Probability and Statistics Honors

Syllabus 2017-2018

Instructor: Julie LongRoom: Portable 5

Office Hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8:30 – 9:00

Mu Alpha Theta tutoring available after school on Mondays and Thursdays in room 775.

Email (Preferred):

Phone: (904) 547-7300

Online Text Book: (period 4)

5871058 (period 1)

Course Description: The focus of this course on statistical ideas and reasoning and on their relevance to such fields as medicine, education, environmental science, business, psychology, sports, politics, and entertainment.

Rules and Procedures:

  • Be prepared.
  • Be on time.
  • Be respectful of others – Listen, process, respond.
  • Bring graphing calculatorto daily (TI-83or better). **No sharing**
  • Have a composition Notebook, loose leaf paper for assignments, and graph paper.
  • Drink only bottled water in class. No food allowed.

Grading Policy: Grades will be determined by points earned. Summative assessments are worth 75% of the grade, quizzes are worth 20%, and homework is worth 5%. There will also be a quarterly research project that will count as a summative score.

Homework is assigned most nights. Quizzes are usually givenregularly. Unit tests are given at the end of unit. If a student is absent, it is his or herresponsibility to obtain the assignment(s) and make up the work. Make up expectations are in accordance to school policy: allowed for excused absences. Late, lost, or incomplete assignments receive no credit; assignments are posted daily on my website.

PARENT ASSIST (for all classes)
Please check your progress regularly on the web: PARENT ASSIST. I attempt to have
papers graded within 2 or 3 days of testing. No paper interims will be issued this year, so stay updated on PARENT ASSIST. Homework grades are recorded weekly.

Extra Help (For all Classes)
If you find you are in need of additional help during the course of the year, the following are additional resources you are expected to use in order to help yourself catch up and master the material. DON’T WAIT to get help. The longer you wait the more behind you will get and the harder it will be for you to improve.
Please have intelligent questions prepared when you come to tutoring. Saying “I just don’t get any of it” says you have not spent any time with the material on your own and you expect someone to give you the answers. Better approaches would be. “I read the book and asked a friend and I still can’t figure out the first step in graphing a normal curve., can you help me?” or “How does PEMDAS apply to solving logarithmic equations when there is a radical involved”.

Ask a friend to explain it.
Read the Text Book
Go to Math Tutoring from 8:30-9:10 M-TH room P6
Download a podcast from
Come see me at 8:30-9:00AM most mornings

To Parents,
Parents are an essential part of the learning process. Parents are invited and
encouraged to contact me about any concerns.
I am looking forward to a great year!
Julie Long-CHS MATH

I have read and discussed these expectations with my child.______

Student Name


Parent SignatureStudent Signature

Email:______Phone: ______