March 12, 2018
The Pymatuning Valley Local Board of Education met in regular session on Monday,March 12, 2018 at 6:00 pm in the High School Lecture Room with the following members present: President Curt Harvey, Vice President Margaret Struna, Mr. Lee Hunt, Mr. Duane Marcy and Mr. Josh Peyton.
President Harvey invited all present to join in the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by each person introducing themselves.
SuperintendentMike Candela, along with Pastor Jerry Fritz from the First Congregational United Church of Christ representing the Pymatuning Area Chamber of Commerce, presented each student of the month with a certificate.Mrs. Lori Slekar and Mrs. Nikki Millerintroduced Aiden Flack, February Primary School student of the month. Mr. Hendrik Wolfert introduced Kendall Gilpin, January Middle School student of the month. Margarita Bulos,February Middle School student of the month, and Marissa Christ, February High School student of the month were not in attendance.
Ms. Cheryle Chiaramonte and Dr. Jerry Brockway representing the Ashtabula Foundation as well as Mrs. Cody Hunt along with her students from the PV Philanthropy Board, Ms. Emma Brown, Ms. Danielle Dewey, Ms. Macie Hamilton, Ms. Sarah Henry and Ms. Jessica Jenick awarded donations to the following recipients:
a.Jefferson Depot Village in the amount of $2,200
b.Conversation Station in the amount of $800
c.Making Kids Count in the amount of $700
d.BirthCare, Inc. in the amount of $700
e.Back-to-School Bash in the amount of $550
Mr. Wolfert gave a brief update for his Middle School and Mrs. Slekar gave a brief update for her Primary School.
Correspondenceregarding aletter for a request of leave of absence from a certified staff member was reviewed.
Mr. Marcy moved to approve the minutes of the February 12, 2018 Regular Meeting with Mrs. Struna seconding the motion. Roll call: Mr. Marcy-Yes, Mrs. Struna-Yes, Mr. Hunt-Yes, Mr. Peyton-Yes, President Harvey-Yes. Motion passed.
Mrs. Struna moved to approve the minutes of the February 22, 2018Special Meeting with Mr. Marcy seconding the motion. Roll call: Mrs. Struna-Yes, Mr. Marcy-Yes,Mr. Hunt-Yes,Mr. Peyton-Yes, President Harvey-Yes. Motion passed.
Mr. Peyton moved to approve the Financial Reports for February with Mrs. Struna seconding the motion. Roll call: Mr. Peyton-Yes, Mrs. Struna-Yes, Mr. Hunt-Yes, Mr. Marcy-Yes,President Harvey-Yes. Motion passed.
Mr. Peyton moved to approve the Payments of Bills for February with Mr. Marcy seconding the motion. Roll call: Mr. Peyton-Yes, Mr.Marcy-Yes, Mr. Hunt-Yes,Mrs. Struna, President Harvey-Yes. Motion passed
Mrs. Struna moved to approve the Investments for February with Mr. Hunt seconding the motion. Roll call: Mrs. Struna-Yes, Mr. Hunt-Yes, Mr. Marcy-Yes,Mr. Peyton-Yes, President Harvey-Yes. Motion passed.
No one spoke during the opportunity for the Public to speak on agenda items.
Under old business, Mr. Candela updated the Board on a few items. First, he mentioned the Ashtabula County Regional Stakeholder Meeting being held at A-Tech on April 3, 2018 with registration beginning at 5:30pm. He turned it over to Dr. Brockway who briefly discussed that the leadership of the Ohio Dept. of Education will be there to discuss and gather input as they review and chart the future of education in the State of Ohio. And lastly, Mr. Candela updated the Board on the progress of forming the school’s safety committee. Mr. Hunt has been designated as its Chairperson with Mr. Wolfert being the designee from the administrative team. The committee is set to be fully formed and hold its first meeting on March 20, 2018.
Mr. Candela recommended that the Board approve the following recommendations:
- Employment Recommendations:
- Approve the following Virtual School Instructors for the remainder of the 2017-2018 school year along with the summer:
- Melody Nowakowski – Health
- Anne Siembor – Science
- David Miller – Social Studies
- Colleen Hermann – Language Arts
- Non-renew the following activity contracts:
- David Benedict – HS Asst. Wrestling Coach
- Tom Ritari – HS Asst. & JV Girls Basketball
- Approve the following personnel for One Year Limited Fall Supplemental and Activity Contracts for the 2018-2019 school year at the negotiated salary rate pending completion of all required coaching certifications:
High School:
- Head Football CoachNeal Croston
- Asst. Football CoachKevin Brown
- Asst. Football CoachDavid Miller
- Asst. Football CoachSean Freeman
- Head Golf CoachJeff Compan
- Head Girls Soccer CoachJerry King
- Asst. Girls Soccer CoachAnne Siembor
- Cross Country CoachRicky Walters
- Head Volleyball CoachPaul Stofan
- Asst. Volleyball CoachJustin Smith
Middle School:
- 7th Gr. Football CoachChristian Payne
- 8th Gr. Football CoachKevin Wolf
- Cross Country CoachAaron Davis
- 8th Gr. Volleyball CoachAmber Adley
- Approve a leave of absence for Colleen Hermann, High School English Teacher beginning April 30, 2018 with an approximate return date the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year.
- Approve an unpaid medical leave of absence for Joy Bennett, Primary School Custodian, effective February 28, 2018.
Mrs. Struna moved to approve the Superintendent’s employment recommendations 1a. through 1e. with Mr. Peyton seconding the motion. Roll call: Mrs. Struna-Yes, Mr. Peyton-Yes, Mr. Hunt-Yes, Mr. Marcy- Yes, President Harvey-Yes. Motion passed.
Mr. Candela asked for a combined vote from the Board on the following recommendations 2. through 4. with no objections from the Board.
2. Approve the proposed 2018-2019 school year
calendar. (Exhibit “A”)
3.Approve the Gifted Education Service Plan.
(Exhibit “B”)
4. Approve a resolution accepting the amounts and
rates as determined by the Budget Commission and
authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying
them to the County Auditor. (Exhibit “C”)
Mrs. Struna made a motion to approve the Superintendent’s recommendations 2. through 4. with Mr. Hunt seconding the motion. Roll call: Mrs. Struna-Yes, Mr. Hunt-Yes, Mr. Marcy-Yes, Mr. Peyton-Yes, President Harvey-Yes. Motion passed.
Mr. Candela made the following recommendation:
5. Approve the following new or revised Board
- Emergency Management and Safety Plans, File EBC (Exhibit “D”)
- Drug Testing for District Personnel Required to hold a Commercial Driver’s License, File EEACD-R (Exhibit “E”)
- Admission of Homeless Students, File JECAA (Exhibit “F”)
- Admission of Homeless Students Regulation, File JECAA-R (Exhibit “G”)
- Student Absences and Excuses, File JED (Exhibit “H”)
Mr. Peyton made a motion to approve the new and revised Board policies with Mrs. Struna seconding the motion. Roll call: Mr. Peyton-Yes, Mrs. Struna-Yes, Mr. Hunt-Yes, Mr. Marcy-Yes, President Harvey-Yes. Motion passed.
Mr. Candela asked for a combined vote from the Board on the following recommendations 6. and 7. with no objections from the Board.
6. Approve the disposal of two (2) school vehicles:
a. 2000 Ford Ranger, Tag #105440
b. 2000 Chevy Pickup, Tag #105446
7. Accept the following donation:
a. The PV Athletic Boosters donated $4,500.00 to
help with the cost of a Pole Vault Pit.
Mrs. Struna made a motion to approve recommendations 6. and 7. with Mr. Marcy seconding the motion. Roll call: Mrs. Struna-Yes, Mr. Marcy-Yes, Mr. Hunt-Yes, Mr. Peyton-Yes, President Harvey-Yes. Motion passed.
During the time for Staff with comments,Mrs. Slekar welcomed Mr. Peyton back to the Board.
During the time for Board Members with comments, Mrs. Struna thanked Mr. Wolfert in coordinating the Incoming Freshman Program. His guest speakers did a wonderful job at that event. Mr. Peyton thanked the Board for having the confidence in him to bring him back on to the Board.
During the time for the Public to speak, Mr. Bob Young spoke of his concerns about our school’s safety measures, particularly that of our school resource officer’s duties. Mr. Young mentioned that it appeared that our school resource officer is spending more of his time outside the buildings and concerned with enforcing traffic laws than being inside the buildings and building relationships and trust with the students. Mr. Candela commented that the school district has had some problems in the past with traffic around the school buses as they enter and leave the school parking lots but, Mr. Candela said he’ll look into this matter further. Mr. Peyton thanked Mr. Young for his comments. Ms. Nancy Logan, Director of the Andover Public Library, thanked the Board in helping them with their levy efforts.
At 6:35 pm Mr. Peyton made a motion for the Board to adjourn the regular meeting with Mrs. Struna seconding the motion. Roll call: Mr. Peyton-Yes, Mrs. Struna- Yes, Mr. Hunt-Yes, Mr. Marcy-Yes, President Harvey-Yes. Motion passed.