Interview with AJ after Hibs Match, 28/08/12

Q: well, Alan, many congratulations… a thoroughly deserved win

AJ: well I thought so, I thought it was a real team performance tonight. Right from the start we closed them down high up the pitch. We made sure we weren’t sittin back, that we were on the front foot, closing them down and that was the way it turned out… and I was just delighted to get the result.

Q: is it difficult to keep the smile off your face?

AJ: it is, especially after such a good result. Hibs have been on a high so we knew it was going to be a really tough game, but these boys have got real ability and I think they’re starting to show the belief that they’ve got in each other, and you can see that with the performances

Q: that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it: the confidence is there..

AJ: that’s it: they passed the ball well against Premier league players and that’s the challenge, to do that week in, week out - no matter who you are playing against, we’ve got to dominate games and try and pass the ball

Q: for the first ten minutes, I thought that Queens were up against it slightly because they were getting caught out with the pace that Hibs started that game

AJ: I don’t know, I thought we matched them, to be honest with you. For me, I thought that maybe in the second half we never passed it as well as we did in the first half. And it’s just the belief that you’re good enough to play against they players, the boys have just got tae concentrate and just keep doing what they’ve been doing.

Q: they did stand up to that challenge, y’know, I’m not criticising them for that – Hibs just started at some pace… but then you went up the park, got the goal and it was a great finish from Nicky

AJ: that’s it. It was great build up play as well. Derek Lyle’s done great to hold the ball in… it’s a great ball into the channel, in behind for Dan Carmichael and if he’s going to produce deliveries like that, it’s a striker’s dream

Q: and then, of course, once you got that goal there was no looking back…

AJ: yeah, the team looked confident. It was pleasing as well that we kept a clean sheet against a top premier league team. Obviously, Griffiths is top class. So, to play against players like that and keep a clean sheet is a big achievement

Q: and another great finish as well from Gavin just before half time, so the goals were coming at the right time.

AJ: yeah, it was another great ball in from Dan Carmichael. When he’s on that kind of form he’s impossible to play against – he must be a defender’s nightmare. Hopefully we can keep him in that vein of form.

Q: you more than matched them tonight. It was an outstanding performance.

AJ: it was. It’s no as if we hung on at any point. We didn’t sit back. We played with the two strikers, looking to try and win the game and I’m delighted for the boys because they put the effort in and you can see the skill they’ve got.

Q: and when you’re going in 2-0 up against Hibs who are, y’know, SPL leaders, I guess your team talk at half time is pretty easy?

AJ: not really, because 2-0’s a dangerous score as well because if you lose a goal early, then it’s game on. But the boys came out and more than matched them in the second half as well and they had their fair share of chances.

Q: they didn’t even look as though they were tiring out there in that second half

AJ: no, obviously, the last time we played a midweek game against Morton, I think it took it’s toll towards the last 15 to 20 minutes of the East Fife game, so we’ve got to make sure we’re fresh for Saturday

Q: I was just going to ask you about that. It was a real hard game, they worked their socks off tonight, so they will be a bit tired going in to that game but… when confidence is up, the games just can’t come quick enough

AJ: that’s right, the boys are just desperate to play. As I say, there’s competition for places. Derek Lyle and Nicky Clarke both picked up knocks. We’ve got people like Willy Gibson that is coming on and Kevin Smith’s coming back from injury as well – we’ve got real competition for places. Everybody’s desperate to play, so it’s a good sign.

Q: and when that competition is there for places, the players quickly get over their injuries

AJ: ah, well, at the end of the day we’re just trying to play as a team and trying to get results and it’s good to have everybody available

Q: and of course, already, it’s a top of the table game against Arbroath here on Saturday

AJ: it’s going to be a hard game. Obviously they are up at the top of the table for a reason so we’re definitely no underestimating them

Q: but it’ll be a different type of game again on Saturday

AJ: yeah, but we’ve just got to start at the same tempo again, closing them down, high up the pitch and try to create chances. That’s the way we’ve been playing this year and that’s what’s got us success.

Q: a familiar face returning as well in the opposition on Saturday in Derek Holmes, who came under a lot of criticism from certain sections of the fans here… but, obviously, you’ve played with him…

AJ: no, he’s a real threat, with his physical presence – and you can see that with how many goals they’ve scored this year, with the big striker and somebody playing off him. So we’re well aware of that but we’ve just got to concentrate on our own game.

Q: but obviously after tonight, the confidence is high – so bring it on?

AJ: that’s it. And hopefully we’ll get a good crowd as well. The lads loved the atmosphere tonight and I think you could see that in their performance.