1. Welcome/ apologies
2. Matters Arising
3. Rewards System/ Student of the week
4. L/S Fire Alarm System
5. First Aid
6. Canteen Prices
7. Peter Baldwin Memorial
8. AOB
Date: / Monday 9th FebruaryStaff Present: / Miss A Smith
Students Present: / Year 7: Cara Erasmus
Year 8: Yasmin Jazani
Year 9: Ella Mayer
Year 10:
Year 11: Tom Pycroft, Jasper Williams, Jack McCormack & Emily Hermen
Year 12: Rhys Battle & Lucy Dickinson
Year 13: Tamjid Miah & Kate Seary
Apologies: / Some Year 9 students and SKH involved in options interviews
Agenda item:
Items raised:
Action points: / Matters arising/ Year Council Feedback
· Year 7 suggested a Half-termly school newspaper in addition to the current school newsletter. This would be pupil run with supervision and could include pupil achievements, details about clubs and AOB. The council liked this idea.
· Year 11 highlighted issues with their options columns, with clashes of compatible subjects, such as Politics and business or Geology and Maths Statistics
· There is confusion amongst Year 11 as to the plans for study leave.
· Year 9 students seemed slightly concerned about having fewer GCSE options than previous years, however the council appreciate that this is due to Welsh Baccalaureate becoming compulsory. Many students still feel that one extra subject could be very valuable.
· Ella, Holly, Ewan John and Benjamin Cook have volunteered to make routine checks of the Lower School toilets to ensure everything is working properly.
· Some students believe that the council is not as inclusive as it should be. Other people interested in joining do not know how to.
· Cara to approach some staff to gauge their interest in involvement.
· Year 11 to continue to ask for clarification of arrangements in the exam period
· It was suggested that people interested in being included in the council could email SKH.
· Pupils also felt that a more simplified form of the minutes could be delivered in registration or put up around school
Agenda item:
Items raised: / Rewards system/ Student of the Week
· Miss Smith informed the council that fortnightly reminders of the rewards system are being sent out to teachers. Many pupils still feel that the system is being forgotten about by a lot of members of staff
· Other observed issues with the system include:
Ø Pupils forget stamp cards or lose them
Ø The system appears to work better in Lower School than Upper School
Ø Some forms have considerable lower numbers of stamps than others
· There appears to be a complication in Student of the Week, as many pupils do not know they are Student of the Week so do not collect their prize.
· Many pupils felt that the letters home were of more value to them as their parents also rewarded them for their achievements
· The pupils also felt that the recent reward of cookies led to more motivation!
· In Upper School, student of the week doesn’t appear to have as much value
Action points: / · The council feel teachers should be provided with spare stamp cards for pupils
· A list of the number of completed stamp cards per form should be emailed to staff to encourage teachers to level out the imbalance
· A list of the students of the week could be put up in canteen so people are aware of who it is. Also, some forms have not had student of the week awarded, so this should be attended to.
· It was suggested that student of the week should be discontinued in Upper School in order to focus more on the stamp card system
Agenda item:
Items raised:
Action points: / L/S Fire Alarm System
· The ringing of the school bell in lower school has much too long a duration and is far too loud. This is a large concern as it leads to a negative atmosphere and is not practical
· Many students have complained about this issue, so would appreciate the SLT to rectify it if possible
Agenda item:
Items raised:
Action points: / First Aid
· Year 8 suggested a First Aid qualification delivered through PSE lessons. Cardiff Youth Council and the Sixth Form leadership team have also been discussing this idea.
· The council were keen to see First Aid qualifications brought into the curriculum as they believe it is a vital skill for everyone
Agenda item:
Items raised:
Action points: / Canteen Prices
· SKH noticed a difference in the price of hot drinks in lower school compared to upper school.
· Pupils feel that the drinks in Upper School are better quality so are worth the extra cost.
· Pupils were glad SKH raised the issue but didn’t feel it was a major concern
Agenda item:
Items raised:
Action points: / Peter Baldwin Memorial
· A family of a former student has offered to donate a memorial plaque to be placed by Peter’s tree. Peter’s parents have asked that school pupils decide on the wording. Although Peter was a very valued member of our school council, we felt that his form are the people who knew him best, so they should decide what to write.
· Form 8B, Peter’s form, have also suggested raising money to purchase a memorial bench to go next to the tree
· SWAG have also arranged a mural to be placed on the wall in the Dutch Barn part of the canteen
· SKH to contact Peter’s form about the wording for the plaque
Papers Distributed: / · Agendas
· Minutes to be forwarded to student council members and members of the senior management team by email.
Date of next meeting and Agenda items / · Next meeting: To be decided
· Agenda items: Students are to send any agenda ideas to Kate Seary by the Thursday before next Student Council meeting.
SKH = Mr. Hodnett
SLT = Senior Leadership Team