Knowle Football Club

Complaints Procedure

In the event that any member of Knowle Football Club feels that he or she has suffered discrimination in any way or that that Club’s policies, rules or Code of Conduct have been broken, they should follow the procedure below.

  1. The matter in relation to which the complaint relates should be made in writing and sent to the Club Chairman or Secretary, Tracy Lake or Claire Tombleson respectively. The complaint should include:

(a)details of what, when and where the occurrence(s) leading to the complaint took place;

(b)names of, and any statements from witnesses to the occurrence(s) leading to the complaint;

(c)names of any others who it is suggested by the complainant have been treated in the same way as the complainant/person on whose behalf the complainant is making the complaint;

(d)details of any former complaints made about the incident to which the complaint relates, including the date on which the former complaint was made and to whom it was made;

(e)the complainant’s preferred solution to resolve the complaint.

  1. The Chairman and Secretary will consider the complaint within 14 days of its receipt and will, as necessary, request from the complainant any further information which they deem necessary to enable them to consider the issues arising from the complaint.
  1. The Chairman and Secretary will involve other members of the Knowle Football Club Committee as they consider necessary. Most complaints will be brought to the attention of the full Committee and discussed between the Committee members accordingly. If the Chairman and Secretary wish to involve some or all of the Committee members following their initial consideration of the complaint, a meeting will be convened between those Committee members within 21 days of receipt of the complaint.
  1. The Chairman, Secretary or Committee shall have the power to:-

(a)request from the complainant, or any other person(s) to whom the complaint relates, any further information deemed necessary to consider and investigate the complaint;

(b)request that the complaint, and any other person(s) to whom the complaint relates, attend a meeting, or meetings, to discuss the complaint;

(c)give verbal, or written, warnings to any member in relation to conduct;

(d)suspend any member from membership;

(e)remove from membership any person found to be in breach of the Club’s Code of Conduct.

If the complaint is with regard to the Club’s Chairman, Secretary or any member of the Committee, the complaint may:-

(a)request that the person about whom his/her complaint relates does not participate in any discussions or meetings regarding the complaint; or

(b)report the complaint directly to the Birmingham County Football Association.

Knowle FC-Complaints Procedure – v1-May2013