Friday June 15, 2007
St. Johns C.H.S.
9:30am start
1.1Open Championships for 2007/2008 – Deb and Bryan
1.2Sports Group Meetings
1.0 Call to Order @ 10:30am
2.0 RolL Call…Absent: E.S. Equinox, E.S. Milles Isles, E.S. Marie Riviere, RussellHigh School, E.S. Jeanne Lajoie, Rothwell-Osnabruck, St. Joseph’s (Renfrew), General Panet, Fellowes, Napanee.
3.0 Additions to the Agenda:
4.0 Approval of the Agenda:
moved:Tom Worthy, 2nd: Deb Walden carried
5.0 Approval of the minutes from EOSSAA AGM 2006
Moved: Paul Carriere 2nd: Chris Morrowcarried
6.0 Business arising from minutes
7.0 Business arising from Sports Group Meetings – Bryan English/Deb Walden
-point of information: AAA basketball is now a 5 team drawn. The SAC committee will put forward a motion to pilot this for next year.
8.0 Retiree Plaques – Mark Lewis
Janey O’Rourke (Frontenac), Phil Robins (Bayridge) and Tim McGhie (Bishop
Smith). Thank you for your years of service and best wishes for your retirement.
9.0 Pete Beach Award
Congratulations to Jack Westrate for your commitment to student athletes.
10.0 Pete Beach Award Committee – Mark Lewis/Dale Huddleston
-looking for nominations for the award. Please see Dale or Mark or go to the eossaa website for the forms and information.
11.0 EOSSAA Championship Summary – Deb Walden/Bryan English
-all winners of EOSSAA championships will be posted on the website
-convenors should send their champions into Dave Loken to be posted on the
EOSSAA website
-Outstanding Performances: EOSSAA had a very successful year. Some of the OFSAA outstanding performances were mentioned and applauded:
St Michaels-A Girls Basketball OFSAA- Gold; L’Escale -A Girls Volleyball-Gold; Girls AA Rugby -Opeongo Bronze; Boys AAA Volleyball-Regiopolis-Bronze; Rockland Girls High Jump, Smiths Falls Boys Wrestling-Gold; Brittany Henderson of Smiths Falls Golf-Gold; Charlan won 4 individual medals at OFSAA Track, Opeongo – 2 silver medals at track, St Mary Girls curling won both Bronze and Silver, Ernestown silver in track and , TISS won boys overall champions track and field at OFSAA
12.0 EOSSAA Championship Calendar 2007/2008 – Deb Walden/Bryan English
-these have been circulated with dates which were established by looking at OFSAA dates. If convenors need to make a change in date, then contact either Deb or Bryan and let them know early in September so that all can be contacted in time.
These will be finalized at the September executive meeting, after which they will be “set in stone”. The finalized dates will be posted on the website.
-coaches were asked to post phone numbers and names of convenors before leaving today
13.0 Transfer Chair Report – Tony Quick
-went well and a report was circulated with upcoming dates
-thanks to Tony Quick
14.0 Classifications
-committee met at executive spring meeting. There were 3 presentations made to the committee. Decisions were made based on the process without any problems.
15.0 EOSSAA Website Overview – Dave Loken
-thanks to Dave for providing such a useful tool for communication for EOSSAA!
-Dave did a presentation on how the website works
-Dave would like people to let him know what they would like posted on the site
-The Directory must be updated by each school. Go to the Document area to look up your school’s ID code. Click on update school information, type in your school ID code and make the necessary changes in contact information. If there is a change in school address or phone number, then Dave must be contacted and he will make the change for you.
-please check that the link to the school website is correct and that the map points to the actual location of your school
-Convenor’s Manual is posted for use to help organize the championship.
-Forms and guidelines are all available. They are also listed by sport. Sports groups are asked to check the forms to make sure they are what are needed for your sport. Email Dave if you see that changes need to be made.
-About EOSSAA section gives you contact information for all members of the executive.
-Dave’s goal is to have a one page document that summarizes each championship. He would like the convenor of each championship to email this email this info to him upon conclusion of the championship.
-photos can be emailed to Dave to be added to the website. jpeg files are best to send
-a tournament directory is also a potential idea for the future
16.0 EOSSAA Championship Protocol – Deb Walden/Bryan English
-convenor goes to website, click on sport that they are convening. Gray box on left side you will find the convenor’s manual with a timeline with things to be done starting 2 months prior to the event.
-Trophy Craft is where the medals are ordered from.
-Convenors must provide gold medals to all first place winners, 2nd place is optional. -A budget must be filled out prior to the event and submitted to Deb or Bryan. The actual EOSSAA event is not designed to be a money making event. While money may be made from canteens, etc, the fees are not a means to make money.
- Seeding information is available in the playing regulations for the sport. If you decide to declare up:fall - Oct 15, winter - Jan 15 or spring -March 15.
-If you would like to be a convenor it must be submitted before the end of April in time for the Spring executive meeting.
Deb and Bryan are available to answer questions that you might have while convening the event.
17.0 OFSAA Business – Dale Huddleston/Jean Pye
-if any are interested in hosting an OFSAA Chmpionship let Dale know
- is a great organization to check out
-Try Day funding: $800 to try a new sport at your school. Soon as it is posted on the OFSAA website then send in your proposal
-Scholarships available: need to apply for them! We have kids in EOSSAA who are deserving. Everyone is encouraged to help promote our area’s athletes by filling out the necessary forms.
-Colin Hood awards are available every year for one female, one male athlete and one coach. They are gorgeous trophies. All schools are encouraged to apply for them.
-Badminton eye wear is coming soon. So heads up to all. Rally point scoring is also probably coming
-FIBA rules were defeated again.
-Hockey: if you have athletes playing in the ghost leagues, they are ineligible to play
-entry deadlines are being set firmly. The OFSAA dates are already set and posted for next year.
-communications: if you are working in a school that only has answering machines and not a human answering, you must establish another method of communication
with Suche, Deb, Bryan and Dale
-OFSAA meetings are going to be moved to November and April which may impact when our EOSSAA meetings are held
-Curling: there should only be one team per school at OFSAA
-move OFSAA championships for winter season to after the March break ?– Dale called for a straw vote- result was that we would not want this to happen
-gender equity is an issue that could arise. A girl who wants to try out for a boys team may if there is an inequity in support for the girls team –ie. If the girls team has a two game schedule and the boys have a 20 game schedule, this would not be deemed equitable and the girl could try out for the boys’ team. Boys may not try out for girls’ teams.
18.0 Financial Report – Joe Marriner
-recommend that we maintain the levy of .20/student
-encouraged to make sure that championship runs at a break even
Motion to accept report: moved Joe Marriner, 2nd- Rob Drucecarried
19.0 Order Paper – Suche James – see attached
20.0 SAC Meetings 2007/2008 – Suche James
-the input from the SAC meetings will be evaluated and future meetings will be determined based on the comments and suggestions made
21.0 President’s Request – Suche James
-Suche has been regularly trying to keep all athletic directors updated about current issues. It is essential that the contact information is correct. This contact is asked to create a directory of coaches at your school, so that when Suche sends information, it can be forwarded to the relevant coaches. In this way all coaches will have the most up to date information.
-suggestion: make the homepage at your school the eossaa website, then you will automatically see the latest updates
-if anyone has a Roberts Rules book, Suche would like to borrow it
22.0 Constitutional Review Process – Mark Lewis
-any suggestions that you would like to see in by-laws then email them to Mark, Deb Walden, Suche James who are sitting on the new committee
23.0 EOSSAA Executive Positions 2007/2008 – Suche James
-Girls Championship Coordinator – Deb Walden
-Treasurer - Joe Marriner
-Boys OFSSA Rep – Dale Huddleston
24.0 EOSSAA AGM Meeting Date – Suche James/Dale Huddleston
-no concerns expressed
-Friday June 13, 2008 is the date for next year
25.0 New Business
25.1 Bike race: this is held every spring through the Ontario Biking Association. They are trying to create some awareness of the event. There is a $20 fee to join.
26.0 Final Comments
-need to encourage those schools who were not present to be present at this meeting.
-if you have any concerns/issues bring it to Suche in September
-thank you to Mark Lewis and Dave Grant for getting OFSAA athletes to competition in Thunder Bay
-thank you to Dominic Mirando and St Johns for setting up all the facilities for this AGM meeting
-any comments on the meeting format please forward to Suche
-please continue to encourage new coaches to get involved
-Coaching the Coaches conference- will be offered again next year. It was a very worthwhile conference with world class coaches. It is a great opportunity for especially young coaches.
ORDER PAPER EOSSAA AGM: June 15 @ St. John C.H.S Perth
1. Whereas, the girls / boys volleyball SAC met this year and have made minor changes to the playing regulations that they deem will serve the best interests of our EOSSAA student athletes,
and whereas, the girls / boys volleyball SAC are the most knowledgeable about their sport,
and whereas, the updated playing regulations have been on the EOSSAA website for at least 14 days so that the membership could review them and object to any part of the updated regulations.
Be it resolved that, the EOSSAA membership accept the updated girls / boys volleyball playing regulations as presented to us by the girls / boys volleyball SAC to take into effect September 2007.
Moved by: Dale HuddlestonPassed
Second by: Chris Morrow
2. Whereas, the Nordic skiing SAC met this year and have made minor changes to the playing regulations that they deem will serve the best interests of our EOSSAA student athletes,
and whereas, the Nordic Skiing SAC are the most knowledgeable about their sport,
and whereas, the updated playing regulations have been on the EOSSAA website for at least 14 days so that the membership could review them and object to any part of the updated regulations.
Be it resolved that, the EOSSAA membership accept the updated Nordic Skiing playing regulations as presented to us by the Nordic Skiing SAC to take into effect september 2007.
Moved by: Deb WaldenPassed
Second by: Krista Petrie
3.Whereas, the Alpine Skiing SAC met this year and have made minor changes to the playing regulations that they deem will serve the best interests of our EOSSAA student athletes,
and whereas, the Alpine Skiing SAC are the most knowledgeable about their sport,
and whereas, the updated playing regulations have been on the EOSSAA website for at least 14 days so that the membership could review them and object to any part of the updated regulations.
Be it resolved that, the EOSSAA membership accept the updated Alpine skiing playing regulations as presented to us by the girls / boys Alpine skiing SAC to take into effect september 2007.
Moved by: Deb WaldenSecond by: Krista PetrieWithdrawn
4. Whereas the swimming SAC updated their playing regulations to better reflect the present reality of EOSSAA, and whereas, many changes had to be made to the previous playing regulations,
Be it resolved that the EOSSAA swimming playing regulations be accepted as a package to take into effect for the competition year commencing September 2007.
Moved by: Karen Irvine, Passed
Seconded by: Sara Cond-Flower
5. Whereas the Track & Field SAC met to make changes to the Track & Field playing regulations which includes: changes to officiating duties to reflect changes in officials strengths in the various areas as well as to reflect changes in timing (ie. no timers are needed due to phototiming). Also Leagues still sending in hand times are to make adjustments of .24s for races up to and including 400m and .14s for races above 400m to allow for fair comparison between leagues for seeding purposes. Be it Resolved that the EOSSAA membership approve these changes to the Track & Field playing regulations to take into effect September 2007.
Moved by: Stephen King Passed
Seconded: Mark Lewis
6.Whereas, baseball provides a spring team sport opportunity for a segment of the male and female student population not serviced by rugby and/or soccer.
and whereas, EOSSAA believes in the right of all people to participate in sport and pursue their personal levels of excellence.
and whereas, high school baseball has demonstrated growth in numbers of schools and athletes participating in three years in Kingston and has received sanction by KASSAA.
and whereas, high school baseball is a sponsored activity at the OFSAA level.
and whereas, a set of draft playing regulations has been submitted to the EOSSAA executive,
Be it Resolved that By-Law #3 - Section 1 be amended to include Baseball as an official sport within EOSSAA.:
Moved by: Geoff Stewart Passed
Second: Mike McCourt
7.Whereas, golf provides a team sport opportunity for a segment of the male and female student population not serviced by rugby and/or soccer.
and whereas, EOSSAA believes in the right of all people to participate in sport and pursue their personal levels of excellence,
and whereas, high school golf is a sponsored activity at the OFSAA level.
and whereas, a set of draft playing regulations has been submitted to the EOSSAA executive,
Be it Resolved that By-Law #3 - Section 1 be amended to include Golf as an official sport within EOSSAA.:
Moved by: Steve Hickling Passed
Seconded by: Pat Larry
8.Whereas, snowboarding provides awinter team sport opportunity for a
segment of the male and female student population that do not participate in alpine skiing,
and whereas, students that do both sports still have the opportunity
to participate in both alpine skiing and snowboarding if they so choose,
and whereas, Snowboarding EOSSAA trial 2007 was a success, with over 60 athletes competing of which 35 athletes competed at the OFSAA snowboarding festival in March 2007,
and whereas, Snowboarding is a sponsored activity at the OFSAA level,
and whereas, a set of draft playing regulations has been submitted to the EOSSAA executive.
Be it Resolved that By-Law #3 - Section 1 be amended to include
Snowboarding as an official sport within EOSSAA.:
So Moved by: Krista PetriePassed
Seconded by: Phil Moore.
9.Whereas the Boys Ice hockey SAC updated their playing regulation to better reflect the present reality of EOSSAA,
and whereas, many changes had to be made to the previous playing regulations,
Be it resolved that the EOSSAA Boys Ice Hockey playing regulations be accepted as a package to take into effect for the competition year commencing September 2007.
Moved by: Scott Buffam, Seconded by: Bill WheelerPassed
10.Whereas the Girls Ice hockey SAC updated their playing regulation to better reflect the present reality of EOSSAA,
and whereas, many changes had to be made to the previous playing regulations,
Be it resolved that the EOSSAA Girls Ice Hockey playing regulations be accepted as a package to take into effect for the competition year commencing september 2007.
Moved by: Scott Buffam, Seconded by: Andrew MichalskiPassed
11.Whereas, the girls / boys rugby SAC met this year and have made minor changes to the playing regulations that they deem will serve the best interests of our EOSSAA student athletes,
and whereas, the girls / boys rugby SAC are the most knowledgeable about their sport,
and whereas, the updated playing regulations have been on the EOSSAA website for at least 14 days so that the membership could review them and object to any part of the updated regulations.
Be it resolved that, the EOSSAA membership accept the updated girls / boys rugby playing regulations as presented to us by the girls / boys rugby SAC to take into effect september 2007.