. 20 No. 1, 1996 / 133-141
-- / Fire and Life at the TOP / ECOS / Autumn 1997 / 12-15
Samson F. R. & F.L. Knopf / Putting ‘Ecosystem’ into Natural Resource Management / Journal of Soil & Water Conservation / Vol.51 No.4, July / Aug 1996 / 288-291
Khairulmainibin O.S. / The Effects of Vegetation on the Surface and Soil Subsystems of Hillslopes / Malaysian Journal of Tropical Geography
/ Vol.27 No.1, 1996 / 55-65
Higgitt D. / Underground Story: Local Variation in Soils / Geography Review / Vol.10 No.4, March 1997 / 19-21
Singer M.J.& B.P. Warkentin / Soils in An Environmental Context: An American Perspective / Catena / Vol.27, 1996 / 179-189
Yaalon D.H. / Soils in the Mediterranean Region: What Makes Them Different? / Catena / Vol.28, 1997 / 157-169
Pimntal D. et al / The Value of Forests to World Food Security / Human Ecology / Vol.25 No.1, 1997 / 91-112
Warburton P. / Soil Erosion: Causes, Effects and Solutions / Geofile / No.334, April 1998 / --
-- / Grasslands / Junior Education / Vol.21 No.6, June 1997 / 21-24
Evans R. / The Erosional Impacts of Grazing Animals / Progress in Physical Geography / Vol.22 No.2, 1998 / 251-268
A4: Man-Environment Relationships
A4.1 General
Author / Title / Journal / Vol/Year / Page
-- / Biosphere Reserve: What, Where and Why? / Focus / Vol. 39 No. 1,1989 / 17-19
Colchester M. / The World Listens to the Indios / Geographical Magazine / Vol.111 No. 6, June 1989 / 16-20
Kivell P.T. / Protecting the Euro-Environment / Geography / Vol.74, January 1989 / 47-52
Postal S. / Halting Land Degradation / Focus / Vol.39 No. 1,1989 / 5-12
Tyler C. / The Arid Earth / Geographical Magazine / Vol.111 No.5, May 1989 / 44-47
Atkinson K. / Life on a Deep Freeze / Geographical magazine / September, 1987 / 444-449
Everett K.R. / Summer Wetlands in the Frozen North / Geographical Magazine / October, 1983 / 511-515
French H.M. / Periglacial Geomorphology and Permafrost / Progress in Physical Geography / Vol.5, 1981 / 267-273
Knapp B. / The Danger of Keeping Warm on the Cold / Teaching Geography / Vol. 10 No.4,1985 / 173
Pelly D. / The Caribou People / Geographical Magazine / March, 1987 / 134-139
Boardman D. / Teaching Sustainable Development / Teaching Geography / Vol.21, No.1 / 161-167
Chaffey J. / Studland Bay and the South Haven Peninsula / Geography Review / Vol.10, No.4, March 1997 / 33-35
McWilliam F. / Dams Cause Species Deficit / The Geographical Magazine / Vol.LXVIII No.9, Sept 1996 / 8
Middleton N. / Swamp Politics / The Geographical Magazine / Vol.LXVIII No.6, June 1996 / 32-34
Bonte P. / Nomads: Changing Societies and Environment / Nature & Resources / Vol.32 No. 1, 1996 / 2-10
A4.2 Tropical Rain Forest
Author / Title / Journal / Vol/Year / Page