Wednesday, September 28, 2016

1:00 p.m.

Medical Center of the Americas

5130 Gateway Blvd East

El Paso, Texas 79905




Cathy Gibson, CCO, Chief Waiver Officer-UMC
Oscar Perez, UMC
Julie Gest, UMC
Ida Barnes, UMC
Isela Brinks, UMC
Moses Priego, UMC
Sarah Allen, UMC
Joanne Bonilla, UMC
Sonia Lozano, UMC
Gloria Vega, UMC
Mathangi Mudhu,, Las Palmas –Del Sol
Lisa Badillo, TTUHSC / Eddie Pacheco, El Paso Children’s Hospital
Victor Quiroz, UMC
Claudia Lozano, EP Dept. of Public Health
Marcus Cano, The Hospitals of Providence
Yvonne Marquez, EP Dept. of Public Health
Norma C. Garcia, TTUHSC
Garrett Levin, MD, TTUHSC
Mateo Duran, TTUHSC
Ann Rodriguez McConnell, Tender Care Home Health
Cassandra Luna, Tender Care Home Health
Letty Flores, UMC
Jo Ellen Alva, UMC

Cathy Gibson called the meeting to order at 1:05 pm, welcomed all participants. Oscar Perez, Program manager for DSRIP conducted the roll-call of organizations present and then invited everyone to introduce themselves to the other regional partners.

Regional Health Partner(s) not represented at this meeting: Emergence Health Network.

2. Anchor Updates

A.  DY6 Rule Packet #2

  1. The adopted rules will be published in the Texas Register either October or November 2016
  2. HHSC will notify anchors when they are published.

B.  October DY5 Reporting Webinar – 10/05/2016

  1. WebEx - 1:00 – 12:30 am Mountain Standard Time
  2. Link on HHSC Website or on attached Power Point.

C.  Other Deadlines

  1. Sep 30 2016 - HHSC will approve or deny additional information submitted in response to HHSC Comments
  2. Sep 30 2016 - Category 3 Stretch Activity selections for DY6 are DUE
  3. Oct 01 2016 - On-line Reporting Tool opens for DY5 Reporting
  4. Oct 03 2016 - Webinar for DY5 Reporting
  5. Oct 31 2016 - DY5 Reporting DEADLINE - no extensions

D.  Notes on DY5 Reporting

  1. NEW Reporting Tool is available to use in assisting you in DY5 Reporting (see Handout)
  2. Category 3 Reporting Template
  3. ALL provider must submit even if NOT reporting for payment (CF)
  4. Don’t forget to attach signed “Certification” sheet
  5. Population Focused Priority Measures (PFPM)
  6. Report on separate template for EACH PFPM
  7. Also report status on On-Line System (AM-3.x)

E.  Statewide Learning Collaborative DATA

  1. Oscar Perez, 1115 DSRIP Program Manager, presented statewide successes in various DSRIP outcome Domains.
  2. Diabetes HbA1c >9%
  3. Controlling High Blood Pressure
  4. Reducing ED Visits for Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions
  5. All Cause Readmissions (Risk Adjusted)
  6. Reducing ED Visits for Diabetic Patients
  7. Percent of Low Birth-Weight Births
  8. These slides are included in the attached power point presentation


A.  NICU Discharge Navigation Project – by Dr. Garrett Levin, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center.

Dr. Garrett Levin provided an update of the activities of the NICU Discharge Navigation project as delivered by Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center. Dr. Levin described the metric achievements and challenges that have been met throughout the project this year. Power point slides of the presentation are incorporated by reference and are available for review on the RHP15 website.

B.  Enhancing Health Department’s Preventative Health Services “Stretch Activities” – by Claudia Lozano, El Paso Health Department.

Ms. Lozano presented the “stretch activities” underway by the El Paso Health Department. Power point slides of the presentation are available for review on the RHP 15 website.

4. NEW Regional Learning Collaborative Plan

Oscar Perez reminded the participants that a new learning collaborative was to be submitted to HHSC as part of the DY6 activities. He plans to reconvene those who participated in both the Diabetes Learning Collaborative and the Behavioral Health Learning Collaborative to assist in designing the new plan. There are still no definite instructions from HHSC as to format and guidelines. Oscar wishes for this meeting to take place in mid October.


Next Meeting will be October 26, 2016 at 1:00 pm. Meeting was adjourned at 2:25 p.m.. Oscar mentioned that the October meeting MAY be cancelled due to October reporting.

Ms. Cathy Gibson, Chief Waiver Officer

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August 24, 2016