Guidance on maintenance of Winchcombe Probus website

How add an event (other than a regular meeting)to the Programme

Note: This guidance applies to notices for outings, walks, lunches, cycle rides etc. The procedure for regular meetings is slightly different – see guidance note on adding meetings to the Programme.

Open the Dashboard. (On the Wordpresstoolbar underneath the address bar, click on Edit Page, or on Winchcombe Probus>Dashboard)

  1. On the Dashboard menu, on the left of the screen, click on Events.

(Note: If you are an Editor, the menu bar will be coloured orange rather than black, as shown here)

  1. At the top of the Events screen, click on Add Event.
  2. On the Add Event page,
  1. In the Title box, type the description of the event. (Eg. “Visit to the Gnome Factory”)
  2. In the When panel on the right, click on the From box and select the date from the drop down menu. Ignore the To box. (This will default to the same time as the start time, but will not appear on the website)

  1. In the Event starts at box, select the starting time for the event. Ignore the box for the end time. (This will default to the same time as the start time, but will not appear on the site) If you need to specify an end time, put it in the main text (d) or in the Excerpt (e)
  2. In the main textbox,you can type any information you want to make available about the event, and add images if required. (See separate guidance on how to do this.) Note however that thisinformation will only be seen if the reader clicks on the link on the Programme (or in the Archive) to open the post. You can, if you wish, leave the Main Text box blank, relying on the Excerpt to provide the required information (see next paragraph).
  3. The Excerpt box enables you to specify the wording that appears on the Programme itself, beside the listing of the event. If you type nothing in this box, the system will automatically print the first 50 characters or so of your Main Text on the Programme. This is not normally a good idea, as the formatting may not be preserved, and the text could take up several lines on the Programme, where space is limited. Your entry in the Excerpt box should be concise – up to 20 words, ideally.
  4. In the Where panel, it is generally best to tick the box marked “This event does not have a physical location”. If you add the location details, a Google mapwill appear at above your text in the post, and thse maps tend to be of limited practical value, as the location marker on the map is generally not very accurate.
  5. In the Event Categories panel, select the type of event – outing/cycle ride/lunch/walk
  1. Click on Publish (or Update). If you see this notice …

… you have probably tried to leave the page without clicking on Publish. Choose Stay on Pageand try again. If you click on Leave Page, your draft will be deleted.

  1. Click on View Eventon the top menu bar to see what your notice will look like, and go to the Programme page to check that it appears correctly there.

Contact me if you spot any errors or have any queries: 602114


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