Success story of “Vitthal shetkari Bachat Gat Bhose” Taluka-Pandharpur Dist-Solapur.

Theme:-One of the key activity of ATMA scheme is to transfer the innovative technology among farmers.Now a days the land holding decreasing day to day,small farmers can not afford expensive technologies and innovative machineries.So it is very import to form a self help group i.e. bachat gat of small farmers.Under this theme the “VITTHAL SHETKARI BACHAT GAT –BHOSE,TALUKA-PANDHARPUR” is formed under ATMA.

Name of self help group:-

Vitthal Shetkari bachat gat Bhose Tal-Pandharpur Dist-Solapur(M.S)

Registration:- Agriculture Technology Management Agency(ATMA)Solapur.

Registration Number:-ATMA/12-13/672

Establishment Date:-01/08/2012

Grape rasin processing unit

Number of Farmers:-Total=54



Saving per month:

Rs.2000/per month per farmer that is Rs.108000/-month.


Bachat gat has 1.5 acres own land.

Project Undertaken by the V.S.B.G:-

i)Rasin Processing

ii)Contract Farming

Rasin Processing-

After a long discussion and studies the farmer of bachat gat decided to establish a rasin processing unit in the area.There is a need of the processing unit because the rasins prepared by the farmers are to be cleaned,sorted,graded manually.

Now a days the availability of labours and their cost goes beyond the limits of farmers. So the rasin processing unit is the need of the day.Because in processing Cleaning,Sorting,Grading of rasins is done in low cost in very less time.So V.S.B.G.established a 5000 sq.feet G.I.shed and purchased a grading machines,color sorter,packing machine etc and provides services to the farmer.

This processing unit the Bachat gat had processed around 1400 tones of rasin during the 2012-2013 season of 70 days.Bachat gat earned about Rs.38.00.000/-during the first season as a net profit.

Hon.Dr.Sudhirkumar Goyal,Secretary, Dept. of Agri. Maharastra at opening ceremony of grape processing unit.

ii)Contract farming- has made a contract with Nina Foods And Marvel Foods Pune forBabycorn Production.

Around 100 acres of babycorn production programs is undertaken by bachat gat.

Nearly Rs.35000/-per acre of netprofit earned by the farmers in only 60 days,yearly 4 crops of baby corn should be cultivated and Rs.1.40.000/-per acre netprofit can be earned by farmer.

The importance of this is, farmers can get the amount in regular interval to fulfill their day today needs.


Future Plans:

-1500 tons Capacity cold storage.

-500 tones

-4 ripening unit of 20 tones each

-pack house

-precooling unit

-cold van

-Agriculture marketing and export of Agriculture produce.

-to form a farmer’s producer company.

-to help the farmer at each level of their livelihood.

-To established agriculture input stores.

ATMA Support:

Starting from establishment of bachat gat processing unit as well as contract farming the ATMA officers helped us for these development regularly. Project Director Mr. Gavsane, Dy. P.D. Mr.Barbade, Block Technology Manager Mr. Bhosale helps us regularly.


Our website:- shetkari bachat

Mr.Anwar Babulal Shaikh.


Email ID:

Mr.Pruthviraj Vaywahare.
